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Scams - Page 4
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  • @remy said: Common or not, this is theft.

    So that also means you are saying other more recognized providers here are thieves for not refunding crypto payments.

  • @Maelstrom36 said:

    @remy said: Common or not, this is theft.

    So that also means you are saying other more recognized providers here are thieves for not refunding crypto payments.

    Yes, that's what I'm saying.
    I don't see any problem with not refunding and offering credit.
    On the other hand, I do see a very serious problem in not refunding the credit if the business ceases.
    This seems to me to be open to legal challenge in most countries.

  • Maybe a review system would work. Someone on Reddit did the same for VPNs, using sentiment score based on a few different factors. But, this again has the disadvantage of not allowing new legit providers any space.

    Let's face the facts - Scams will be a reality as long as free will exists.

  • @Maelstrom36 said:

    He also haven't applied for bankruptcy, so his debts were waived

    Just stopped operations without any notification.
    There are consumer protection laws in the US, need to check.

  • @Maelstrom36 said:
    So that also means you are saying other more recognized providers here are thieves for not refunding crypto payments.

    Again, there are two big differences (as said in one city)

    you don't refund just because the customer wanted it back, or you don't refund when you stopped serving on your own initiative.

  • Either way, scams is bad. What should we do to put tight leash on those pesky scammers?


    • Implement "club acceptance". Example: some turk comes to LET and buys "I can scam/spam" badge. To confirm his order forum choose random 5 already existing providers to "accept" him as a new, legit member;
    • LET introduce rigorous KYC practices for each order of "I can scam/spam" badge. This may require business registration document(s), owner picture (penis can be redacted, but it is optional), owner residence address, last paid electricity bill. In some cases, for countries with scam history (RO, TR etc.) a dog picture may be required;
    • LET introduces "scam stash". This stash filled with initial of 5000 USD as a insurance vs exit scam. Stash may be used to automatically elongate "I can scam/spam" badge on yearly basis. In case of exit scam or "mental issues" victims receive compensation if usual chargeback is not sufficient. Amount unused may be absorbed by JB for that xxx beard trim. Sick!;
    • Minimum criteria for provider introduction: 1 year in business, at least 2 workers (the human failover system), owned ASN, owned hardware;
    Thanked by 1sillycat
  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited December 2023

    @LTniger said: Implement "club acceptance". Example: some turk comes to LET and buys "I can scam/spam" badge. To confirm his order forum choose random 5 already existing providers to "accept" him as a new, legit member;

    Competition as gatekeepers for the newcomers? Why existing providers and not you?
    Many now-established providers were a bit sketchy when they first time came here. It's hard to be new in the game and try to do everything perfectly. Especially if you're not so well-versed non native speaker.
    At the end of the day, it's still your own responsibility to decide if you will purchase service from someone or not. As an example those two Turkish providers were sketchy from the beginning and we all knew it - people just gambled and tried their luck.
    One of them seems like a someone who may survive, the other ... who knows. It doesn't looks good.

  • @Mumbly said:

    @LTniger said: Implement "club acceptance". Example: some turk comes to LET and buys "I can scam/spam" badge. To confirm his order forum choose random 5 already existing providers to "accept" him as a new, legit member;

    Competition as gatekeepers for the newcomers? Why existing providers and not you?
    Many now established providers were a bit sketchy when they first time came here. It's hard to be new in the game and try to do everything perfectly. Especially if you're not so well-versed non native speaker.

    Since JB do not assume any liability for those scams, maybe club approach will present some morale here.

  • @LTniger said: Since JB do not assume any liability for those scams, maybe club approach will present some morale here.

    Why should he? He does not hold a gun on my head when I purchase service from some sketchy host.

  • @LTniger said:

    @Mumbly said:

    @LTniger said: Implement "club acceptance". Example: some turk comes to LET and buys "I can scam/spam" badge. To confirm his order forum choose random 5 already existing providers to "accept" him as a new, legit member;

    Competition as gatekeepers for the newcomers? Why existing providers and not you?
    Many now established providers were a bit sketchy when they first time came here. It's hard to be new in the game and try to do everything perfectly. Especially if you're not so well-versed non native speaker.

