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iHostART - Tier 3 DC / Lot of stock / Data Center Photos & Videos/ Ignore DMCA & ADULT content ALLOW - Page 2
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iHostART - Tier 3 DC / Lot of stock / Data Center Photos & Videos/ Ignore DMCA & ADULT content ALLOW



  • LeviLevi Member

    Nice videos and photo. I will buy and idle. Good job calin, good job indeed.

    Thanked by 2Calin 10thHouse
  • Oh... Are you really 18 yo?

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • FreekFreek Member

    Congrats Calin, you made it. Proud of you, well done!

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @lowendclient said: Oh... Are you really 18 yo?


    How old you thing i m :) ?

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Freek said: Congrats Calin, you made it. Proud of you, well done!


    Thanks for feedback!I m appreciate


  • Quite pitty that for storage vps network port capped at 400 mbps. :(

  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider

    @Calin said:

    @lowendclient said: Oh... Are you really 18 yo?


    How old you thing i m :) ?


    Thanked by 1Calin
  • @Calin said:

    @lowendclient said: Oh... Are you really 18 yo?


    How old you thing i m :) ?


  • LeviLevi Member

    No more than 15.

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • KassemKassem Member

    If only grownups do it like this in the open.

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Kassem said: If only grownups do it like this in the open.


    What you mean ? I m not understand meaning of status page :)

  • KassemKassem Member

    @Calin said: What you mean ? I m not understand meaning of status page :)

    No, I mean other providers should provide detailed status pages for their hypervisors like you are doing.

    Thanked by 2Calin sasslik
  • dart7dart7 Member
    edited June 13

    Nice work man!

  • CybrCybr Member

    Great job with your new racks @Calin !

    @Kassem said:
    No, I mean other providers should provide detailed status pages for their hypervisors like you are doing.

    Sadly there are legitimate reasons not to have detailed status pages... The biggest being that it allows attackers to get feedback they can use to find effective attack vectors.

    Every time I feel inspired to create an awesome public-facing status page to show off my dozens of servers, I am reminded of the time I had a real-time status page more than 10 years ago and it mainly just encouraged kids to try harder to find ways to take the servers down.

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Cybr said: Every time I feel inspired to create an awesome public-facing status page to show off my dozens of servers, I am reminded of the time I had a real-time status page more than 10 years ago and it mainly just encouraged kids to try harder to find ways to take the servers down.


    We usage this status page in last 4 years , the single things what it's write on this it's node specifications , ram , CPU , storage , what it's update in real time , just for check customers if it's oversell or how it's allocate his resources from his money

    We don't show other private information


  • ModModModMod Member

    No debian for os?

  • wangqingwangqing Member

    @Calin said:
    Hello everyone , we finally go to colocation at Tier 3 data center , (Voxility IRD Bucharest with very great peering , peering list possible viewed here > )

    We added lot of stock of storage VPS and VPS KVM SSD

    4 TB HDD Raid 60
    (10 GB SSD For boot/Operating System)
    25 MB/s I/O (Open ticket on website for remove limit)
    4.3K IOps
    1 Dedicated CPU e5-2630 v4
    1 Dedicated IPv4
    VNC Access
    Manual install ,delivery in 24 hours
    400 Mbit port speed - 15 TBs bandwidth upload & 15 TB download
    Port 25 block permanently
    1 GB DDr4 ECC RAM
    Full KVM Virtualisation
    Full Root Access
    Multiple 32/64 bit OS
    Romania Location
    Linux or Windows
    Seedbox Allow
    Allow plex or others
    Public torrents Allow
    ADULT Websites Allow
    Web 3.0 / Free Speech Allow
    7$/month , order link >


    8 GB Ram DDr4 ECC
    4 Dedicated CPU (Intel® Xeon® Gold 6138)
    Nested Virtualization Enabled
    100 GB SSD SAS RAID 10
    rDNS/PTR Record (Ticket for request)
    20 TB Bandwidth upload & 20 TB bandwidth download /month
    Romania/Hunedoara/Orastie Location
    1 Gbps speed
    Port 25 open permanently
    99.97% Uptime
    1 Dedicated IPv4
    KVM VIrtualization
    Upload own ISO
    Linux or Windows
    Seedbox Allow
    Allow plex or others
    Public torrents Allow
    ADULT Websites Allow
    Web 3.0 / Free Speech Allow
    Allow Tor Exit/Relay/Bridge
    10$/month , order link >

    DATA CENTER PHOTOS and videos:
    No need download , it s play automatically in browser

    When will I upgrade to 10 Gbps? Is 20 TB bandwidth bidirectional or unidirectional?

  • edited June 14

    @Levi said:
    No more than 15.

    I'd say ~20 but 30+ is really excessive going by the picture.

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • lirrrlirrr Member

    bro got dc pics more than some provider with tier 3 state of the art dc

    Thanked by 1Peppery9
  • coldcold Member

    ipv6 ?

  • VoidVoid Member

    Good job Calin.

    I can’t even imagine the level of heartburn a certain bro is feeling right now.

  • neamtuuneamtuu Member

    hello everyunea

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • i4P1i4P1 Member


    Thanked by 1Calin
  • vpsamvpsam Member

    Congrats on the sucessful move to the new datacenter!

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • Congrats Calin!

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider
    edited June 14

    VPS KVM SSD , out of stock! Node reached maximum capacity , we try build new one and add new stock in next 3-4 weeks

    New node included:

    2x e5-2699 v4
    768 Gb ram
    4x 3.2 TBs Enterprise SAS raid 10

    We still have lot of stock for STORAGE KVM VPS :)


    Thanked by 1Not_Oles
  • LeviLevi Member

    @Calin said:
    VPS KVM SSD , out of stock! Node reached maximum capacity , we try build new one and add new stock in next 3-4 weeks

    New node included:

    2x e5-2699 v4
    768 Gb ram
    4x 3.2 TBs Enterprise SAS raid 10

    We still have lot of stock for STORAGE KVM VPS :)


    Push it more. Make it 700% capacity. Little overselling does not hurt… 😈

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • wangqingwangqing Member

    @Calin said:
    VPS KVM SSD , out of stock! Node reached maximum capacity , we try build new one and add new stock in next 3-4 weeks

    New node included:

    2x e5-2699 v4
    768 Gb ram
    4x 3.2 TBs Enterprise SAS raid 10

    We still have lot of stock for STORAGE KVM VPS :)


    New node, please go up,VPS Ryzen 7950x,DDR5 NVMe

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @wangqing said: New node, please go up,VPS Ryzen 7950x,DDR5 NVMe


    Impossible , not rentable for us desktop CPUs , very sorry

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider
    edited June 14

    Hello everyone ,  as you know, we moved all the servers to a new Tier 3 data center, unfortunately during the migration one of the servers reset its bios settings, and the server is currently set to Power Saving not High Performance , to apply the new settings so that the server is on high performance, the server will have to be restarted

    We apologize for this downtime, but there will be no more downtimes in the future

    The  downtime will start in the next hour and will last between 10 and 15 minutes

    VPS what affected this downtime it's VPS KVM SSD ( name: SSD-1 XeonGold aka Panther )


    Thanked by 210thHouse itzgeo
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