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BasedFlare - New Cloudflare-like service



  • Registration is currently disabled, please try again later.

    What's wrong?

  • @atharva said: Registration is currently disabled, please try again later.

    What's wrong?

    It was never public. I am only dealing privately for now. But i think i need a host rep tag if I want to say more on that, so for now I will 🤐. People are talking about it because they want to deploy their own instance (it is open source) and make it free and public.

  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    @ezeth said:

    git clone
    cd haproxy-panel-next/
    cp .env.example .env

    Then install nodejs 16

    snap install node --classic --channel=16

    Then install mongodb

    curl -fsSL |    sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-7.0.gpg    --dearmor
    echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-7.0.gpg ] jammy/mongodb-org/7.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-7.0.list
    apt update
    apt install -y mongodb-org

    Then install redis.

    apt install -y redis

    Then start both redis and mongodb

    systemctl start mongod
    systemctl start redis-server

    Inside the .env file replace NAMESERVERS="YOURIPHERE"

    Then generate certificates

    mkdir -p /root/haproxy-panel-next/ca
    cd /root/haproxy-panel-next/ca
    # Generate a new private key
    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out ca-private-key.pem
    # Generate a root CA certificate
    openssl req -key ca-private-key.pem -new -x509 -days 365 -out ca-certificate.pem

    After that you're almost done.

    cd /root/haproxy-panel-next
    npm run build
    npm run start


    It starts with no errors. But there is a ton of stuff to configure inside .env. :)

    I think I caught everything in the history command output. Please say if it does not work!

    root@ubuntu2204:~/haproxy-panel-next# npm run build

    [email protected] build
    next build

    sh: 1: next: not found

    root@ubuntu2204:~/haproxy-panel-next# npm install next

    npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please use another csrf package
    npm notice
    npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.19.4 -> 10.2.0
    npm notice Changelog:
    npm notice Run npm install -g [email protected] to update!
    npm notice
    npm ERR! code 1
    npm ERR! path /root/haproxy-panel-next/node_modules/bcrypt
    npm ERR! command failed
    npm ERR! command sh -c -- node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build

    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
    npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2023-10-06T09_41_06_381Z-debug-0.log

  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    full log:

    > 1992 timing build:link:node_modules/which Completed in 7ms
    > 1993 timing build:link:node_modules/typescript Completed in 7ms
    > 1994 timing build:link:node_modules/uuid Completed in 7ms
    > 1995 timing build:link Completed in 10ms
    > 1996 info run [email protected] install node_modules/bcrypt node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
    > 1997 info run [email protected] install node_modules/msgpackr-extract node-gyp-build-optional-packages
    > 1998 info run [email protected] install { code: 1, signal: null }
    > 1999 info run [email protected] install { code: 0, signal: null }
    > 2000 timing build:run:install:node_modules/msgpackr-extract Completed in 344ms
    > 2001 timing reify:rollback:createSparse Completed in 1011ms
    > 2002 timing reify:rollback:retireShallow Completed in 0ms
    > 2003 timing command:install Completed in 16014ms
    > 2004 notice
    > 2004 notice New ^[[31mmajor^[[39m version of npm available! ^[[31m8.19.4^[[39m -> ^[[32m10.2.0^[[39m
    > 2004 notice Changelog: ^[[36m^[[39m
    > 2004 notice Run ^[[32mnpm install -g [email protected]^[[39m to update!
    > 2004 notice
    > 2005 verbose stack Error: command failed
    > 2005 verbose stack     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/snap/node/7581/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/promise-spawn/lib/index.js:63:27)
    > 2005 verbose stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
    > 2005 verbose stack     at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1100:16)
    > 2005 verbose stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:304:5)
    > 2006 verbose pkgid [email protected]
    > 2007 verbose cwd /root/haproxy-panel-next
    > 2008 verbose Linux 5.15.0-79-generic
    > 2009 verbose node v16.20.1
    > 2010 verbose npm  v8.19.4
    > 2011 error code 1
    > 2012 error path /root/haproxy-panel-next/node_modules/bcrypt
    > 2013 error command failed
    > 2014 error command sh -c -- node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
    > 2015 verbose exit 1
    > 2016 timing npm Completed in 16159ms
    > 2017 verbose unfinished npm timer reify 1696585266525
    > 2018 verbose unfinished npm timer reify:build 1696585281143
    > 2019 verbose unfinished npm timer build 1696585281144
    > 2020 verbose unfinished npm timer build:deps 1696585281145
    > 2021 verbose unfinished npm timer build:run:install 1696585281171
    > 2022 verbose unfinished npm timer build:run:install:node_modules/bcrypt 1696585281171
    > 2023 verbose code 1
    > 2024 error A complete log of this run can be found in:
    > 2024 error     /root/.npm/_logs/2023-10-06T09_41_06_381Z-debug-0.log
  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    edit: It probly does not like the root user lol.

    Yeah, that was the issue:

    sudo npm cache clean -f
    sudo npm install -g n
    sudo n stable
    sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

    Then it worked.

    I will setup demo stuff up now, and once its working I migrate to production.

    Thanked by 1sillycat
  • Great work @stefeman and thanks for all the great work on creating something actually useful @fatchan :heart:

    Thanked by 1sillycat
  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    So, I got it up and running, but what's the default admin user/password for the panel?


    And thanks for the continued help :)

  • @stefeman said: So, I got it up and running, but what's the default admin user/password for the panel?

    node reset.js

    Thanked by 1stefeman
  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    @fatchan said:

    @stefeman said: So, I got it up and running, but what's the default admin user/password for the panel?

    node reset.js


    I logged in with:


    and it briefly shows menu and goes back to login page in 1 second. Is this due to missing haproxy-protect as I only have the panel cloned and up?

