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OFFICIAL B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y THREAD -- COMMUNITY ENDORSED! Take a peek! (RackNerd's Black Friday) - Page 882
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OFFICIAL B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y THREAD -- COMMUNITY ENDORSED! Take a peek! (RackNerd's Black Friday)



  • @MooCowGalaxy said:

    @sonu said:

    Today is boring Sunday,

    Yeah, there were only five comments in the past hour!

    Welcome back, how is your project?

  • @sonu said:

    Welcome back, how is your project?

    I just took a nice nap 😶

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth
    Invoice #4877887
    Order Number: 2064862888

  • @MooCowGalaxy said:

    @sonu said:

    Welcome back, how is your project?

    I just took a nice nap 😶

    :smile: :smile: :smile:

  • @sonu said:

    :smile: :smile: :smile:

    It felt so good. I'm feeling a bit under the weather, not sure why, maybe some allergies from the dust.

  • @MooCowGalaxy said:

    @sonu said:

    :smile: :smile: :smile:

    It felt so good. I'm feeling a bit under the weather, not sure why, maybe some allergies from the dust.

    Glad you feel good now, let the party begin, it's cyber Monday now.

  • Road to 888

  • @sonu said:

    Glad you feel good now, let the party begin, it's cyber Monday now.


  • @sonu said:

    Road to 888

    Oh right, we're only a bit over 5 pages away!

  • Invoice #4857913
    double the bandwidth

  • Invoice #4848699
    Invoice #4865201
    double the bandwidth




  • Invoice #4931464

    Invoice: 4932283
    Order Number: 6245767721



    帳單 #4918927

    Invoice #4923064

    Please give me double traffic, thank you

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth
    Order Number: 2527394718
    :) :)


  • Hello,I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 5237026641

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth, two orders
    Order Num: 7182391641
    Order Num: 2244188313
    Thank you.

  • Hello, I would like to activate the double bandwidth promo on the VPS I just ordered!
    Invoice #4935370
    Order #3261933803

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    transaction id: 20221125060729437656
    order number 1966706356
    Invoice ID: 4864087

  • Double the bandwidth!

    Order Number: 8417164518
    Order ID: RACKN221128-5985-78208
    Invoice 4936252


  • Ltns guys. Good to see our party reached 1.4M views. I was busy handling a personal issue so have no time to grab any flash sales here. :(

  • @pk1917 said:
    Ltns guys. Good to see our party reached 1.4M views. I was busy handling a personal issue so have no time to grab any flash sales here. :(

    Aww, sorry about that. There might be some flash sales tomorrow, just keep an eye our 👀

  • How long will this last? Hope 1 more week.

  • @bigay said:
    How long will this last? Hope 1 more week.

    Do you mean the giveaways?

  • @bigay said:
    How long will this last? Hope 1 more week.

    The party? As long as we are here.

  • @MooCowGalaxy said:

    @pk1917 said:
    Ltns guys. Good to see our party reached 1.4M views. I was busy handling a personal issue so have no time to grab any flash sales here. :(

    Aww, sorry about that. There might be some flash sales tomorrow, just keep an eye our 👀

    Why not tonight, cyber Monday starts in 30 minutes in eastern.

  • Is it cyber Monday yet?

    Thanked by 1dustinc
This discussion has been closed.