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โ€บ UK & USA StackCP (20i) Christmas Offer - Lifetime Account - Page 4
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UK & USA StackCP (20i) Christmas Offer - Lifetime Account



  • xHostsxHosts Member, Patron Provider

    @bermudi said:

    @JustHost said: Records show different and well done you can swear online, you are a big boy now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    You can move on to the next provider to annoy now, at least fraud record will make providers aware of the low levels you stoop to ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Back under your rock big boy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    Dude, you can't even keep your fucking story straight, I'm both a scammer and just an idiot who can't read TOS. It is painfully obvious to anyone who is a shitty provider and who is just another angry customer at a shitty provider. You can't even define where the scam is supposed to exist! It hurts that you still come back to this thread to deflect because your service is so shitty and you feel threatened. Apologise and move on.

    I apologise you was the fastest in the race, then the slowest moving forward

    Well done :)

    Wow big boy can use bad words, keep cwrying on the internet it really means a lot.

    Well, its my thread you are the one returning LOL ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  • @JustHost said: Well, its my thread you are the one returning LOL ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    because you keep blaming me for your fucking inability to provide a service that has been paid for! You clearly can't even understand incredibly simple concepts like "cause and effect"

  • xHostsxHosts Member, Patron Provider

    @bermudi said:

    @JustHost said: Well, its my thread you are the one returning LOL ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    because you keep blaming me for your fucking inability to provide a service that has been paid for! You clearly can't even understand incredibly simple concepts like "cause and effect"

    Let's pity you, maybe crying more will help.

  • bermudibermudi Member
    edited February 26

    Do you see?

    I have a very concise, simple and clear argument against you. You keep blaming me for your fucking inability to provide a service that has been paid for. That's it. No more.

    All you have is ad hominem attacks and deflection of blame and you can't even keep your defense straight.

    Which is why it is painfully obvious to anyone who is right and who's wrong and some even comment on that fact. And that puts you in a very awkward position where you are forced to admit blame or deflect like you keep doing and look even more foolish.

    And it is very simple, as long as you keep invoking me in your defense for bad service as service provider I will keep coming back and denying the claim.

    @JustHost said: Let's pity you, maybe crying more will help.

    Thanked by 1Marx
  • xHostsxHosts Member, Patron Provider

    @bermudi said:
    Do you see?

    I have a very concise, simple and clear argument against you. You keep blaming me for your fucking inability to provide a service that has been paid for. That's it. No more.

    All you have is ad hominem attacks and deflection of blame and you can't even keep your defense straight.

    Which is why it is painfully obvious to anyone who is right and who's wrong and some even comment on that fact. And that puts you in a very awkward position where you are forced to admit blame or deflect like you keep doing and look even more foolish.

    And it is very simple, as long as you keep invoking me in your defense for bad service as service provider I will keep coming back and denying the claim.

    @JustHost said: Let's pity you, maybe crying more will help.

    Keep the internet tears coming :smiley:

  • @JustHost said: Keep the internet tears coming

    yeah. that definitely is a response

  • xHostsxHosts Member, Patron Provider

    @bermudi said:

    @JustHost said: Keep the internet tears coming

    yeah. that definitely is a response

    I have full logs in WHMCS, shows you are clearly lying but please proceed to do what gives you purpose.

  • logs of what? me paying and not getting a service? You admitted as much lol

    @JustHost said: Most have been automated, that is why if you see a delay make contact and ask. Hardly asking too much now it ?

  • bermudibermudi Member
    edited February 26

    @bermudi said:

    @JustHost said: Here is the timeline of events

    bermudi posted here
    I asked them to create a ticket, they posted moaning here rather than making a ticket while I was still online
    I went to sleep (still no ticket)
    Wake up there is a ticket
    There is a paypal dispute

    I close case on paypal with refund
    I close there account to stop tickets and new orders
    I add to fraud record to warn other providers

    That is the order of events

    Here is the correct timeline of events

    1. I paid my order
    2. I posted here my order number
    3. 6 days go by
    4. I post here again asking what the hell is going on
    5. @JustHost blames me for wanting "drama" instead of providing any kind solution
    6. There's more back and forth
    7. Absolutely nothing gets resolved
    8. I open a ticket
    9. couple hours go by without any response after constant back and forth
    10. I also opened a PayPal dispute as it is my right, I don't understand how this is taken as an "attack" on @JustHost
    11. Paypal refunds my balance
    12. @JustHost comes directly here the next day to complain about PayPal dispute
    13. There is still no response on the open ticket
    14. I get my account blocked and I cannot check tickets anymore or even create new one.
    15. @JustHost Keeps blaming me and reports me for "fraud"
    Thanked by 1techdragon
  • @JustHost said:

    @techdragon said:

    @JustHost said:

    @bermudi said:

    @JustHost said: post wrong information

    If you think I posted wrong information you need your head checked, I asked here because I mentioned my order number here before. Perhaps I should have opened a ticket before but blaming me is just fucking ridiculous

    You have your refund. Info added to fraud record too.

    What's your justification for this?

    Didn't he complete payment, pending activation?

    What's fraudulent about opening a PayPal case?

    You never delivered any services. He was entitled to a refund. In fact, most are entitled to cancel contracts within x days for numerous reasons. Let alone non delivery.

    Also, your website is wrong. "OUR PLATFORM HOSTS OVER 1 MILLION SITES" - no, it doesn't. Platform belongs to 20i and you are just a reseller.

    Do you know the full facts? No.

    Account was delivered instantly.

    Come back with your high and mighty judgement when you hold all facts, not the word of a scammer.

    Only scammer I see here is you, John Ellison.

  • ehabehab Member

    merry xmas @kashon

    happy birthday @Calin

    Thanked by 2Calin kashon
  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @ehab said: happy birthday @Calin



    Thanked by 1ehab
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