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Everytime i find a new provider with DDOS protection i get hit with DDOS attack

Hello Gentlemen's,
It has bee like 10 months I have been having a hectic job finding each time new provider just to get a teamspeak 3 with full ddos protection. when ever I get hit my team speak 3 server gets down and then I have to reboot my vps.
These are the hosts that I have tried and left them due to attacks.
1- Blazing Fast
They say to protect up to 980 gbps but it gets down with single attack 10 gbps. tried them 1 month ago and left
2- Linode
They don't have ddos protection yet I think. tried them 1 month ago and left
3- Ramnode
Good VPS to be honest but 20 gbps protection only. tried them 4 months ago and left
4- Zare
Solid VPS but gets hit too easily using voxility. tried them 1 month ago and left.
5- Vultr
Love this VPS a lot since it has easy to use control panel very user friendly and when I used them I was getting attacks and team speak used to get down very easily that was like few months ago did not try them recently but they now have 10 gbps protection its not enough. I tried yesterday 400 gbps are coming but no ETA. Tried them 8 months in past and left.
UK Provider same like but gets attack easily .. their gateway is not secured.
I still have my vps running with them.. using for game server.
I used this recently and they could not solve my packet loss issues yet so I left them too but still have vps running. using for game server.
8- Evolution-Host --- My current Provider OVH [Paris]
these guys are the ones I am with and so far my team speak has not been crashed or down sine I have been with them like 10 days till now.
Hope it goes well.
I need your suggestion how can I protect my team speak 3 from attacks and prevent from being crashed.
give me ideas what iptables rules or ipset rules I need .. Or block countries?
Your suggestion would be much appreciated in order to protect my VPS from external attacks with layer 7 filtering too.
how many guys do you piss off ? that you got so many haters ddosing you for so long ?
When you get a new server, don't go onto the forums saying 'hay guys, i got a new server with protection you can't dox it lolololol'.
DigitalOcean next???
nope I don't do this
I hear AthenaLayer is the industry leader of DDoS protection.we are gaming community so yes we have haters
Do people find your server by magic then?
I've run a ts3 server for ages and don't get ddos attacked.. You must be doing something wrong or hanging out with the wrong crowd?
most of them are kids . we play cs 1.6 and samp some times COD
Makes sense I guess, taking out your comms.
I used to love counterstrike many years ago, I looked again a few months back and it's full of kids (there's your problem) bragging about owning (insert combat knife here).
Luckily I've managed to avoid ddos since the days of the MSN Irc servers and the fight for #england etc!
Anyway, gl.
Have you considered using something like Discord
could you brief me ?
this days kids are equipped with boosters and money to spend recklessly.
I use discord aswell, it's actually really good.
Please don't move across until these kids grow up though as you seem to be a ddos magnet!
If these kiddies end up making a dent in Discordapp's infrastructure, Discord doesn't really deserve to be calling themselves the "next generation awesome free gaming blah blah communication"
You shouldn't be content with people just "not DDoSing you", because it will happen eventually. You just need to be confident of your protection for when it does happen.
Have you tried to run a reverse proxy to your service from a reputable DDoS mitigation provider?
I think that he or she should be able to, your protection shouldn't be at the will of the attacker otherwise you aren't even protected.
Shoot me a PM I've got something that might work
Did you try OVH? Not that I would recommend using them, I would just be interested how good they do in real attack scenarios.
If there is anyone who knows anything about DDoS attacks it's @Francisco at BuyVM. They use Voxility but with some custom secret sauce or something
Not the cheapest but they will keep you online. How are you testing packet loss? By default Voxility blocks ICMP/ping when under attack.
Try or
did you read what he wrote? he is with ovh now
Go away you nonce.
RamNode and BuyVM - only good if you work closely with them on additional filters
BlazingFast - Standard Voxility, nothing custom, so not really good
zare - Also Voxility
RA4W LLC - Voxility again
Anything OVH - Not good, a lot of booters out there can take them down
My suggestion would be aswell, they have a lot of Teamspeak and gameserver customers and even their free protection is very solid and I haven't seen any booter take them down.
OVH used to be terrible, nowadays has been upgraded and you can get GAME DDOS protection.
Where can you get that?