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I vote we revisit my suggestion from last year: Dead Pool Probability
If a host scores to high of a probability they don't get listed.
Could always make it a category on the front page where we can group new provides instead of the full on black balling. They wouldn't be front page but it'd still get to the site? I still think there should be a waiting time where they have to prove they've been offering VPS servers for at least 3 months or so.
maybe we can work something different. A new provider can be listed when:
-) been offering vps for at least 6 months, have valid license, not using nulled scripts, not using privacy whois etc.
-) being in the VPS business for more than 2 year (an established business, so i don't care if you are a kid using nulled scripts and privacy whois)
-) being serious about this business and investing about his new offer. So i'd accept brand new providers but only if they are a registered company + own the equipment they use.
that because i expect that a provider INVEST in their offer and not just try to pay for their summer holiday overselling on kimsufi. So i'm also sure that, having invested real money they do care about abuse, ddos-magnet activities and other borderline uses of server and resources.
Additional i'd like to know VPS providers policy about risky users. Some say a big NO, others say that don't care about what their users do and that they are able to manege takedown notices ddos etc, other just welcome all abusive users.
i think there are 2 kind of VPS users. Those interested in warez/IRC/games and other leet activities, and users that just want to have a slice of a server without ever doing anything illegal or borderline.
Maybe that's an age related problem, but not everyone here is a teen. And it looks to me that lately LET and LEB have been invaded with kids trying to have the biggest pipe on he internet for a few bucks.
Not sure why, but it seems no one can see that thread as updated! Maybe something(s) to check....
Requirements like one year in busines are complete nonsese which ruin main lowendbox purpose to introduce new often unknown hosts, new options for community and it's oriented toward constant advertizing and giving out promotional codes of established hosts which we know already.
Many many nowaday respected and established hosts was new and pretty much unknown when they appeared at lowendbox.
Also requirements to meet certain conditions before host send offer have nothing to do with lowenbox I know, lowendbox where admin posted new discoveries found by him or mailed by community members and not just those which sent him advertising offer.
I am afraid that this site will become more and more oriented toward buddy system - promoting already known names instead serving main purpose - to give me as much as possible options, to introduce me new, to me unknown hosts, etc... and then to decide where I want or don't want to be hosted. I don't want that some admins decide what's best for me, filter hosts regarding trivial reasons like years (or months) in bussiness and so on. I started to come to LEB years ago to find new hosts, to discuss about hosts I don't know and not just to get every mont new coupon code from same old hosts which everyone know and we're hosted with already.
I don't think that you can start to put stipulations on what businesses are placed on the page or not. If you do that, you are completely changing what lowendbox is. It is a medium for new companies to get a boost in sales, if they get listed. With the listings, some research should be done to see how realistic it is. I think that is the thing that I liked the most about the current system. Everyone got a chance, and LEA gave his opinion about what he thought there chances were for the company making it longer than a few months or year.
If anything should change, I think that you should make another page explaining what each part of the analysis means. Some people don't know that hiding WHOIS information is more than likely a bad thing, and that a newly created domain, with a template, offering incredible pricing is probably too good to be true. I don't think that you can completely eliminate that though. If you do, people are going to go somewhere else to get this information, and I don't think that is what anyone wants. Everyone is looking for the next best thing, and they all want to be the person that found it.
I personally feel that changing all of this stuff would drive me away from lowendbox. I love lowendtalk, but the move away from the roots of the site will push me out of the fold. I do not want someone to censor things for me. I want them to give me their input and research so that I can make an informed decision. That is all that this site has been, and I think that is something that it should continue to be. If you implement these new rules, all we will hear about is BuyVM, Hostigation, SecureDragon, and a few other select companies, and we already know about these guys. What is the point of this site at that point?
Forgive me for not reading all previous posts but I'd always like to see a test IP and a test file to download.
Why limit it to just WHMCS? Any usage nulled software or a ripped site on the main site should mean a lifetime ban on LEB/LET. (unless they could prove where they downloaded it from had no mention of it being ripped)
Re. private whois, I think it's much better to require a valid business ID/license than to just get all focused on an address which could be a PMB, the data center address or, worse, a made up address.
And yes, our domain currently has a private registration.
Re. new business not getting a fair chance; well, if it's a new business it should still be registered, no?
Btw, ianal, but if you start "certifying businesses/business practices" then you might open yourself up to some liability.
I don't want to suggest a safeguard but a feature.
In the top page of there are some links from wordpress tag sytem to see vps offers from europe, usa etc and also tha virtualization that they use.
It will be very useful if you add a combined script to have more combineted options like
"I want to see offers from europe/germany that they use XenPV.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english
@Corpus not sure if this still works but it's discussed in this thread:
@Chief - Please make the rules be that I'm allowed to have "Use my affiliate link: [insert link here]" in my signature. That way people know it's an affiliate link and if I ever talk good about my providers and they see the link maybe I'll get something back from it.
@drmike no it is not working.
When i add in the url
it gives me results only from "uk" tag
same results with
not sure if this will do the job
what do you mean by this? +1 to all others @Chief should reconsider
And @KuJoe 's idea is good too but needs effort. I hope @Chief has dedication
I mentioned in the #/bin/bash thread that a ranking system is necessary. Experienced users can tell whether a new provider is likely to be a scammer, a newbie, an underfunded person or not. New users don't. Rather than add some stringent criteria, there should be a points or ranking based system, and new providers should agree to accept the rankings based on LEBs criteria when the offerings are listed on LEB. If they don't like it they can take the business elsewhere.
