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Scams - Page 5
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  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @jbiloh said:

    @davide said:

    @jbiloh said:

    Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

    It was a sincere question.

    Whats their username on LowEndTalk? Let's get them to fix that.

    Maybe ?

  • akaemuakaemu Member
    edited December 2023

    @tentor said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @davide said:

    @jbiloh said:

    Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

    It was a sincere question.

    Whats their username on LowEndTalk? Let's get them to fix that.

    Maybe ?

    I think cloudniums tos is perfect the way it is.

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @akaemu said:

    @tentor said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @davide said:

    @jbiloh said:

    Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

    It was a sincere question.

    Whats their username on LowEndTalk? Let's get them to fix that.

    Maybe ?

    I think cloudniums tos is perfect the way it is. Just look

    ToS shouldn't look perfect, it should mean something :sweat_smile:

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    @davide said: Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

    Maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying because I don't see lorem text there...?

  • akaemuakaemu Member
    edited December 2023

    @raindog308 said:

    @davide said: Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

    Maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying because I don't see lorem text there...?

    I think they just never changed the Terms link in the footer at the bottom of the page, believe that takes you to the lorem ipsum text he was referring to.

  • I just want to see a scammers hall of shame updated frequently.

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @TrK said:
    I just want to see a scammers hall of shame updated frequently.

    Have you seen a scammer with working IPv6 so far?

  • @tentor said:

    @TrK said:
    I just want to see a scammers hall of shame updated frequently.

    Have you seen a scammer with working IPv6 so far?

    Do you mean nexusbytes?

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @TrK said:

    @tentor said:

    @TrK said:
    I just want to see a scammers hall of shame updated frequently.

    Have you seen a scammer with working IPv6 so far?

    Do you mean nexusbytes?


  • host_chost_c Member, Patron Provider
    edited December 2023

    Guys, take a 5 minute popcor-time. :)

    This is how I see it:

    Raising the fee will have 0 effect, even, the higher it will get, the bigger the bang it would do, as having a "platinum" tag will equal high trust, so high profit for the scammer.

    Scam insurance to LET members - from whom? who will pay this/from what? will providers have a scam found that they will put x amount of $ based on sales? that is not gonna happen soon, nor later, nor ever, not here, not anywhere.

    Selling VPS at sub 10 USD is almost no profit in it, sub 5 USD is more for the image, as yes, I would rather give a limited supply of VPS at 5USD than to pay google 500 USD in add-words.

    But there will be no sub 8USD VPS if the entry fee is high, and if there is a x% of a vps sale returned in a "safety" deposit in case of scam/deadpool, the later is actually what is happening in most cases I read here, all those costs will be reflected in the price of the VPS/DEDI/wtc....., as selling ultra cheap will get you bankrupt in the end.

    The line between scam and deadpool is quite thin, the first is bad intent, the second is an outcome of pour business decisions.

    If I as a provider have to pay more to be abel to post on a forum, I also want a safety deposit from the members, so we do not have 243 failed payment atempts from a customer for a 8 USD service, or after 3 moths, 24 disputes from whatever payment gateway, how about that?

    I am willing to pay a higher cost of entering a forum, but in that case I also want to sell at a higher price and I also want some insurance I will not be scammed in return.

    All this is called Risk, this is the game, either play it, or pick another game.

    There is no formula to detect a scammer, on either sides, there might be some hints for some, but raising the fees will not have the outcome you want, look at the economy, everyone is raising taxes, does it go better?

    Some sad that a Provider should have a LIR, even that I do agree on this, it makes no difference, nor that he should be in a DataCenter, or he should post nudes with he's 2 employees :) , as all those a scammer can make, pay, and wait until the day he will cash out, end leave with the $.

    LEt is a global market, and that means it has a ton of users from different cultures around the planet.

    It is inevitable that at some point, as the number of members grow, the number of those that wish to scam grows. It is exactly like in big cities, scammers will not remain on the country side, where they have a possible population of 5000 to scam, compared to that, NYC looks like a fuxxxg fest, and they will go there to "party" ( no offense to those on the country side and in NYC, I just needed to write an example :) )

    I do understand the need to "clean" out the forum, if you find the formula, pleas clean it both ways will ya?

    I am curios of what other providers have to say on the subject at hand.

    Thanked by 1risharde
  • I'm checking out and it seems to be... down?

  • @jar said: A lot of the old timers here got tired of the new kids yelling foul every time they called out the signs of it in a new provider.

    I think I now know what you mean. It's happening in the repuc thread right now.

    Thanked by 2jar dahartigan
  • @neurostimulant said:
    I'm checking out and it seems to be... down?

