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LEB is an entire scam for Colocrossing.. total shit. WHT is the place to go. What a joke. I had services from many on the list, for sure new they were all related. I was just hoping that ONE of them was not. Right now the only one still standing is Kay Hosting (unless I missed it).
Then just quit throwing money at unrealistic ShittyColonHosting offers. It's not that hard, takes just a tiny bit of will. ^^
Sure boy, sure.
It is hard to refuse low end offer. Once you are hooked, you always look for the cheapest price, no matter what.
Registered in India, one DC is CC - Dallas. It appears.
They may offer Dedis with 8 MB RAM, and have shitty ads but overall seem okay so far.
Though they seem to have confusion about what Low End Market Means: Quote from their ad
"We are focused primarily in the LowEnd market" and lowest 512 OVZ Plan starts at $ 10.
But seem okay overall.
Nothing like raking the cash before you pull the plug with a Nice Black Friday Special!)
trying to post image... no luck, sorry
I keep doing it because sometimes it works, the shitty vps company gets bought up, and you end up paying 15$ a year for high end hardware and no downtime. Same thing has happened twice, for me it's worth trying.
This is why you should buy hosting from a company that has been around for longer than the summer kiddiehost season.
There are many hosts that have been around for a very long time to choose from.
Anyone looking for refuge offers?
I am only looking for unsustainable refuge offers.
I gotchu boss! PayPal me 10 bucks, I promise to give you unlimited cores, ram and storage.
Delivery date : TBD.
Sorry I don't have PayPal, can I use FatPal instead?
You know it's bad when WHT ranks higher as the place to go.
Holdup! I need to see if my CCpanel has a module to accept it anonymously.
I opened a ticket with welcomehosting just a few days ago requesting a rDNS/PTR change, and they did it! A few days later the cancelation email... why bother updating my PTR record just to close down? They must have known they were, so just tell me then!
Last minute orders
The only thing I can say is that they had the courtesy to give people two days to take backups and move on... Not a total shutdown fiasco.
Shouldn't there be some more official explanation why all these hosts are suddenly falling on hard times? If this is just coordinated planning on their behalf, isn't the fraud then too obvious?? Why do it this way?
Indeed, WHT has been dead since 2010 or so.
What I mean by "Dead" is death of its community.
If one recommends WHT, it means you haven't got a clue.
Should just change the "Latest LowEndBox Offers" list to "Latest LEB Deadpool Hosts" list.
Just want to chime in this is not related to us, unsure why we were tagged. We're a sustainable business and have been for over 4 years. Will be launching our API first platform in a few months.
Folks, give some credit where it is due.
Those guys were smart enough to hook some customers looking for the bargain deals.
After all, it's not their fault that you signed up. They might have planned this even before you signed up. They succeeded.
I like how this thread has become a provider roll call. Well done, @tgl
I don't know why I was tagged into this, but I have to clarify:
We never got featured on LEB, we even stopped trying to get there in the last couple of years.
We are Virtono and we're not owned by anyone , we have a sustainable hosting business since 2014. We have our own infrastructure(network/switches + server&storages) colocated in various data centers, mostly through m247, but also others.
Unethical business practices. Specifically taking people's money (Black Friday!) knowing fully well you can't/won't provide the service promised.
Why not. There is remarkably little you can do about the above - corporate limited liability protects both directors and shareholders unless you can prove fraud. Which is quite difficult to prove if it's pitched as a business in trouble:
He just tagged everything with provider tag.
I make it a point to buy from them just to do a CC chargeback.
Costs them $25/chargeback :-)
But all those 20 businesses with exactly the same email, on the same day, that is hard to explain without some coordination, I am sure a judge would see that, even if this is no hard proof of fraud, it is fairly blatant. If it is not risky, it is cocky and arrogant.