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★ VirMach ★ 2021 Black Friday & Maybe Cyber Monday ★ SPIN THE WHEEL ★ Check inside for offers - Page 121
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★ VirMach ★ 2021 Black Friday & Maybe Cyber Monday ★ SPIN THE WHEEL ★ Check inside for offers



  • Invoice #1346410
    order number : 1319322205

    Thanked by 2savin quint
  • @cgs3238 said:

    @imok said:
    Let me check my PayPal balance.

    It doesn't matter if credit card are bind.

    Dollar is incredible expensive right now.

  • order Number is: #9793338094
    hope I’m lucky O(∩_∩)O

  • @imok said: Dollar is incredible expensive right now.

    Poorer every day

    Thanked by 1imok
  • Order Number #1556056168

  • Invoice #1346479

  • @imok said: LOL I was going to make a giveaway but there is nothing there.

    What do you mean "giveaway"?

  • order number:2148570559
    Lets play!

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited December 2021

    @imok said: LOL I was going to make a giveaway but there is nothing there.

    You can always giveaway your paypal account, I am pretty sure there will be some MJJs interested in that - imagine having an VirMach account tied to your paypal! That (probably) would make you clear of all those stupid and pesky and totally biased without any proof multiaccounting/reselling/farming affiliates accusations misunderstandings!

    Think twice, good value!
    will pay 2$ for your paypal account

    Thanked by 1imok
  • @stephanuk said:

    @imok said: Dollar is incredible expensive right now.

    Poorer every day

    I'm so lost.

    Thanked by 1stephanuk
  • Thanked by 1FAT32
  • @skorous said:

    @imok said: LOL I was going to make a giveaway but there is nothing there.

    What do you mean "giveaway"?

    Free ryzen dedi from Virmach... but it could be a 512MB RAM VPS instead.

  • billing number 1346557
    order number disapeared

  • @imok said: I'm so lost.

    To make you little happier - there are people with shitter economy.

  • Check ZAR - South African Rand. 🙄😣

    Thanked by 2stephanuk FrankZ
  • order number:4574208061

  • Order Number #1346510

  • Invoice #1346569
    Feeling lucky, sort of...

  • order Number is: #2315825023


  • I would complain, but I am sure the Indians have us beat.

    Thanked by 1stephanuk
  • No more spinning for today?

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    Oh no :( the large influx of spin

    Thanked by 2FrankZ tototo
  • @FAT32 said: Oh no the large influx of spin

    Oh yes, we can get even cheaper VPSes!
    Don't worry about VirMach - he already trained after all those Ryzen & NVMes swaps/tests. He strong.

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • sorry i forgot to copy the order Number right , it seems being 7178768380
    but i can be sure the invoice number is #1346472
    could i have a try?

  • Order Number: 7140662522

  • @FAT32 said:
    Oh no :( the large influx of spin


    Thanked by 3FAT32 imok FrankZ
  • I am just an oldie who has not been around for a while to post, came specifically for some deals but... I hope people do not miss the spirit of this season.

    To me the spirit of this season is seeing other people smile and get something they can enjoy that makes them happy.

    I see a lot of folks here (not just this thread) that need many more smiles in their life. I am kind of oblivious to whatever scheme people are doing for cheaper this or that but offers like this make me happy! The spin game makes me happy!

    I want to thank VirMach for doing this and hope lots of people find happiness with your offers and games!

    I am sure it has been said before but walls of text make it easy to forget that every post has an actual living person behind it with feelings and reasons for being how they are. I try to see the person behind the words and put myself in their shoes to see why they feel how they do. For that very reason I say what I did in this post.

    I want to see more people find happiness because a lot of people seem to really need it.

  • Your Order Number is: 5525642848
    Good luck!

  • Order Number is: 3122249802

  • I would like one spin please. KVM-Special-4 and not a flash sale.

    Your Order Number is: 2300437229

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