    It's already dead... pooled... deadpooled... bankrupted... erupted... exploded......

  • xHostsxHosts Member, Patron Provider

    There is a balance, between a real scam and someone claiming scam because they do not understand maybe what they are ordering, how to use it, the limitations of maybe something being low end.

    How many times do you see threads here of someone yelling scam but they have paid shopping cart money but expect a Porshe to be delivered? or buy a $2 and expect a fully managed server that will provide unlimited support for installing all their software or configurations even if it is clearly stated its self/unmanaged and then they make a thread for some attention on a forum or leave reviews on a platform such as Trustpilot in a attempt to destroy a companies image simply because they did not do

  • Was hxservers trading as an individual? If so, he should be liable to pay everyone back, personally.

    As for the cases of legally registered companies going bankrupt, with debts and zero equity, as I imagine a bunch of hosts closing down on LET are, servers going down with no refunds being offered isn’t actually scamming.

    You, however, still have buyer protection, depending on your method of payment. If you use PayPal for example, you should be good as long as you don’t pay for more than 180 days at a time.

    That’s about it really.

    Thanked by 1host_c
  • emghemgh Member
    edited December 2023

    Now, personally I (almost) don’t purchase offers on neither LET or LEB. It’s not cheap enough to be worth the extra trouble.

    There’s a few exceptions, like MXRoute and HostHatch (not a complete list). Also OVH, but I don’t view them as a LET/LEB host even though they post here sometimes.

    At the end of the day, if you get a western salary, setting up projects that take time to migrate and/or become a PITA if/once they go down on the cheapest LET/LEB provider just isn’t sound, especially as the marked has evolved and established providers are often offering better value anyway.

    As of now (and for quite some time), I’m using (for prod):

    • HostHatch (smaller stuff & backups)
    • iCloud (emails)
    • OVH (dedis)
    • Backblaze (even more backups)
    • Inleed (domains)
    • Cloudflare (DNS)

    It’s cheap enough. No need for saving $7, with the consequences being increased stress & downtime. I’d never be in a position to have my life go to shit because hxservers went down.

    One dosen’t have to spend a lot to just not have to deal with unreliable providers.

  • @emgh said:
    Now, personally I (almost) don’t purchase offers on neither LET or LEB. It’s not cheap enough to be worth the extra trouble.

    There’s a few exceptions, like MXRoute and HostHatch (not a complete list). Also OVH, but I don’t view them as a LET/LEB host even though they post here sometimes.

    At the end of the day, if you get a western salary, setting up projects that take time to migrate and/or become a PITA if/once they go down on the cheapest LET/LEB provider just isn’t sound, especially as the marked has evolved and established providers are often offering better value anyway.

    As of now (and for quite some time), I’m using (for prod):

    • HostHatch (smaller stuff & backups)
    • iCloud (emails)
    • OVH (actual dedis)
    • Backblaze (even more backups)
    • Inleed (domains)
    • Cloudflare (DNS)

    It’s cheap enough.

    I take much the same approach.
    But I like to try out new providers from time to time.
    And there are some great discoveries.
    Some providers deserve much more attention.

    And others shouldn't exist at all :#

    Thanked by 2emgh host_c
  • @emgh said:
    Was hxservers trading as an individual? If so, he should be liable to pay everyone back, personally.
    That’s about it really.

    Drag him to court to held him liable. Probably for peanuts paid not worth your or court time. That's the game. He is to small to sacrifice time going after him.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • HostEONSHostEONS Member, Patron Provider

    LET is a good source of business for providers but it is also a place where scam happens, I won't put the blame on mods for it, but I'll share my own experience here on LET and also few suggestions to make it better and little safer for LET'ers

    I started Hosteons in 2018 though I'm into hosting business since 2003, some of the mods do know about it and were probably even my clients back then.

