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From an old LET post.. I've found this info.. about CF, Proxy things..
OP, better take precautions rather than blamming your host.
Also Note: Cloudflare has now forwarded Hetzner as your hosting provider to the original DMCA complainant, so even if you use Reverse-proxy to hide with DMCA ignored host, the original complainant KNOWS your ORIGIN IP, and now they'll bypass Cloudflare for sending abuse complaints and will directly reach Hetzner.
little? that's little enough not to matter
people who used to do illegal things will not even know what they are dong is wrong.
I wonder if this kind of people also make money from illegal things or that's just their hobby
so what about my problem?
is there no way out?
because I have deleted the domain that is subject to DCMA and points to the hostBrr server
I need my other website data which is being hosted on that VPS
Hope you have backups. Next time don’t assume your provider is going to accept your response to an abuse complaint as “I’m going to keep up the behavior, but try to be more subtle about it.”
probably, any host, if deletes your VPS, your data is gone!!!
had it been shared hosting you could have got backups, but i suppose no provider takes VPS backups (unless they are offered in the plan).
Time to start rebuilding your website from scratch. Consider the cost as payment for education, lol. Maybe you got lucky and there's snapshots on you can use.
It's really sad how hostbrr solves problems this way :-)
canceling the service without providing a good solution for the client> @JasonM said:
I'm annoyed, because one domain is subject to DCMA, but all my domains in it just disappeared
You breached their ToS, they don't have to do anything to help you.
I've tried discussing with them,
but they didn't accept my advice,
So I just asked for a backup of my website data which is on my 2 VPS there,
OP, better take precautions rather than blamming your host.
Add their IP for Cloudflare orange cloud
Use reverse-proxy to point it to your origin host in USA/EU, like hetzner or hostbrr
All DMCA notices Cloudflare will get will auto-forwarded to your 1st VPS provider.
Deal with those notices within 12-24 hours. I hope even if its DMCA ignored no host would like notices piling up in their inbox daily!! This will ensure that your account with origin host provider will stay in good-standing, as they'll never receive DMCA notices.
Delete the original path of your post at hostbrr, since DMCA content is still LIVE, they or their upstream will consider it breach of TOS.
Remember, Hetzner, is very strict about DMCA notices, and ask its customers to delete content within 12-24 hours or less, so naturally, their downstream will ask you to do so or their entire server with ALL vps will get booted by Hetzner.
Never have more than one vps with your provider, if you want to have peace of mind, hosting illegal/dmca type of content.
Also Note: Cloudflare has now forwarded Hetzner as your hosting provider to the original DMCA complainant, so even if you use Reverse-proxy to hide with DMCA ignored host, the original complainant KNOWS your ORIGIN IP, and now they'll bypass Cloudflare for sending abuse complaints and will directly reach Hetzner.
That's right, I want to implement this, and have notified hostbrr,
but they didn't respond and canceled all my services there :-(
Hostbrr is a reseller of Hetzner, and Hetzner is known for being extremely strict when it comes to DMCA. Hostbrr cannot sacrifice everyone, including other customers, for the sake of one person. Therefore, you need to look for a hosting provider that disregards DMCA.
yes, I understand that,
Is it prohibited for me to retrieve my website data which is hosted there?
That's literally how all hosts operate = you violate TOS = they shut down your whole account. The TOS you agreed to when you signed up also detail what happens when you violate the TOS, you agreed to having your account shut down and you agreed to not have access to the service once they cancel it. The data is for sure unrecoverable now, it's a good lesson for you going forward, read the terms to services you agree to when you sign up, and don't violate those terms unless you're prepared to face the consequences.
Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse. "I didn't know robbing banks was illegal, so I shouldn't be convicted for robbing a bank", yeah that doesn't work. You're not the victim in this situation, you're the bad guy lol
The screenshots just prove how it's all your fault. You were too busy to take the situation seriously. Hostbrr isn't going to put their entire business at risk because "you are busy".
I can't answer for Hostbrr, but generally, all hosting companies, if they cancel your VPS, means ALL DATA IS GONE.
