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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Not at this time. I have plans to re-do it but don’t have the time currently.
Thank you!
Any lookingglass
Test IP,
You should list IPv6 address for each NAT location and maybe LittleVZ location.
NAT service is primarily an IPv6 service.
Gullo is the best deal I can buy.
My sgp vz is down. However, status page shows 100% uptime
I tried to boot/reboot from solumvm but it didn't work, server is still offline. Anybody else facing this issue? I know I'm not allowed to open a ticket on this.
Both of my SG littlevz still working.
If your server is not responding then you absolutely can open a ticket and I welcome you too!
Thanks Cam, opened one.
what payment methods do you have?
Currently only PayPal. I was accepting crypto through coinpayments however they have since halted business with US-based companies.
Add push-up payment method and more people will buy.
Build a payment gateway providers can use and more will do it.
What bad news.
It's worse that now I won't be able to renew my VPS this year (
Open a ticket once it’s up for renewal and we can figure something out.
check out uses that. true Non-Custodial. works well
Thanks, I ill have to check it out.
looks like reinstall button is broken
An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request.
edit: success but VPS not reinstalled, still same old OS
Any lookingglass
Please check ticket #6241629, my humble request for upgrade.
The module in blesta has never been reliable. Please utilize the SolusVM Control Panel to manage your VPS.
Test IP,
All set.
i thought the only control panel is in the billing panel 😂😂😂 sorry..
hey @Cam, any chance for a LittleVZ in Argentina ?
i would say close to 0, BUT we will never know !
anywhere South America would be fine too
I would say those are exotic/expensive locations...
LVZ-512MB listed at $18 instead $12
Might be worth looking at the dates as you read these things.
Not at this time.
When you continue to checkout it will automatically apply for the promotion.