    Below are some my experience and suggestions:
    1) Since I never intended to scam my pricing was never too low to attract the LET community I hardly got any business from LET untill last few months.
    2) Why I could not offer LOW Pricing ? because when you start you start new in low end market, you start with few servers, don't have much CAPITAL (most of the cases, some people do have) and when a provider starts with few servers on a good network, the provider cannot get good pricing for leased servers or even colo.
    3) Untill now I was not able to give these kind of LET friendly pricing, so I looked for business at other places, and even got it and even got hosteons to the level it is right now.
    4) But now once I have lots of servers and regularly buy more rack space or even take server on lease now Datacentre's wants my business as they need long term clients even if their margin is low they will give you good competitive pricing, now since I get good pricing I can pass it on to my clients and hence now I can actually provide LET Friendly pricing.
    5) Now if a new provider comes in without experience of hosting industry, he/she won't get good pricing from his server provider, and rest assured 99% of them don't own the equipments they just take it on lease, when you start new you don't get good pricing atleast not on good network
    6) Now they are not getting good pricing but to compete on LET with established providers they sell it at very minimal margins or sometimes even in loss thinking that atleast they can get partial server rent with sales.
    7) They usually don't have other source of sales, so whatever they sell is through LET and it's a loss maker
    8) They even compromise with the kind of churn and burn clients they are getting with this pricing
    9) Now these churn and burn clients may order in bulk but cancel after a month or two or some of them may even file a chargeback after using their services
    10) Once these client cancels or files a chargeback the provider still needs to pay for the servers
    11) Some new providers try to compete with established provider and oversell and once they start overselling their services performance goes down and they ultimately looses even their good users
    12) Mose of these churn and burn clients are resource hoggers, so even if the provider is not overselling their overall service quality goes down, but now since the provider is new and relies on these churn and burn client for any reason like bulk order etc... they don't kick out these abusive users and end up loosing good clients, now once these churn and burn clients leave they are in LOSS, no or less revenue and more expenses

    So i think the causes are:

    1) Lack of experience
    2) Quick CASH from LET, but with good clients even these churn and burn clients actually burn the business.

    @jbiloh I would suggest:

    1) When you assign a provider tag, may be you can mention since when is this provider in business along with the TAG, if its' a new provider LET'ers will know with whom they are signing up for.
    2) Setup a limit for their pricing, like they cannot sell a 1 GB VPS less then X amount for next 6 or 12 months

    This can reduce scams and also motivate these new providers to look for other sources of sales

    Thanked by 2host_c tentor
  • @jbiloh said:
    If there is a provider actively scamming customers, they do not belong on the LowEndTalk or LowEndBox platforms. Please PM details.

    Dozens of provider tag applications have been denied over the past two years.

    At least a couple of provider tag applications made it through the initial review, only to be denied and their payments refunded prior to their tags being awarded.

    providers go through a multi-step information gathering process before getting approved. This process is viewable by numerous LowEndTalk admins/mods so it is not a walled garden and more eyes are available to help keep out the bad apples.

    To the extent that a patron provider or two have done naughty things, that is not something that is permissible here and should be reviewed if/when it happens. Bottom line, we don't want providers with bad intent selling on LEB or LET.

    How have providers got the tag, used it, but it later had to be revoked by LET?

  • @remy said:

    @emgh said:
    Now, personally I (almost) don’t purchase offers on neither LET or LEB. It’s not cheap enough to be worth the extra trouble.

    There’s a few exceptions, like MXRoute and HostHatch (not a complete list). Also OVH, but I don’t view them as a LET/LEB host even though they post here sometimes.

    At the end of the day, if you get a western salary, setting up projects that take time to migrate and/or become a PITA if/once they go down on the cheapest LET/LEB provider just isn’t sound, especially as the marked has evolved and established providers are often offering better value anyway.

    As of now (and for quite some time), I’m using (for prod):

    • HostHatch (smaller stuff & backups)
    • iCloud (emails)
    • OVH (actual dedis)
    • Backblaze (even more backups)
    • Inleed (domains)
    • Cloudflare (DNS)

    It’s cheap enough.

    I take much the same approach.
    But I like to try out new providers from time to time.
    And there are some great discoveries.
    Some providers deserve much more attention.

    And others shouldn't exist at all :#

    I try to use the entire spectrum equally:

    • AWS
    • Hetzner/OVH
    • Reputable Dedicated Providers with own DCs
    • Reputable VPS Providers
    • Basement Providers
    • Scam/Deadpool Providers

    This way, I can get the proper LET experience and ensure I don't miss any exciting events.

  • tentortentor Member, Host Rep

    @Moopah said:

    • Hetzner/OVH
    • Reputable Dedicated Providers with own DCs

    I find it very funny

  • @tentor said:

    @Moopah said:

    • Hetzner/OVH
    • Reputable Dedicated Providers with own DCs

    I find it very funny

    Funny like SBG2

    Thanked by 2tentor Calin
  • @Moopah said:

    @remy said:

    @emgh said:
    Now, personally I (almost) don’t purchase offers on neither LET or LEB. It’s not cheap enough to be worth the extra trouble.

    There’s a few exceptions, like MXRoute and HostHatch (not a complete list). Also OVH, but I don’t view them as a LET/LEB host even though they post here sometimes.

