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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 489
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • @FrankZ said:
    Remind me never to play poker with VirMach.

    VirMach bluffs too much.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @FrankZ said:
    Remind me never to play poker with VirMach.

    EDIT: Post this in wrong thread

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire
    edited November 2021

    @pullangcubo said:
    We're still alive!

  • I actually fell asleep for a couple of hours! :-O (but didn't sleep the night before)
    23:37 here now

  • The new thread is sinking.

  • @ben47955 said:
    The new thread is sinking.

    2018 deals were better.

  • I still remember the 2018 deals as if it were only 3 years ago!

    Thanked by 2FrankZ VirMach
  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited November 2021

    @VirMach said:

    @FrankZ said:
    Remind me never to play poker with VirMach.

    EDIT: Post this in wrong thread

    So do you want an order number for that spin?
    I can get one pretty quick. :) /j

  • donlidonli Member
    edited November 2021

    HostCram brings some insanity to BF (for 3 lucky people)...

    HostCram: $7/yr 3GB KVM VPS in Dallas
    Killer Core: KVM-3C
    3 vCPU Core (i9-11900K)
    3GB DDR4 RAM (Dedicated)
    70GB NVMe SSD Storage
    3TB INAP Bandwidth
    1 Dedicated IPv4 (/48 IPv6 Free)
    Quantity: 3
    Promo code: Killer#Black#Friday
  • Did I miss anything?

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited November 2021

    @randomq said: Did I miss anything?

    Not yet. Good to have you back :)
    You should probably throw a few comments in the new VirMach thread to have a chance to win some empty Ryzen boxes and some other garage sale items.

    Thanked by 1imok
  • @randomq said:
    Did I miss anything?

    It's been hours since your question, the answer it's still the same.

    Actually you missed some fun.

  • VirBot missed all of Black Friday - sad.

  • But it's still in our hearts.

  • 1 post in hours! You guys should be ashamed.

  • Good morning!!!

  • Is it Black Friday already?

    Thanked by 1imok
  • @scorcher9 said:
    Is it Black Friday already?

    You're 364 days early.

    Thanked by 1scorcher9
  • But Cyber Monday / week is just around the corner... will Virbot be ready by then

  • Most creative merchant in IDC field , add " delete your account instantly " in turntable game will have much more fun .

  • RecDRecD Member
    edited November 2021

    Busy these two days, am i missing something interesting?
    I am now trying to keep up with tons of comments. :neutral:

    Edit: thanks god, the Ryzen Black Friday Flash Sale has not begun.

  • I'm getting the cat to the vet. Don't do anything crazy

  • Somehow, I want to win those empty boxes in the 2021 BF thread :lol:

    Thanked by 1imok
  • Good news, my cat ifñs fine.

    Despite of having only one eye now.

    Thanked by 1JabJab

  • He has leuchemia. A couple of weeks ago he had an infection and somehow his eye was unrecoverable U_U

    He is recovering now. Today he went to his control.

  • @imok said:
    He has leuchemia. A couple of weeks ago he had an infection and somehow his eye was unrecoverable U_U

    He is recovering now. Today he went to his control.

    Poor thing. Best wishes to him.

    Thanked by 1imok
  • Sorry for you @imok I know how much you care about Perejilo.
    Wishing you and Perejilo the best possible outcome.

  • Thank you guys. Perejilo is a really strong cat 🐈

  • @VirMach is there some network issue on AMSKVM5 node? I was idling mine for a long time and now whichever OS I install, I get no internet access. Tried "Fix Internet/ Reconfigure Network" multiple times, but it didn't fix anything. I opened up a ticket, but until someone answers, I just wanted to check.

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