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iHostART - Tier 3 DC / Lot of stock / Data Center Photos & Videos/ Ignore DMCA & ADULT content ALLOW



  • wangqingwangqing Member

    Hurry up and restock now

  • VM 1 KVM needed
    @Calin please restock :-(

  • piaoyunpiaoyun Member

    I tried many times. I couldn't pay with PayPal. I gave up.

  • @piaoyun said:
    I tried many times. I couldn't pay with PayPal. I gave up.

    @Calin please add support for Paypal Basic/Paypal Legacy. Instead of Paypal subscribe. It will help many folks.

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • piaoyunpiaoyun Member

    Hello, I have paid. How long will it take for the machine to be turned on? Can I use it? Ticket number: 4266

  • JamphJamph Member

    @piaoyun said:
    Hello, I have paid. How long will it take for the machine to be turned on? Can I use it? Ticket number: 4266

    Initial post states delivery in 24 hrs, so I would imagine you will get it within 24 hrs.

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @amaeva080 said: @Calin please add support for Paypal Basic/Paypal Legacy. Instead of Paypal subscribe. It will help many folks.


    @piaoyun said: I tried many times. I couldn't pay with PayPal. I gave up.


    Hello , please open a ticket and we give you our PayPal address

    It's on tasks to add PayPal basic

    @piaoyun said: Hello, I have paid. How long will it take for the machine to be turned on? Can I use it? Ticket number: 4266


    In next 1-2 hours VPS delivery


  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @amaeva080 said:
    VM 1 KVM needed
    @Calin please restock :-(

    Restocking would need new hardware.
    This would take 12 hours of driving to the data center, instead of 10 minutes walking to the basement.

    Thanked by 1amaeva080
  • piaoyunpiaoyun Member

    Hello, why can't I see the configuration of 7TB hard disk in the VPS backend? How can I use this 7TB disk in the VPS?

  • BasToTheMaxBasToTheMax Member, Host Rep

    @piaoyun said:
    Hello, why can't I see the configuration of 7TB hard disk in the VPS backend? How can I use this 7TB disk in the VPS?

    Hello , for acces the 3 TBs partition please fallow the next tutorial:


    To get access to the /storage partition, it must be mounted,here are the following commands that must be performed to

    make the partition work again, if you encounter problems, please

    send write us a PM and we will help you

    Step 1:

    Login on you vps with root user

    Put this command on terminal

    mkdir /storage

    Step 2:

    Put this commands on terminal

    (take 5-10 minutes to create partition)

    sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb

    After this put this command

    sudo mount /dev/sdb /storage

    Step 3:

    Go on /etc/fstab

    Put this command on terminal

    nano /etc/fstab

    After this put this command

    /dev/sdb /storage ext4 defaults 0 2

    Screenshot how need configure


    Calin - iHostART
    (from his discord server)

  • JasonMJasonM Member

    congrats Calin.
    are there some low end general vm offers? I need 1cpu, 1.5gb ram, 10gb ssd kinda vps.

  • lukast__lukast__ Member

    @BasToTheMax said:

    @piaoyun said:
    Hello, why can't I see the configuration of 7TB hard disk in the VPS backend? How can I use this 7TB disk in the VPS?

    Hello , for acces the 3 TBs partition please fallow the next tutorial:


    To get access to the /storage partition, it must be mounted,here are the following commands that must be performed to

    make the partition work again, if you encounter problems, please

    send write us a PM and we will help you

    Step 1:

    Login on you vps with root user

    Put this command on terminal

    mkdir /storage

    Step 2:

    Put this commands on terminal

    (take 5-10 minutes to create partition)

    sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb

    After this put this command

    sudo mount /dev/sdb /storage

    Step 3:

    Go on /etc/fstab

    Put this command on terminal

    nano /etc/fstab

    After this put this command

    /dev/sdb /storage ext4 defaults 0 2

    Screenshot how need configure


    Calin - iHostART
    (from his discord server)

    But TBH, if you don't know these (basic) commands and can't even find them out yourself, you shouldn't have a server directly connected to the internet.

    Thanked by 2hecatae tentor
  • zGatozGato Member

    @JasonM said:
    congrats Calin.
    are there some low end general vm offers? I need 1cpu, 1.5gb ram, 10gb ssd kinda vps.

    There is a screenshot from a while ago from their discord posted by @Calin itself, but I guess it was a troll deal, or I've never seen the order link

    Hopefully Calin can give some good low-end yearly deal back again, but I've begged in his DM multiple times and no no.

    Thanked by 1JasonM
  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @zGato said: There is a screenshot from a while ago from their discord posted by @Calin itself, but I guess it was a troll deal, or I've never seen the order link

    It's not a troll ,but we don't have exactly ETA when , we have this plan to add in last 3 months this deal , panel and other it's setup just need find cheap IPv4 broker


  • FatGrizzlyFatGrizzly Member, Host Rep

    @Calin said:

    @zGato said: There is a screenshot from a while ago from their discord posted by @Calin itself, but I guess it was a troll deal, or I've never seen the order link

    It's not a troll ,but we don't have exactly ETA when , we have this plan to add in last 3 months this deal , panel and other it's setup just need find cheap IPv4 broker


    Do NAT. People will still love you and your offers!

