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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month - Page 76
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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month



  • spekkspekk Member
    edited August 2013

    it's not gonna be long now, probably tonight or tomorrow morning, if these are done manually maybe tomorrow i will get mine, if automatically, @ AM, but we will see, after waiting 12 days, what's some hours more?

  • xsetxset Member

    @r0t3n said:
    xset funny thing is, i checked an hour beforehand and there was no domain attached to my pending invoice, and now its delivered ;)

    I got the N2800:

    root@ksXXXXXXX:~# wget -O - -o /dev/null|bash CPU model : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N2800 @ 1.86GHz Number of cores : 4 CPU frequency : 1862.000 MHz Total amount of ram : 1978 MB Total amount of swap : 512 MB System uptime : 19 min, .... I/O speed : 120 MB/s

    root@ksXXXXXXX:~# smartctl -a /dev/sda | egrep -i "Model|Power_On" Device Model: TOSHIBA DT01ACA050 9 Power_On_Hours 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 21

    21 hours? Thats long it used to be 5 hours

  • Shame it took nearly 2 weeks to come, but when i factor out weekends, i got it within 9 working days, so im happy enough. I'd rather they took their time building and testing it, rushing orders can only lead to problems down the line ;)

  • blueblue Member
    edited August 2013

    Mine's 21471.... as well.
    Hopefully I'll get it this week, or get it at all. Since I've paid with Paypal on the 25th (verified the same day).

  • XakiXaki Member
    edited August 2013

    @sundaymouse said:
    A four core i5 or E3 is way more than enough to host a 32 player game server.

    An i5 can handle much more players... I'm talking about the terms&conditions on this plans, is there any limitations on software or game servers, etc..?

  • @Xaki said:
    An i5 can handle much more players... I'm talking about the terms&conditions on this plans, is there any limitations on software or game servers, etc..?

    Nope, that's your dedicated and comes with DDOS protection, so they are fine with it. They only concern on network usage like Tor or Seeding.

  • blueblue Member
    edited August 2013

    @Xaki said:
    An i5 can handle much more players... I'm talking about the terms&conditions on this plans, is there any limitations on software or game servers, etc..?

    Obviously didn't host a DayZ/ArmA2 server yet. :)

  • @xset said:
    21 hours? Thats long it used to be 5 hours

    It does seem a long time, either 3 kimsufi's failed before me during testing, or its not a new drive, unless they had delays delivering

  • @Xaki said:
    An i5 can handle much more players... I'm talking about the terms&conditions on this plans, is there any limitations on software or game servers, etc..?

    No it's a dedicated server.... no dedicated server providers limit gameserver use to my knowledge

  • xsetxset Member

    For game servers, just be careful with UDP traffic as VAC is quite sensitive

  • @xset said:
    Anything yet? Hostname?

    Nope :( I'll post as soon as there is a hostname or the server gets delivered :)

  • XakiXaki Member

    @blue said:
    Obviously didn't host a DayZ/ArmA2 server yet. :)

    And Lineage II, Bukkit (Minecraft), MTA, SA:MP, CS?

    @xset said:
    For game servers, just be careful with UDP traffic as VAC is quite sensitive

    It's a kinda hard to control that xD

  • @Xaki I don't think it's a problem, cause it's 'your' dedicated hardware. If it runs 100% all the time, it won't affect others (execpt network maybe).

    And I do hope that VAC is not that sensitive. I need UDP traffic for VPN, TeamSpeak and gameservers :(

  • xsetxset Member

    @trexos VPN is not allowed at OVH anymore.

  • @xset Sucks, but I don't really need it. Anyway, I hope VAC is not that aggresive. But thanks for the information :)

  • xsetxset Member
    edited August 2013

    @trexos Somebody run VPN servers at OVH and they got blocked yesterday by VAC... owner claimed there was no DDOS.. but who knows.. and Oles didn't want to unblock.

  • spekkspekk Member
    edited August 2013

    OpenVPN works with TCP also, just add protocol tcp, in server.conf

    @trexos said:
    Xaki I don't think it's a problem, cause it's 'your' dedicated hardware. If it runs 100% all the time, it won't affect others (execpt network maybe).

    And I do hope that VAC is not that sensitive. I need UDP traffic for VPN, TeamSpeak and gameservers :(

  • NekkiNekki Veteran

    OK, this is a bit weird - my order that previously had a domain name in the order progress screen now has 'serveurdedie' in the domain fields; has that happened to anyone else?

  • I told you, threaten their family, that guy did, and they gave him your server (joke).

    Anyway, I will look now and let you know

    @Nekki said:
    OK, this is a bit weird - my order that previously had a domain name in the order progress screen now has 'serveurdedie' in the domain fields; has that happened to anyone else?

  • spekkspekk Member
    edited August 2013

    @Nekki yeah, mine has * instead of domain, I wouldn't worry much about that, support has said they will provide the servers, I guess we were lucky the first time when they did the random, but then they decided to go another way, and deliver by order number.

  • XakiXaki Member

    But about the gameservers using UDP , VAC will block the traffic or filter it?

  • Some people have complained about it

    I think maybe OVH is trying to avoid seedboxes, so basically that is why they are so strict on UDP traffic, but I wouldn't know

    @Xaki said:
    But about the gameservers using UDP , VAC will block the traffic or filter it?

  • I am running a SA-MP server (it uses UDP) with 350-400 players with mitigation forced (always on) and no have any problems with VAC.

  • XakiXaki Member

    @Davee said:
    I am running a SA-MP server (it uses UDP) with 350-400 players with mitigation forced (always on) and no have any problems with VAC.

    What means mitigation forced? You can enable VAC manually?

  • DaveeDavee Member
    edited August 2013

    Yes you can, here:

    It can be always on or VAC automatically detect and add it to the mitigation (but as Oles said if the attack is to small it maybe can't detect).

  • XakiXaki Member

    And VAC can handle syn flood attacks?

  • spekkspekk Member
    edited August 2013

    I don't know what handling they do, but I think null routing is not called handling, basically from what I understand the VAC is to protect others, if you get DDOSed the others will not be affected, and from what I have looked in traceroutes provided by others when the VAC acts it nulls the IP, so basically the server is offline, and how these servers have 1 IPV4, well maybe you have some luck connecting to it using ipv6, if not, well, dead in the water.

    @Xaki said:
    And VAC can handle syn flood attacks?

  • XakiXaki Member
    edited August 2013

    @spekk said:
    I don't know what handling they do, but I think null routing is not called handling, basically from what I understand the VAC is to protect others, if you get DDOSed the others will not be affected, and from what I have looked in traceroutes provided by others when the VAC acts it nulls the IP, so basically the server is offline, and how these servers have 1 IPV4, well maybe you have some luck connecting to it using ipv6, if not, well, dead in the water.


    When VAC is activated the server is reachable!

  • DaveeDavee Member
    edited August 2013

    When I got blocked by VAC some weeks ago my server isn't nulled, I just can't reach any of OVH servers. (Including OVH site.) So handling != null routing.

    And from Oles post you can see it's indeed mitigation: "Just last week, a customer contacted me urgently because their site had been attacked by some discontented kid. 3 clicks later, the attack passed through VAC1 and the site was back up again. "

  • XakiXaki Member

    Yap, they filter the attacks! ;)

This discussion has been closed.