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★ VirMach ★ 2021 Black Friday & Maybe Cyber Monday ★ SPIN THE WHEEL ★ Check inside for offers - Page 117
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★ VirMach ★ 2021 Black Friday & Maybe Cyber Monday ★ SPIN THE WHEEL ★ Check inside for offers



  • What's going on?

  • Thanked by 2FAT32 cgs3238
  • @FrankZ said:

    Arrived on time.
    Have got on, thanks

    Thanked by 2FAT32 FrankZ
  • Whats the difference between MMJ and MJJ?
    Both weeds, but one REDUCES pain XD

    Thanked by 1dahartigan
  • @mycosys said:
    Whats the difference between MMJ and MJJ?
    Both weeds, but one REDUCES pain XD

    Both make me giggle and laugh though ;)

    Thanked by 1mycosys
  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    Thanked by 3FrankZ FAT32 cgs3238
  • mycosysmycosys Member
    edited December 2021


  • hey @imok I would only like to point out that on previous page VirMach typed Ryzen like 4 times. His Z is working, don't get baited into Ryen dedi.

    Thanked by 2imok DanSummer
  • @JabJab said:
    hey @imok I would only like to point out that on previous page VirMach typed Ryzen like 4 times. His Z is working, don't get baited into Ryen dedi.

    Oh I thought ryZens upgraded to rySens and then Rasins

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    I've mastered the art of copy paste. Today I found out the keyboard is just fully missing the hotswap socket for that key. I do have other keyboards but I've grown to like it.

  • ehabehab Member
    edited December 2021

    @VirMach said:

    i don't want prize... i just want you to spin my wheel. Need to know so i can go away.

    pretty please.

    Thanked by 2FrankZ imok
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @ehab said:

    @VirMach said:

    i don't want prize... i just want you to spin my wheel. Need to know so i can go away.

    pretty please.

    I was going to power through it for you but then I realized there are like 75 people until your spin. So instead, I'll ask, what else you need to make your long stay here comfortable?

  • @ehab said:

    @VirMach said:

    i don't want prize... i just want you to spin my wheel. Need to know so i can go away.

    pretty please.

    Take a sit. This could take years.

    Thanked by 2ehab mrTom
  • @VirMach said:

    oh Thanks man .... i will meditate and wait my turn.

    Thanked by 2plumberg FrankZ
  • @VirMach said:

    @ehab said:

    @VirMach said:

    i don't want prize... i just want you to spin my wheel. Need to know so i can go away.

    pretty please.

    I was going to power through it for you but then I realized there are like 75 people until your spin. So instead, I'll ask, what else you need to make your long stay here comfortable?

    I know you didn't ask me.... :)
    But can I get Ubuntu 20.04 now and a promise to get 22.04 at least by next Black Friday? :)

  • Still spin for new orders ? I did not find order number but invoice number,pls check.

    This is a payment receipt for Invoice 1346226 sent on 12/06/2021

  • LET'S GO!!!Your Order Number is: 6424188341!:-)

  • @FAT32 said:
    I just realised a lot of the ID could be flash sale... @VirMach maybe you want to make sure they are all the KVM Special listed in this page? (I don't have this info to help based on the order number / invoice ID though)

    Mine is there in error - i had misread. @VirMach you dont need extra work, apologies. to both of you.

    Thanked by 2FAT32 FrankZ
  • @VirMach said: Detective BuffaloMach has linked accounts through their web of self-referrals and general greed. Of course all of this has its roots in:

    @FrankZ said:

    » show previous quotes

    I have not seen anyone here comment on getting one. Only folks at HostLoc.
    Although some members here said they got $11.88, $10.88, and $9.88 deals.

    But more surprisingly, one of them was here recently, the last time the BF flash sale ran in September or so... complaining about his account "incorrectly" getting flagged for manual review. He's definitely had a history of being a loud complainer and I don't just mean coming here for it. Anyway, he led me to a lot more so thank you if you're reading this right now.

    The list is growing and pretty much anyone participating in the HostLoc MLM for 10% additional discount from referrals is being closely looked at right now.

    It's just funny that the biggest people involved in this tend to be the most annoying. I guess it works out like that. The ones impatient about manual reviews, creating additional tickets and coming on threads complaining.

    I sent you some information about the Black Friday by message.Because I got the virus, I didn't participate in the Black Friday in September this year.I can make sure that I haven't posted any meaningless service tickets that complained about.
    When Black Friday was over, I went to see a doctor again. I only saw the issue of multiple accounts today. I make sure that my account is used by myself.
    I think we need to communicate a little bit more.
    One of your loyal customers.

  • @VirMach If you are still there, we need a communication to explain the misunderstanding.

  • said: order number is: 4732041702
    Invoice #1346312
    Please help me turn the turntable

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited December 2021

    @AICDOWS - Did you get a $8.88 deal?

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited December 2021

    @AICDOWS said: VirMach If you are still there, we need a communication to explain the misunderstanding.

    I will communicate on behalf of VirMach:

    Have you bought/sold your VirMach account[s?]

    If no you have nothing to worry about and there is no 'misunderstanding'.

    If yes - you bought/sold your account[s?] from/to someone else without doing proper transfer then you are fucked and there is still no misunderstanding.

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask them.

  • order number is: 4520277079
    Invoice #1346324
    Please help me turn the turntable

  • <3 <3 <3 these "communication/order" comments :D

    Thanked by 1brueggus
  • Bus from my city for a change.
    Much like LET'rs trying to get a 8.88

    Chennai (Madras), India

  • order number is: 539409
    Invoice # 1346339
    Please help me turn the turntable

  • Your Order Number is: 4995266763
    Invoice #1346343 turn the turntable @virmach ,thanks

  • @FrankZ said: FrankZ Member

    9:33PM edited 9:33PM FlagThanks
    @AICDOWS - Did you get a $8.88 deal?

    Yes, and more than one. I have participated in virmach Black Friday every year since 2018, and it is the day I look forward to the most.
    Because I have OCD, I like to collect all kinds of VPS.In addition to the Black Friday in September this year, I have a lot of various VPS collections. The collection is not only from virmach.

    Thanked by 3_MS_ FrankZ DanSummer
  • @JabJab said: JabJab Member

    9:34PM edited 9:34PM FlagThanks
    @AICDOWS said: VirMach If you are still there, we need a communication to explain the misunderstanding.

    I will communicate on behalf of VirMach:

    Have you bought/sold your VirMach account[s?]

    If no you have nothing to worry about and there is no 'misunderstanding'.

    If yes - you bought/sold your account[s?] from/to someone else without doing proper transfer then you are fucked and there is still no misunderstanding.

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask them.

    I don't sell VPS. But part of my behavior is about aff, virmach mentioned, and has limited me.

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