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MaxKVM all locations down
Website down, staruspage down and all my servers at different locations are all down since 2022-04-24 00:15:47 (UTC+01:00).
What is going on? @MaxKVM
Same here ... Only client area seems to be online.
Client area is down too
Yep, my VPS in Dallas went down ~1 hour ago.
Client area is online for me. No announcement in client area of any issues or maintenance.
The end is nigh
Ugh... Ugh....
Last Active April 2
i worry that u will not get reply soon
Yes, I also have maxkvm location, and it's down
I hope you were wrong
But when all location (and main website too) are together down, this really looks not good
IQ drops significantly
you have been deemed unqualified to operate a hosting business
But why all servers disabled/offline at the same time exactly??
this outage is dumb. did they forget to pay the bills?
I did not see this thread and created a new thread.
MaxKVM is not replying to the ticket. My VPS in LA is offline.
The clientarea can access now, but the Singapore servers offline
VPS in LA is offline and their website is down too.
I do not thing that all their providers would shut down services (colo or rented servers) exactly in the same hour. Sooner reason could be "shut down all by 1 person knowingly/planed?" But these boys were nice enough to do it this way..
"all customers have fallen below our IQ threshold to be eligible for my service."
he did not pay the $200, maybe he just unplug all LET customer
But unfortunately seems that all their customers are "unplugged" now... :-/
mine vps also down. deadpool.
If this will be really deadpool/end, that then way how did it is really "highly intelligent" (instead announce that cannot continue and ask customers migrate their data away in time)
Last year I canceled all my vms which was very cheap after seeing stupid.
All their locations were with one company, Hivelocity
ohh no. did anyone get any update what happen to maxkvm?..
Well hell.