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[avoid] ChicagoVPS dedicated, fake dedicated, huge packet loss - Page 2
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[avoid] ChicagoVPS dedicated, fake dedicated, huge packet loss



  • rm_ said: angstrom said: given that "dedicated server" used to mean "bare metal server"

    Used to mean, and still means.

    Okay, I won't argue about this (this was also my initial impression).

    At the same time, the meaning of term is ultimately dictated by usage, and there is no a priori reason why the use of "dedicated server" couldn't change with time (in this case, the meaning would be enlarged to cover a VPS with a dedicated CPU share). If the change in meaning is recent, it's natural that not everyone would have adopted the change yet.

    angstrom said: Now it may also refer to a VPS with dedicated resources.

    Only at shoddy providers trying to scam people by offering not what was advertised.

    It's another question whether ChicagoVPS tried to scam people with this use of "dedicated server".

    angstrom said: there are precedents for "smart server"

    "Smart" in this context does not mean anything. Certainly does not convey the key characteristic of the product (= that it's not actually a dedicated server). Replace "Smart" with something like "Split", and now we're talking. But as currently, that's just a meaningless marketing term.

    HVH uses "hybrid server", which is certainly clearer, but for them as well, a hybrid server falls into the category of dedicated servers:

  • joepie91joepie91 Member, Patron Provider

    @kijin said:
    In addition to the wrong number of cores, the 100GB/200GB HDD is also a dead giveaway. Real HDDs come in multiples of 250GB, at least since the end of the last decade.

    It's misleading to call it a dedicated server, but there's no standardization whatsoever of these marketing terms so caveat emptor.

    Not really true. Dedicated servers with network-mounted storage are a thing, and everything besides the storage space is still dedicated.

    @FredQc said:
    Do you really think you'll get a full E3-1240v3 for $19? Open your eyes and be realistic.

    And once again: It's the responsibility of the provider not to advertise things that they cannot deliver. That includes things that "well, we technically didn't advertise it but it's still written to cause that impression".

    Sure, as a customer you still have to do research into what you buy, but it is not the responsibility of a customer to determine whether a price is sustainable or not. They do not have access to the business financials or contracts, so this is an unreasonable expectation.

    doughmanes said: Where did you get your server deployed at and what country do you live in might explain the connectivity issue

    The OP included a timed DNS lookup from the server though, so I doubt it's an issue with where he lives.

    Thanked by 3rm_ switsys deadbeef
  • KuJoeKuJoe Member, Host Rep

    I would be really pissed if I ordered a pizza from Dominos and they showed up with just a slice of the pizza instead and claimed they never advertised I was buying a whole pizza and the pictures on their website and menu were just for marketing purposes. I guess others are more forgiving when it comes to being tricked by businesses. And to think that providers fight for sales on here when they could just be lying instead, seems like the cheaper option.

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    Great.. The latest CVPS scam we are going to hear about for the next 6 months, you know, if everyone just ignores them, they will go away.

    They have been ripping people off and telling HUGE lies for years, at this point you can only blame yourself.

  • AnthonySmith said: They have been ripping people off and telling HUGE lies for years, at this point you can only blame yourself.

    And, that my friend is why i'll never do business with ColoScamming (ColoCrossing) because they allow things like to happen.

    Thanked by 1Yura
  • emgemg Veteran
    edited October 2016

    @billy_z said:
    Anyone who questions my home connection speed or country of origin can shut up. I live closer to Bufallo, NY than 90% of Americans.


    ... and further south than Portland, Oregon.

    Reasonable people who are shopping for a "dedicated server" expect exclusive access to a physical computer. The term is clear and unambiguous to providers and consumers in the hosting industry.

    Has our current political climate made it acceptable to call a virtual machine a "dedicated server"?

    I accuse ChicagoVPS of misleading advertising. Their marketing and sales people know what the term "dedicated server" means to customers, and they have deliberately chosen to ignore it. To me, it demonstrates a lack of personal integrity among the people at ChicagoVPS who perpetrated this action and the others who failed to stand up to those who did.

    I have seen other providers attach modifier terms to "dedicated server", such as "virtual dedicated server", which gives prospective customers a clue that the product may not be a genuine dedicated server. I don't like it, and I believe it is misleading, but I can live with it.

    I call on ChicagoVPS to separate the real dedicated servers from the false ones, to make it clear and unambiguous which are shared resources, and label them appropriately. Call the shared resources "virtual dedicated servers" or a "shared dedicated servers" or something that makes it clear to the customer that they do not have exclusive access to a physical computer.

    Thanked by 1Yura
  • @jbiloh @CVPS_Chris

    We would love to hear you guys chime in on why you think these marketing terms as well as misleading your customers is an acceptable business practice?

    If you guys are #WINNING then why do you feel you have to mislead (Use made up terminology) and lie to your customers to get more business?

    You keep saying things have changed for the better and keep trying to convince us, then you go and do more shady stuff and wonder why we don't believe you. sigh


    Thanked by 2Foul tmwc
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @billy_z please advise on your account ID and we'll process a refund for you. Regret any inconvenience you experienced.

    If you are looking for a bare metal server we also offer those.

    Regarding the packet loss, please send us a trace route in both directions so we can take a look. We're not seeing any issues on our side.

  • TheLinuxBugTheLinuxBug Member
    edited October 2016

    jbiloh said: If you are looking for a bare metal server we also offer those.

    You mean a dedicated server?

