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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month - Page 75
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Dedicated Server starting at 2.99 EUR / month



  • xsetxset Member

    @Oliver said:
    Finally my KS 2G was delivered... With Atom N2800.

    What was your order number?

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    @tux @xset Mexico. And He. :)

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    @xset nope, just asterisk

  • OliverOliver Member, Host Rep
    edited August 2013

    35245X was the number.

    Now as in I got the email with SSH details at 6:40PM Central European Time...

  • xsetxset Member

    @spekk said:
    2147045X here, so basically 214724xx would be larger? hey wait a minute, why didn't I get mine yet?!

    sc754 I saw now you didn't get it, when I get it I'll let you know, normally I am ~ 150-200 servers above you

    Anyway this waiting game is such fun

    im 2147004x still nothing!

  • 2146968X

    Nothing here too....

  • OliverOliver Member, Host Rep

    But maybe if they are reviewing orders manually the numbers mean nothing? I paid via PayPal from a email address but I do have a registered European Union postal address with them and have been a customer for many months. Maybe if you are new sign ups it takes longer?

    No idea... They are French after all.

  • ztecztec Member

    I already had my money's worth in forum-fun.

  • Just got my KS2G delivered, ordered on 25th @ 19:40 order # 214695xx

  • Also keep in mind that it's August now and almost everyone in France goes on vacation in August. If they are somehow slow - it's normal. However i think they chose bad timing for all this promo...

  • i got a bit of a wait, 218346** :)

  • xsetxset Member

    @r0t3n only 1? Im about 50 mins later so I guess its about 100 orders from you, lets see if they have enough stock

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    I've sent an aggressive email to the girl who asked and accepted my paperwork, I'm gonna see how it goes

  • xsetxset Member

    @trexos said:

    Nothing here too....

    keep looking!! inform us the minute you see the domain!!

  • ztecztec Member

    @netomx said:
    I've sent an aggressive email to the girl who asked and accepted my paperwork, I'm gonna see how it goes

    It´s always good to be aggressive towards customer service, have you tried threatening their family yet? Always gets me 10% off...

  • xsetxset Member

    @netomx said:
    I've sent an aggressive email to the girl who asked and accepted my paperwork, I'm gonna see how it goes

    At least she knows who you are!

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    @ztec hey, I'm Mexican, I may be from a drug cartel :p

    Aggressive in the form that they modified their terms after I accepted the old ones.

  • @netomx tell them your uncle Carlos will have some talk with them if they don't accept your order ;-)

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    @ztec also they wasted my time sending the paperwork for nothing

  • spekkspekk Member
    edited August 2013

    if the server shows up with a hostname in the manager, the server is already there waiting to be installed, mine is there, the hardware I mean, some guy here told me they are doing burn-in tests before they install it, so basically they can not run out of stock if it's already there

    @xset said:
    r0t3n only 1? Im about 50 mins later so I guess its about 100 orders from you, lets see if they have enough stock

  • spekkspekk Member
    edited August 2013

    Actually if you threaten OVH (the company), you are threatening the family.

    @ztec said:
    It´s always good to be aggressive towards customer service, have you tried threatening their family yet? Always gets me 10% off...

  • xsetxset Member

    @spekk no hostname...

  • I don't know then, wait until an order after yours comes up, and raise a ticket, but I dont think raising a ticket is really good, I mean most people that raised tickets got cancelled

    @xset said:
    spekk no hostname...

  • XakiXaki Member

    The performance of the 16G Kimsufi is great to host game servers?

    Thanks !

  • xsetxset Member

    @spekk Ive contacted regional ovh and they said I will get these, so I dont think there's any problem

  • @Xaki said:
    The performance of the 16G Kimsufi is great to host game servers?

    Thanks !

    A four core i5 or E3 is way more than enough to host a 32 player game server.

  • netomxnetomx Moderator, Veteran

    @rds100 will do :p

    @xset I hope she's pretty :3

    @spekk nice link

  • @xset funny thing is, i checked an hour beforehand and there was no domain attached to my pending invoice, and now its delivered ;)

    I got the N2800:

    root@ksXXXXXXX:~# wget -O - -o /dev/null|bash CPU model : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N2800 @ 1.86GHz Number of cores : 4 CPU frequency : 1862.000 MHz Total amount of ram : 1978 MB Total amount of swap : 512 MB System uptime : 19 min, .... I/O speed : 120 MB/s

    root@ksXXXXXXX:~# smartctl -a /dev/sda | egrep -i "Model|Power_On" Device Model: TOSHIBA DT01ACA050 9 Power_On_Hours 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 21

  • you lucky bastard

    @r0t3n said:

    xset funny thing is, i checked an hour beforehand and there was no domain attached to my pending invoice, and now its delivered ;)

  • xsetxset Member

    @trexos said:

    Nothing here too....

    Anything yet? Hostname?

This discussion has been closed.