    At the end of the day, if you get a western salary, setting up projects that take time to migrate and/or become a PITA if/once they go down on the cheapest LET/LEB provider just isn’t sound, especially as the marked has evolved and established providers are often offering better value anyway.

    As of now (and for quite some time), I’m using (for prod):

    • HostHatch (smaller stuff & backups)
    • iCloud (emails)
    • OVH (actual dedis)
    • Backblaze (even more backups)
    • Inleed (domains)
    • Cloudflare (DNS)

    It’s cheap enough.

    I take much the same approach.
    But I like to try out new providers from time to time.
    And there are some great discoveries.
    Some providers deserve much more attention.

    And others shouldn't exist at all :#

    I try to use the entire spectrum equally:

    • AWS
    • Hetzner/OVH
    • Reputable Dedicated Providers with own DCs
    • Reputable VPS Providers
    • Basement Providers
    • Scam/Deadpool Providers

    This way, I can get the proper LET experience and ensure I don't miss any exciting events.

    That must be quite a budget :)

    I've also got a bit of scam in my bag.
    I have to eat a bit of crap once in a while to notice how nice it is not to eat it.

  • @remy said:

    @Moopah said:

    @remy said:

    @emgh said:
    Now, personally I (almost) don’t purchase offers on neither LET or LEB. It’s not cheap enough to be worth the extra trouble.

    There’s a few exceptions, like MXRoute and HostHatch (not a complete list). Also OVH, but I don’t view them as a LET/LEB host even though they post here sometimes.

    At the end of the day, if you get a western salary, setting up projects that take time to migrate and/or become a PITA if/once they go down on the cheapest LET/LEB provider just isn’t sound, especially as the marked has evolved and established providers are often offering better value anyway.

    As of now (and for quite some time), I’m using (for prod):

    • HostHatch (smaller stuff & backups)
    • iCloud (emails)
    • OVH (actual dedis)
    • Backblaze (even more backups)
    • Inleed (domains)
    • Cloudflare (DNS)

    It’s cheap enough.

    I take much the same approach.
    But I like to try out new providers from time to time.
    And there are some great discoveries.
    Some providers deserve much more attention.

    And others shouldn't exist at all :#

    I try to use the entire spectrum equally:

    • AWS
    • Hetzner/OVH
    • Reputable Dedicated Providers with own DCs
    • Reputable VPS Providers
    • Basement Providers
    • Scam/Deadpool Providers

    This way, I can get the proper LET experience and ensure I don't miss any exciting events.

    That must be quite a budget :)

    I've also got a bit of scam in my bag.
    I have to eat a bit of crap once in a while to notice how nice it is not to eat it.

    I have a pretty small budget compared other LET users like HostEONs and Crunchbits :disappointed:

  • @remy said: On the other hand, I do see a very serious problem in not refunding the credit if the business ceases.

    Ussually businesses cease for lack of funds.
    My undertandig is that in such cases the creditors line up, as the business assets are liquidated and the earniung are used to pay business debts. Then there's a ranking (priority) of who gets paid first until the assets run out, leaving whoever is left hanging.

    So you have the wrong expectations.

    @remy said: I don't see any problem with not refunding and offering credit.

    This doesn't make sense at all. Credit is already what the clients in that situation already have.
    Refunding credits sucks, because the business won't recoup the payment processing fees, so I get it that businesses don't want to be used as piggy bank you can put in and withdraw money from, having them pay the processing costs for you.
    At large sums could even be money laundering (I guess you're not refering to large sums tho).

    @remy said: This seems to me to be open to legal challenge in most countries.

    Anyone can sue anyone for anything.

    You and a couple other do seem to have incliination for personal vendettas.

  • @404error In most cases the buyer should have protection from their credit card, PayPal etc

    So this seems mostly like a non-issue if the buyer actually uses anything but crypto and dosen't pay a year in advance?

    I'm not sure how this issue got to large

  • @emgh said: @404error In most cases the buyer should have protection from their credit card, PayPal etc

    That's up to the bank, credit card company, paypal etc..

    @emgh said: So this seems mostly like a non-issue if the buyer actually uses anything but crypto and dosen't pay a year in advance?

    I don't think it is, but I've not requested many chargebacks in my lifetime, so maybe it's a big issue for people who do it often.

  • @404error said: That's up to the bank, credit card company, paypal etc..

    Yes, and they all do. Even MasterCard/Visa do, although not for as long.

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited December 2023


    btw, Chris did not refund anything.

    Contacted him on personal email / support@hx, no response.

    Just stole money and disappeared.

    PS don't thank for feedback :D

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