    Since JB do not assume any liability for those scams, maybe club approach will present some morale here.

    We'll buy this forum out in a 10 year annium plan baby

    @Francisco said: Pork belly! Lets see if I can get the skin to bubble up. I've not had any success yet.

    Show me your piggy belly big boy.

  • LeviLevi Member
    edited December 2023

    @Mumbly said:

    @LTniger said: Since JB do not assume any liability for those scams, maybe club approach will present some morale here.

    Why should he? He does not hold a gun on my head when I purchase service from some sketchy host.

    Well, if he do not address scams and they increase, this platform will be deemed as a scammesr cest pist and unsafe place to find a deal.

    JB takes money for ads, so he takes liability about what ad content is put on this forum. In Europe such schema would doomed this forum long ago, right after massive exit scam with colonus crossing hosts.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    The goal is for the LEB and LET platforms to be scam-free.

    That does not mean businesses won't fail, of course they will. That might mean negative outcomes for customers of companies that fail, and that is something I am sensitive to. We want to see those cases minimized.

    @raindog308 recently dug into the data to show how rare failures are for hosts featured on LowEndBox. That's a massive improvement vs. 2019 and before (as a reminder, I purchased LowEndBox and LowEndTalk in January 2020.

    Check out the @raindog308 data here:

    Admin/moderation here at LowEndTalk is made up of a group well intentioned and dedicated people( @hawc / @Jord / @Not_Oles / @MikePT / @netomx / @angstrom / @DP / @Arkas ). No one on the team protects scammers.

    It is important to me to keep LowEndTalk a platform that favors free speech and a diversity of ideas. That doesn't mean hosts have permission to abuse our userbase commercially and not deliver on their promises. In cases like that we act.

  • @jbiloh said:
    The goal is for the LEB and LET platforms to be scam-free.

    That does not mean businesses won't fail, of course they will. That might mean negative outcomes for customers of companies that fail, and that is something I am sensitive to. We want to see those cases minimized.

    @raindog308 recently dug into the data to show how rare failures are for hosts featured on LowEndBox. That's a massive improvement vs. 2019 and before (as a reminder, I purchased LowEndBox and LowEndTalk in January 2020.

    Check out the @raindog308 data here:

    Admin/moderation here at LowEndTalk is made up of a group well intentioned and dedicated people( @hawc / @Jord / @Not_Oles / @MikePT / @netomx / @angstrom / @DP / @Arkas ). No one on the team protects scammers.

    It is important to me to keep LowEndTalk a platform that favors free speech and a diversity of ideas. That doesn't mean hosts have permission to abuse our userbase commercially and not deliver on their promises. In cases like that we act.

    Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    Thanked by 1remy
  • My goal is to bang :)

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

  • @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    A good buffet

  • risharderisharde Patron Provider, Veteran

    @dahartigan I don't want to sound like a holier than thou but if it raised to 1000 dollars there would be no way for me to pay that kind of money to sell my apps for the peanuts I sell it for. It's a vicious cycle but it's even more vicious for us who are trying to be honest and don't even have the low end market fully - like myself since it's software I am selling

    Thanked by 2host_c dahartigan
  • @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    Ban that user. He still sells his scam on the website. Stop this madness. User will sort this out, but the source must be cut swiftly.

  • @LTniger said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    Ban that user. He still sells his scam on the website. Stop this madness. User will sort this out, but the source must be cut swiftly.

    This is censoring free speach~! Take their money figure it out later. ;)

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • remyremy Member
    edited December 2023

    @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    As a first step, it would be a good idea to remove the links to order on the provider's thread...
    Until the situation is clarified.

    This could prove to the community that you're serious about avoiding scams.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited December 2023

    @LTniger said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    Ban that user.

    Truly a bad suggestion. Almost as bad as the requests to close the thread. Because it's an easy way out and issue tone down quicker. Ban him and he's saved by bell. This just helps scammers to vanish peacefully.

    Remove host tag, remove sales links yes. But don't touch threads where people can complain and get some satisfaction answers.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @Mumbly said:

    @LTniger said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    Ban that user.

