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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
How much do you think running a site costs ?
Apart from the DDoS protection, everything else is almost free.
I can buy with 15 Eur DDoS protection, but the DC has no ipv6 sadly, it is basically free, except the time invested.
Almost. Basically.
Not actually free.
How much is your time worth? Nothing?
Funny I just read this. I spent most of the day getting my new personal LEB working:
I love this thing. Running 64mb RAM and a 4GB HD. It's a beast for what it is.
Here is something I find funny. Freewebspace uses a fairly mild dedicated quad core server with like 6-8gb memory. And runs fine with vbulletin.
So a dedicated with dodos and full management for this site should be about 350 a month.
They pay the mods nothing.
Sure same practice here.
Low cost high profit.
I don't understand what this has to do with anyone but the owners. How is it our business?
Why start a website/business/anything unless you can do that? Apparently making money on investments of time/money/ideas is bad now. Isn't that what pretty much everyone here is doing?
cough LEB = cough
Free hats for everyone?
Free hat?
Well Chief is back as he deleted a thread (released personal info, so cant blame him even if it was a funny thread, for the best) and locked another and commented, so I believe you all should be getting the response you've been waiting for.
Was he gone? I'm seeing regular activity here:
He must of been to this thread as new posts don't bump it. Someone wants it to sink... Don't know if it was him or not though. I don't really care, but it'd be nice for him to acknowledged the presence of this thread with a response see to clear whatever confusions exist.
I didn't realise you could stop bumps in Vanilla? It seems @Chief he will be ignoring any of these types of threads...
And yet you're here posting. Look up hypocrisy in the dictionary.
@nutjob, people here don't want to leave LET. They just want better more transparent management.
"Moderators" here are just a community members with a "power" to close and open threads and delete posts and threads.
For what? If you're asking if we're getting paid, the answer is no. If you are asking what's the reason I'm doing this, I just want to make this community better. I can't speak for the others
Those are the first things that can keep the site free. A constitution can be drafted later.
Count me in.
I have no objection to providers advertising here, and I have no objection to someone making money from the site.
What I dislike is the way the site has become predominantly a marketplace for providers. There is no community anymore, only competition.
So please @Maounique build a new forum. Some place where we can discuss and share ideas and learn things -- instead of obsessing over the newest oversold offer or the latest dd result. I really hope you do it.
I think I'm done with LET. Everyone have a nice day.
Come to IRC, let's talk.
I'd assumed you mods did it for the fame, glory, and women.
Sage goes in every field.
No, Liam gets all the fame and glory and Chief gets all the women