    You didn't answer the question, you side stepped it. It also doesn't sound like you are planning to take the appropriate actions to update your page to not mislead future customers? Is this how you intend to continue doing business, by fraud and scam and when you are called on it just offer a refund? I mean you guys have done a lot of disingenuous things in the past, but completely ignoring the issue when it is brought to your attention and thrown in your face is a bit insulting. Grow a pair, step up and face the music and take responsibility instead of side stepping an obvious problem!


    Thanked by 2joepie91 Yura
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran
    edited October 2016

    Hi @TheLinuxBug,

    We've serviced tens of thousands of customers at our ChicagoVPS brand, and our Smart Server lineup has been very successful. It's not for everyone however, and for those customers who require the added power of bare metal equipment we offer that service too. In this case, we regret any confusion or inconvenience caused to the purchaser and will happily provide a refund.

    Meanwhile we intend to add some more language to the ChicagoVPS website to explain the dedicated resource pools offered by our Smart Server lineup, similar to what is written on the Hudson Valley Host page. We see how more detail would be helpful to differentiate the products and we'll have that updated today.

    Thanked by 1TheLinuxBug
  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    @jbiloh ever consider a career in politics? you simply seem incapable of being direct, you side step everything, I suspect when it all comes down to it and you have no front, underneath it all stands a cowardly little boy that has got away with far to much for far to long.

  • @jbiloh said:
    our Smart Server lineup has been very successful.

    yes, because they thought the're buying cheap dedicated server. I feel bad for them...

    Thanked by 1default
  • @AnthonySmith said:
    @jbiloh ever consider a career in politics? you simply seem incapable of being direct, you side step everything, I suspect when it all comes down to it and you have no front, underneath it all stands a cowardly little boy that has got away with far to much for far to long.

    Bit, erm, personal... no?

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    VortexMagnus said: Bit, erm, personal... no?

    After 6 years of watching the same crap happen over and over again, probably not personal enough.

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    @jbiloh ever consider a career in politics? you simply seem incapable of being direct, you side step everything

    Lulz, I thought exactly the same, it's like watching Question Time!

    Thanked by 1SpartanHost
  • Just to say that ChicagoVPS have updated that page. It's clearer now (though perhaps could be even clearer):

    Personally, I wouldn't conclude -- based on the pre-updated page -- that ChicagoVPS intended to deceive anyone, but I guess that we would all agree that the page was potentially misleading.

  • @billy_z said:
    Anyone who questions my home connection speed or country of origin can shut up. I live closer to Bufallo, NY than 90% of Americans.

    Ew, Rogers. Bell fibre!!! :D

  • I thought there was a difference between VPS and Dedicated, but it seems there is no difference at all. Those are all the same thing.

    It seems I learn something new every day. From now on when I shall order a VPS (yes, VPS), I am going to ask an image of that server from datacenter, with identification number, to see if what I get is real and dedicated. :)

  • angstrom said: Just to say that ChicagoVPS have updated that page.

    But... this type of servers should have their own category, and not being represented in the Dedicated section. People in a hurry for a dedicated server would still think it's the real thing and would buy with eyes closed. By the way, I had an hybrid server from HVH for a couple of months and I have to complaint to make on the service.

    Thanked by 1rm_
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    We also added the phrase "Bare Metal Servers" to the section for "Dedicated Servers" to further distinguish.

    @FredQC -- I wasn't clear from your remark, but are you satisfied with your Hybrid/Smart server from HVH?

  • imho people who are not capable to note the difference in what and how ressources are offered despite how they are mainly called shouldn't be allowed to order anything at all :-)

    but I don't think that's the point of @billy_z at all.

    I think he realized before ordering that it is some kind virtual server and even expected nothing more than that, but complained about not being able to see the real CPU and if those ressources given to him are really dedicated to his use!

    after all the whole discussion around what is called dedicated and what not may miss the real issue here...

    Thanked by 2Junkless billy_z
  • @jbiloh reading your numerous HVH promotional email ads, that I unsubscribed from numerous times, made it give off the impression of a fully dedicated server. It took me a good bit of reading to understand that you were just selling dedicated instances.

    Pretty sad that you have to lie, fudge, and bullshit your way into someones wallet. Though, this is colocrossing so I don't know why I gave you any hope in the first place.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    @Francisco said:

    @TheOnlyDK said:
    When you see 2X CPU cores, it has to be a VPS, the dedicated part probably means dedicated resource.

    Almost like a slice of a server.



    Thanked by 1Francisco
  • LeeLee Veteran
    edited October 2016

    Falzo said: I think he realized before ordering that it is some kind virtual server and even expected nothing more than that, but complained about not being able to see the real CPU and if those ressources given to him are really dedicated to his use!

    after all the whole discussion around what is called dedicated and what not may miss the real issue here...

    This, all other points aside the OP is just a chancer, he knew what he was buying, I have no doubt of that. Signed up for a new account so they could not be identified in making their gripe.

  • JunklessJunkless Member
    edited October 2016

    So have any of you guys ever seen/visited godaddy's dedicated server page ?

  • @Junkless said:
    So have any of you guys ever seen/visited godaddy's dedicated server page ?

    What/Who is godaddy?

  • The story summed up: focus on the details of what you're buying or open up a ticket for clarification rather than chasing the price. I worked for somewhere selling this. The customers were happy who understood what they were getting. The upset customers were the ones chasing the low price.

    Thanked by 1BillyE
  • SaragoldfarbSaragoldfarb Member, Megathread Squad

    Imho the order page still presents the servers as being dedicated (bare metal) with some cloud marketing bs added to it. It's outright misleading. The average Joe will definitely not get that it's not baremetal. Messed up way to conduct business.

  • Why this thread in offtopic?

  • PremiumN said: Why this thread in offtopic?

    Aliens, I'd assume.

This discussion has been closed.