    Truly a bad suggestion. Almost as bad as the requests to close the thread. Because it's an easy way out and issue tone down quicker. Ban him and he's saved by bell. This just helps scammers to vanish peacefully.

    Remove host tag, remove sales links yes. But don't touch threads where people can complain and get some satisfaction answers.


  • LeviLevi Member
    edited December 2023

    @Mumbly said:

    @LTniger said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @LTniger said: Well, repuc scam is on-going. He feeds users false promises, outright lies. Zero or "let's wait and see" reaction. No incentive to remove scammer.

    What do you recommend in that case?

    Ban that user.

    Truly a bad suggestion. Almost as bad as the requests to close the thread. Because it's an easy way out and issue tone down quicker. Ban him and he's saved by bell. This just helps scammers to vanish peacefully.

    Remove host tag, remove sales links yes. But don't touch threads where people can complain and get some satisfaction answers.

    Yea, let the scammer talk his way back and scam another round. There is time for writing and there is time for actions. Banned user can be unbaned.

    And in repuc case - he does not communicate, only lie and extends time for his scam. Not all users are naive and believe "he made a misstake". No, he scammed.

    Enough snowflaking and stockholm syndrome. That's why LET is so attractive for scammers. While politics and chit chat on-going - scammers rake money.

    The same crap was with nexusbytes, hostsolution. Even now not banned. How absurd is this? People lost domains, data.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited December 2023

    Because the ban really hurt, right? The next scammer will most likely come here just because some "I don't give a shit" @seriesn isn't banned yet. As it really matters ...
    You obviously missed the point and responded to me with something completely random and unrelated to the post you're quoting.
    Please don't talk just to talk ...
    I don't mind preventing future sales. That's okay. Remove the tag, delete sales links. But don't help him to vanish peacefully. Once again - a ban in those cases is just an easy way out. In the same manner as closing the thread. Allow people to demand the answers, allow people to vent.

  • @Mumbly said:
    Because the ban really hurt, right? The next scammer will most likely come here just because some "i am not active anymore" @seriesnnot isn't banned yet. As it really matters ...
    You obviously missed the point and responded to me with something completely random and unrelated to the post you're quoting.
    Please don't talk just to talk ...
    I don't mind preventing future sales. That's okay. But don't help him to vanish peacefully. Once again - a ban in those cases is just an easy way out. In the same manner as as closing the thread.

    It is clear text interpretation barrier here. What else you want from user who scammed? Talk with him about his problems? A ban is clear sign that this user is trouble, nothing else and community don't want him around anymore.

    Speaking about closing threads by getting "the easy way out":

    Mod closed thread and user in question (who didn't refunded his client on deadpool) thanked him! Sweet irony.

    Thanked by 2thane Naomii
  • davidedavide Member
    edited December 2023

    The $200 badge is kind of edgy. Some patron providers here have a lorem ipsum in their terms of service, probably they aren't banging a lot on those bucks. Retribution is justice too, and the leviathan feeds on them all. I have no idea what I just said, but I'm entitled to vote.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited December 2023

    @LTniger said: It is clear text interpretation barrier here.

    No, it's not. You're just stubborn.
    But that's okay, we both expressed our views.

    @LTniger said: Mod closed thread and user in question (who didn't refunded his client on deadpool) thanked him! Sweet irony.

    Exactly! This is what I am saying all the time. Ban and closed threads are just a salvation for the scammer. Things tone down quicker. He can always return with new name and start anew. Keep him around at least for some public lashing and venting. It's forum ffs...

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @davide said:
    The $200 badge is kind of edgy. Some patron providers here have a lorem ipsum in their terms of service, probably they aren't banging a lot on those bucks. Retribution is justice too, and the leviathan feeds on them all. I have no idea what I just said, but I'm entitled to vote.


  • davidedavide Member
    edited December 2023

    @jbiloh said:

    Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @davide said:

    @jbiloh said:

    Masochist question, you wanted it, daddy gives it to you:

    It was a sincere question.

    Whats their username on LowEndTalk? Let's get them to fix that.

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