I can understand that existing providers like BuyVM, securedragon etc, may want to set a stricter criteria, which I can understand, knowing how much money and more importantly time I have wasted on some of the new providers, but if they are seen to be influencing the criteria, they are likely to be seen as big established companies who sponsor legislation to protect themselves from competition and that would affect LEB's rep for fairness.
After getting ripped of by a couple of LEB providers I was beginning to think that LEB had become a way for scammers to get entry to the market, but understanding its free nature I realized otherwise.
Developing a ranking system is much better.
@naruto, plese NO, a big no. We don't need referral/affiliate links on this board. Or people will just start spamming their answer to post their signature. For me this is a huge no. Like we don't need resellers i don't think we should allow referral/affiliate links.
As you said "talk good about my providers and ... get something back from it" this is something against honest review. Not in the spirit of LEB/LET
Instead i do like the scoring system, or at least to have a few key parameters exposed (real company with real office address and data / time in business / public whois data / owned equipment / nulled or pirated scripts etc..) but i'm sure that there will always be people that will buy ever offer even too good to be true just because it's cheap and gives lots of ram.
It's not important for the thread but for future references - I think that you messed up something and Up2VPS never did that. They only introduced new CEO (which is imho same person as before, but well...) however they never announced sale or ownership change and Daniel Cordero Gonzales is also still here.
But to not be completely offtopic, can we clarify this reason not to be listed:
"You are less than 12 months in the industry and are using private WHOIS."
Does this means:
private whoise = no go also
Thank you.
Providers under 12 months of age are required to use valid public WHOIS information on their domain. IE: Not private and hidden.
Providers beyond 12 months of age are welcome to have their WHOIS information private if they wish.
Correct, if they are under 12 months valid public whois data is required to list their plans/offers. Beyond 12 months whether it is Private or Public it is no longer a factor to having plans/offers listed.
Based on the feedback and discussion received both here and via email this is a compromise we have made that should work easily for everyone involved.
Thank you for explanation. I have another question. Will you also feature at LEB budget vps providers found by yourself (or tip by us) or only those which send you offer to be featured?
less than 12 months = no go
private whoise = no go also
Thank you.
But to not be completely offtopic, can we clarify this reason not to be listed:
"You are less than 12 months in the industry and are using private WHOIS."
Does this means:
less than 12 months + private whoise = no go
less than 12 months = no go
private whoise = no go also
Thank you. in all
All my reply here was by Ralf's Tongue Because of poor health And ... I wish a speedy recovery he reply here 4 or 5 times and Causing misunderstanding . I believe that the most of people here does not believe that this but i's ok.
We since 2009 in the industry We never go to dead pool and back like other people we announced before we have sufficient fund to run this company without any problem we using public whois owend whmcs etc ....I won't said we are the best but we always looking forward and improve services
@up2vps It's ok. I just corrected what @Francisco posted above because he used by mistake your company name in wrong context
Lets keep this out of this thread now.
Yes they did. They announced it on their blog/billing page.
I don't get their logic in this if they sold it to someone who can't speak english, period. Their biggest complaint is that communication is poor due to language barriers. So they claim they replaced the CEO but how is that addressing the issues? I'm fairly sure Ralph S is signing posts on the front page and they're written the exact same way as Daniel does. Is he dual accounting or is it really the same person?
Either case is bad news.
if you are read what i said you should understand . Ralf doen't here anymore will back as soon as possible also he didn't reply this . i'm who by his name . can i ask one question?
if one of your customer unpaid invoices or send request cacellation for 5 or 6 vps he still have 2 vps in active with 2 due invoice and you have noted before to request cancel if won't stay the vps but he Still ignore . what you should do?
if one of your customer unpaid invoices or send request cacellation for 5 or 6 vps he still have 2 vps in active with 2 due invoice and you have noted before to request cancel if won't stay the vps but he Still ignore . what you should do?
I wasn't bringing up what the discussion was about, simply that it was going on
Our policy on that is publicly known, accounts get suspended when it comes to billing unless someone arranges otherwise
Can you share url, please? I am really curious now as I got mail annoucement about new CEO but I can't find any information about sale or new ownership. I still think that you're messed up something unless I overlooked their sale announcement somewhere else.
We never said we have new ownership or someone will be here instead me or anywhere We announced new CEO and email contact for who have issue or something we always work client to solve issues nit like other people just leave them in dark And yes we was public it under whmcs
It was the issue you can look there to know . Well we have our tos too
As it is revealed now that our IPs are potentially given out by past and present site admins to other posters of this community (reference at the bottom of this page: I suggest special disclaimer at LEB/LET that our privacy isn't protected in any way and that IPs aren't given out only on request of authortirs/laws but also given out to ordinary community members.
I don't try to troll or anything like that now, I also don't blame random people which got LEB/LET user IPs, I just didn't expect something like that from site admins and it's kind a shocking.
I missed where it said the user's IP were given to anybody...
I didn't say to anybody. IPs was given to members of this community. Some people confirmed. Or you consider as example yourself (I am not saying that you got IPs - it's just example) something more here. It's nothing to oppose here. You, me, anyone.. are just members of this community, posters. You or anyone here is not authority with right to get IPs of other posters. But if this happen anyway, people should be warned upfront.
As this isn't something what most people expect, that IPs are given out without legal authority requests I think that such disclaimer would be proper. To let people know. Do you see any problem with that?