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @FatGrizzly said: Do NAT. People will still love you and your offers!


    No nat , we make in the past and it's just a hell of time :)

    Thanked by 1FatGrizzly
  • wangqingwangqing Member

    VM 1 KVM needed
    @Calin please restock :-(

  • BasToTheMaxBasToTheMax Member, Host Rep

    @Calin said: we make in the past and it's just a hell of time

    because of manual port setup?

  • piaoyunpiaoyun Member

    Why is my machine showing online in the background, but I can't connect to it through ssh? During the 7TB format process, ssh disconnected. I can't connect to it afterwards.

  • valkvalk Member
    edited June 15

    @piaoyun said:
    Why is my machine showing online in the background, but I can't connect to it through ssh? During the 7TB format process, ssh disconnected. I can't connect to it afterwards.

    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @piaoyun said: Why is my machine showing online in the background, but I can't connect to it through ssh? During the 7TB format process, ssh disconnected. I can't connect to it afterwards.


    Hello , please open ticket on website and leave VPS details , and we mount for you partition , it's little bit slow process now because lot of peoples mounting partitions , so if you like try in next hours or tomorrow it s more better


  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @wangqing said: VM 1 KVM needed

    @amaeva080 said: @Calin please restock :-(


    Hello , join on our discord server , we announcement here when it's back on stock , lot of people what order this plan. We thing in next 1-2 weeks fixed this problem


  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Moderator, Patron Provider

    @Calin said: Node reached maximum capacity

    If you want to talk about maximum node capacity, may I please ask, how did you decide that this node's maximum capacity had been reached? Thanks!

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Not_Oles said: If you want to talk about maximum node capacity, may I please ask, how did you decide that this node's maximum capacity had been reached? Thanks!


    Hello , yes , when reached x CPU usage and x load we stop sell VMs here it's public details on node , all it's show , CPU model , how much ram have and how usage , all in real time ,very transparent things :)

    I'm try in maximum 1 week to install new node , and migrate 10-15% from VPS , from old node to the new one and add new stock


  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Moderator, Patron Provider
    edited June 15

    @Calin said:

    @wangqing said: VM 1 KVM needed

    @amaeva080 said: @Calin please restock :-(


    Hello , join on our discord server , we announcement here when it's back on stock , lot of people what order this plan. We thing in next 1-2 weeks fixed this problem


    If it's okay to ask, please tell me what we could do to help you restock sooner than 1-2 weeks. For example, maybe we could get another server for you from Zetservers or from [Redacted.] It usually takes me approximately ten minutes to get [Redacted] servers in Germany or in Finland. Maybe @crunchbits might have something available. Maybe you could put your new customers on a new server right away, and then move the new customers to your own datacenter cabinet after your new node is installed and tested.

    Well, it's just an idea. Maybe it's better to proceed directly, even though it might take a little longer. :)

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Not_Oles said: Well, it's just an idea. Maybe it's better to proceed directly, even though it might take a little longer.


    Yeah it's not a good idea :) i m don t like play with customers data and no anyone want my customers , for example @crunchbits have USA location , so no anyone love DMCA , Adult content , nazi and theoretical websites / tor exists and lot of other things

    But thanks for feedback , it's very appreciate!

  • GhtGht Member

    Congrats buddy B)

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Moderator, Patron Provider

    @Calin said: Hello , yes , when reached x CPU usage and x load we stop sell VMs here it's public details on node , all it's show , CPU model , how much ram have and how usage , all in real time ,very transparent things

    Hey @Calin,

    Looking at your linked monitoring graphs, with my mouse hovered over 15 Jun 22:00 to 22:59, the CPU shows 88.75%, IOwait 0.37%, Steal 0.00%, User 79.80%, and System 8.55%.

    Continuing for the same date and time period, RAM 76.54%, Swap 0.00%, Buffered 0.13%, and Cached 19.58%.

    Network usage In: 231.22 Mbps, Out 198.56 Mbps.

    Disk usage: 68.27%.

    Seems pretty good! And, yeah, getting full. Thanks for publishing the monitoring!

    Best wishes!


    Thanked by 1Calin
  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Not_Oles said: Looking at your linked monitoring graphs, with my mouse hovered over 15 Jun 22:00 to 22:59, the CPU shows 88.75%, IOwait 0.37%, Steal 0.00%, User 79.80%, and System 8.55%.


    Yeah , CPU need be 60% maximum in general :) , here it's our mistake , we fix this after implement new node

    I'm tested and all work good with actual node usage , but for more better quality need to be maximum 60%

    Thanked by 2Not_Oles davide
  • @Calin said:
    so no anyone love DMCA , Adult content , nazi and theoretical websites / tor

    I love this

    Thanked by 2Calin 10thHouse
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