    Thanked by 1angstrom
  • You are running in production mode without https, so the Secure session cookie isnt set. Use https or dont run in production mode

    Thanked by 1stefeman
  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    @fatchan said:
    You are running in production mode without https, so the Secure session cookie isnt set. Use https or dont run in production mode

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    How would I change the mode?

    And how would I change to https? it just gives ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR since the site does not listen for 443

  • ezethezeth Member, Host Rep

    Soooooooooo. What's the state of this basedflare

  • @ezeth said: Soooooooooo. What's the state of this basedflare

    Works great, its clean, dashboard is amazing and you can customize the shit out of it. Protection works great as well.

  • typicalGtaTGtypicalGtaTG Member, Host Rep

    @Hotmarer said: where are workers?

    In my basement

    Thanked by 1Hotmarer
  • ezethezeth Member, Host Rep

    @kait said:

    @ezeth said: Soooooooooo. What's the state of this basedflare

    Works great, its clean, dashboard is amazing and you can customize the shit out of it. Protection works great as well.

    I have never tested it. Did you sign up for $ 9.99/mo?

  • @kait said:

    @ezeth said: Soooooooooo. What's the state of this basedflare

    Works great, its clean, dashboard is amazing and you can customize the shit out of it. Protection works great as well.

    Were you able to self host and test it's features?

  • @ezeth said: I have never tested it. Did you sign up for $ 9.99/mo?

    @dosai said: Were you able to self host and test it's features?

    Currently a beta tester.

  • @dosai said: Were you able to self host and test it's features?

    Certainly, it's fully open source; although, as has become evident in this thread, the documentation for the panel isn't the best.

  • @sillycat said:

    @dosai said: Were you able to self host and test it's features?

    Certainly, it's fully open source; although, as has become evident in this thread, the documentation for the panel isn't the best.

    Yes, I've mentioned the same in my previous comment from this same thread.

  • fatchanfatchan Member
    edited October 2023

    @ezeth said: @fatchan
    Soooooooooo. What's the state of this basedflare

    I have a few people using it, and I am taking their suggestions and slowly improving on pain points of running multi tenant setup. It works well enough for the level of attacks atm, and most importantly its fun.
    You can email me or dm me if you want to know more.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran
    edited October 2023

    The Panel makes DNS queries to a DNS server IP you can configure in .env
    I don't understand why though.

    Without any response to these queries the Panel is unable to load/function at all.
    @fatchan can you explain why and what purpose they have?

    I thought you make changes, these are written to either redis or mongodb and getting sync to the dns servers.
    But apparently the Panel on its own makes DNS queries to its own nameservers?

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    Nevermind, actually got it working now.
    Will play a bit around and report back.

  • @Neoon said: Nevermind, actually got it working now.

    Will play a bit around and report back.

    W, always nice to get things working, gives you the good feelings.

    Thanked by 1sillycat
  • @Neoon said:
    Nevermind, actually got it working now.
    Will play a bit around and report back.

    Live Deploy soon :D

  • Maybe you guys can do a pull request with additional information you have gathered so far.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    It does work though
    https does not work though, because it uses ACME and that needs the dns server part working.

  • You might be able to change the challenge order to http-01 first (grep the code), if you setup each haproxy to forward .well-known/acme-challenge to the control panel. The code for writing the files in tmp is still there, I jist stopped using because dns is easier, faster, and allows wildcards.

  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited October 2023

    @fatchan said:

    You might be able to change the challenge order to http-01 first (grep the code), if you setup each haproxy to forward .well-known/acme-challenge to the control panel. The code for writing the files in tmp is still there, I jist stopped using because dns is easier, faster, and allows wildcards.

    Can you just share your plugin version as "no lisence" separately? Should not be an issue as long as you dont bundle it. Otherwise this entire thing is pretty much unusable as intended.

    If nobody can deploy it as it's supposed to work most optimally, its useless to share the source to begin with. =/

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran
    edited October 2023

    I made a dns integration for basedflare with gdnsd.

    It works, it gets a certificate but its unable to upload the certificate to haproxy.

    An error occurred 1696931148740 TypeError [ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL]: Protocol "http:" not supported. Expected "https:"
        at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:406:5)
        at new ClientRequest (node:_http_client:183:11)
        at request (node:http:101:10)
        at file:///var/www/haproxy-panel-next/node_modules/node-fetch/src/index.js:94:20
        at new Promise (<anonymous>)
        at fetch (file:///var/www/haproxy-panel-next/node_modules/node-fetch/src/index.js:49:9)
        at file:///var/www/haproxy-panel-next/router.js:188:14
        at (<anonymous>)
        at res.locals.postFileAll (file:///var/www/haproxy-panel-next/router.js:185:18)
        at addCert (file:///var/www/haproxy-panel-next/controllers/certs.js:119:86) {
  • @stefeman said:

    Can you just share your plugin version as "no lisence" separately? Should not be an issue as long as you dont bundle it. Otherwise this entire thing is pretty much unusable as intended.

    I rather not do that publicly, it is technically copyright infringement and there are too many contributors on the repo to get all their permission. Eventually, I can release a freshly rewritten version. For now, it sounds like people were able to implement another DNS server anyway, see below. It just needs to read from redis after all, nothing special.

    @Neoon said: It works, it gets a certificate but its unable to upload the certificate to haproxy.

    Probably this is because the fetch call is passed agent which is a https agent, but your dataplaneapi url is http. You can try to remove it, or configure dataplaneapi to use https and add a certificate. You can set ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED_SSL=1 in env and use a self signed cert in dataplaneapi, or install a trusted certificate.

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