When your service is terminated, I don't believe you can retrieve your data because the VPS is likely to have been deleted. So posting here seeking advice won't be helpful.
Furthermore, from an objective perspective, Hostbrr's approach is not problematic. Some strict providers may directly terminate your service without giving you a chance to explain, and they may not provide a refund. However, Hostbrr doesn't do that. Additionally, if your business involves legal issues, the provider can indeed terminate the service directly when there are violations of the law (DMCA, chd prno**phy).
LOL. This turned into an entertaining post.
Anyway, it's unlucky, but all your data is already gone. Likely upon termination for breaking TOS.
You're asking them for a "solution" now for something you knew was clearly against TOS. You should have prepared for this to happen. Their solution is closing your account. 🙃
Also, you thought you had a technical set up to avoid DMCA complaints being forwarded.
I told you the solution already: Talk to hostbrr's support (and by talking i don't mean telling them about your evasion plans). They are the only one who can help you. If they won't do it then it's to bad and there is nothing you can do. What's definitely not going to solve your problem: Moaning on a public forum.
Your domain has nothing to do with it. It's the content that's subject of this drama and that's what you should delete (correction: should have deleted immediately instead of trying to play games using cloudflare - games you obviously did not research). You can point your domain to while your at it but that's just for shits and giggles since it has no relation the anything else here.
See paragraph 1.
They are your (ex-)host (which for some crazy reason has chosen to not eleminate you from their systems) not your partner in crime, for christs sake. Are you that dense? They can't and don't want to help you get away with illegal stuff. If they aid you they become liable for your carefree crazyness... You do what you gotta do but in any case you can't expect third parties to support you in your shady activities. What's so hard to understand about this???
Yes, of course it's possible to tighten the grip so to say, but do your seriously think OP has done that?
Good job hostbrr
I'm not here to criticize hostbrr,
I'm just asking for your opinion, gentlemen, regarding my website data which is hosted on my VPS,
Is it normal for me to accept all this, because 1 domain on 1 VPS, makes all my web data disappear on the other VPS (I have 2 VPS).
I'm just asking for your opinion so that my website data can be restored.
regarding DCMA and high fives I understand that
That normal , Hostbrrr have the right to termination your account and all your services so even you dont accept it , you have no choice .
Also check HostBrrr ToS and you clearly see he state it in 1.2
Okay, thank you,
I really hope that hostBrr will provide my website data which is hosted on my VPS
Yes, this is quite normal when this is what the TOS you agreed to (and breached) says. You break the rules => your out and backups are practically always the responsibility of the client (aka you).
Going by the support ticket you posted it won't be restored and at 99.999% probability it can't be restored even if hostbrr wanted to since it's been deleted and there is no way of getting it back. You'll have to use those backups for whose creation you were responsible... If you didn't create any, well, that's game over then.
Even they can , they wont take the risk.Wat if the other vps is backup of first vps that store dmca content.
Just move on and find another provider.
Exactly. They can't be sure what they would be handing over and it's not like they can or would want to look at it.
perhaps it's for good reasons. maybe look at other area of interests for your content
It is unfortunate that you see it this way. I try to be as lenient as possible with clients breaking the TOS, as it might come down to an honest mistake. I forwarded the intial abuse complaint to you and explained the situation. Your response was that your domains no longer resolve to the server. I took your word in good faith and unsuspended your service.
At this point, you knew you were hosting problematic content and had every chance to backup your data. Unfortunately I didn't just get a new DMCA notice for another website I also got a message that the old notice were not handled and it if was still active within 24 hours the node would be suspended until resolved.
From here my only resolution was to terminate your service. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't afford to give you the time to do backups considering you had Terabytes worth of data which would at least take several hours for you to backup. I rather not risk having 30 or so other clients getting their service taken offline so a person who reapeatedly broke the TOS and lied could get backups of illegal material.
So to sum this up. You got a good solution. Your service was unsuspended but you decided to keep breaking the TOS instead of fixing the issue. The data is gone as termination permanently erases all data from the VPS.
Post BF/CM drama post: 001