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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers! - Page 287
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★ VirMach ★ Black Friday & Cyber Week 2018 ★ RAID 10 SSD ★ OpenVZ & KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited December 2019

    ZA_capetown said: To 200 and beyond!

  • Okey, someone should have told that that we changed rules and it's not only hidden in @VirMach posts. However nice thing!

    Thanked by 1alilet
  • I got that 80% off SSD8G as well as some discount for SSD32G yesterday (or may be it was day before yesterday) but in both cases I faced error "Sorry your account is not eligible for this promotion" or something like that as I don't remember exact wording of the error.

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • Pretty disappointing 2019. I spent a week next to laptop and only got a single ok deal. I will not be wasting my time next year. It appears that humans can't get any deal and the bots get them all. Bots go on to resale the deals. Pretty big mess.

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @lowfront said:
    Pretty disappointing 2019. I spent a week next to laptop and only got a single ok deal. I will not be wasting my time next year. It appears that humans can't get any deal and the bots get them all. Bots go on to resale the deals. Pretty big mess.

    Kinda agree on that, I didnt get any deal too. Therefore I like eggs more.

  • @lowfront said:
    Pretty disappointing 2019. I spent a week next to laptop and only got a single ok deal. I will not be wasting my time next year. It appears that humans can't get any deal and the bots get them all. Bots go on to resale the deals. Pretty big mess.

    It's not all bad. Humans are still in the game. I'm no bot and I used no scripts to get my deals - I got both the last deals ($5.02 and $2). I only ever tried about 5 deals since the games began and failed to get the first three and got the last two.

    If it helps put things in perspective; I'm in a location with 250 ms latency to Buffalo where the billing servers probably are. And no one who knows me would consider me lucky.

    Thanked by 2scorcher9 uptime
  • I tried to get 20+ deals and got 1 ok one. I'm close to NY too if that makes a difference.

  • @lowfront said:
    Pretty disappointing 2019. I spent a week next to laptop and only got a single ok deal. I will not be wasting my time next year. It appears that humans can't get any deal and the bots get them all. Bots go on to resale the deals. Pretty big mess.

    I don't think they where bot, except in the beginning, but after that all the CAPTCHA where added, I don't think so. Only a lot of people that monitoring the deal page like it was a fps.

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • @lowfront said:
    I tried to get 20+ deals and got 1 ok one. I'm close to NY too if that makes a difference.

    To get deal you need to have your mouse on the button to get no brainier deal. If you where doing something else, well, that explain why you didn't get it.

  • Indeed, I think one of the party pooper this year was the seeming proliferation of bots. The 502s and whatnots, I think, was part of the thrill of the flash deal experience; but to know that you're racing with bots instead of real humans is a bummer.

    Perhaps @VirMach can add an anti-bot check scheme next time? Not just a Captcha, but a random check every deal, like enter the name of our CEO in one flash deal, then what is the IMDB URL of the movie Psycho in another deal. It actually hits two birds with one stone: it (might) identify bots from humans, and it momentarily spreads the traffic and access time from the billing server to, say, Google, instead of all traffic going to the billing server at the same time.

    Thanked by 2imok uptime
  • @FAT32 said:
    4. The file name of the GIF is the complete coupon code: TGWn.gif

    Weird. I tried this one but the code didn't exist.

  • Good luck everyone, this egg business doesn't work for me. It takes time I don't have. Have fun!

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • Guys, would you explain WHAT THE FUCK is KVM Lite? Specs? I only know it is related to the OVZ migration but I can't find it in the Deploy service menu.

  • imokimok Member
    edited December 2019

    I'm quite disappointed of the BF2019. I couldn't buy anything. Every deal loaded too late for me.

    And when I requested something, they did it but my account was not qualified. Anyway it was too expensive for my needs and I buy somewhere else.

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • @imok what about the 833 deal from yesterday ? Bench are somewhere here.

  • In other news. I was dreaming a plane crashed near the hotel I was staying and the shockwave knocked down the building. I fell off the last floor and died.

    Bad engineering on both sides if you ask me.

    Thanked by 3FrankZ scorcher9 uptime
  • @ben47955 said:
    @imok what about the 833 deal from yesterday ? Bench are somewhere here.

    Yes I saw it a moment ago. Thank you. I was calculating if disk space is enough but I will need a little more to survive at least 3 months more. Sorry.

  • So KVM Lite is everything with limited support?

  • I think it's still undefined what is KVM lite is. That include OVZ conversion, plan from the special plan and maybe flash sale. Do it will be a regular product ? I doubt.

  • It's KVM with limited support, no custom iso mounting and disk you need to expand for full usage. It's stripped down KVM to be OVZ, without being total shit OVZ!

  • 27 more pages to go.

  • I think BF2019 was great, started slow, and hard to beat our awesome OVZ BF2018 prices, but VirMach delivered in the end. Also objectively even some of the "mediocre" flash deals were great deals for someone that doesn't want to devote days to searching for eggs or sniping deals with bots. Plus, us OG folks are getting another surprise for Christmas, how cool is that?

    I think we should get VirMach something for Christmas too. If someone is willing to donate their 128M vm to the cause I have an idea...

    Thanked by 2FAT32 uptime
  • abjrabjr Member
    edited December 2019

    @FAT32 said:
    90% off recurring SSD512 is fully claimed now.

    Awww, crap. That sucks. I found it but hadn't use it yet.

  • Is night is end ? Yeah I know, I said it wrong.

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • Page 173.

    What would you like to talk about?

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • Just think how great Page 174 will be...

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • Meh

  • "meeeee" is the onomatopoeia for sheeps in Spanish.

    Thanked by 1uptime
  • lowfrontlowfront Member
    edited December 2019

    @ben47955 said:

    To get deal you need to have your mouse on the button to get no brainier deal. If you where doing something else, well, that explain why you didn't get it.

    I did that of course. Every time I would just get 404 error or capcha till it was sold out.

    This was more than just the no brainers too.

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