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Filemedia Launches - Page 3
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Filemedia Launches



  • @fileMEDIA said:
    No as you can read in my added link and is still valid for non eu customers. EU customers pay their local taxes since 01.01.2015 but this have nothing to do with customers outside the eu. But do what you think and we do what our tax authority said. The discussion make me tired.

    Tired of what? Doing tax fraud for non Eu customers?

    Thanked by 1kerouac
  • If you believe he is doing tax fraud, report him to the German tax authorities. Or just don't buy from him. Battling on forums will obviously not lead to anything constructive.

  • Master_BoMaster_Bo Member
    edited February 2015

    If this article is valid, VAT isn't still taken from non-EU residents.

    Can you post link to legal article that justifies German VAT imposed on non-EU customers?

    Below, I include Google translation of paragraph 3.3.2 of the document you mentioned. It isn't way too clear, but I don't see obligatory tax for non-EU residents.

    -- translation below

    3.3.2. Settlement of VAT in the third country

    If the place of taxation in the third country should be obtained prior information about their national tax obligations. First point of contact for this may be ( the German Chambers on site. In each individual case to consider whether

    the third country sales tax according to European understanding at all knows,
    if so, whether the reverse charge procedure, as is generally the case in Switzerland, is applicable.
    If the third country, there is no comparable sales control system according to European model, the sales of the German entrepreneur is not detected (eg. As in the United Arab Emirates). A first indication of whether the States have a sales tax system according to European model, provides the list of countries for VAT refund ", see Document no. 5186 under Further information can also be the respective German Chamber of Commerce Abroad ( give).

    In the event that the reverse charge procedure in the third country is not practicable, the involvement of a fiscal representative in the country is a VAT registration or, if necessary, required (for further details see. 3.3.1.).

  • Master_Bo said: It isn't way too clear, but I don't see obligatory tax for non-EU residents.

    I don't think @fileMEDIA said that the tax is obligatory. He just charges VAT for everyone to reduce the amount of bookkeeping he has to do because he thinks that the amount of money lost due to customers not buying his services as a result of the unnecessary VAT charging is smaller than the amount of money the bookkeeping would cost.

    Thanked by 1mpkossen
  • @gsrdgrdghd said:
    I don't think fileMEDIA said that the tax is obligatory. He just charges VAT for everyone to reduce the amount of bookkeeping he has to do because he thinks that the amount of money lost due to customers not buying his services as a result of the unnecessary VAT charging is smaller than the amount of money the bookkeeping would cost.

    So, the question is, is it legitimate. In any way, I won't use service that tries to make me pay taxes I am not obliged to pay.

    Thanked by 1kerouac
  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran
    edited February 2015

    gsrdgrdghd said: I don't think @fileMEDIA said that the tax is obligatory. He just charges VAT for everyone

    Nobody can collect taxes from anyone without a legal basis, this is a fundamental principle of law, if the law would have been issued in, say, Russia, China or North Korea, okay, those people do not really care about principles of law, nor international law they signed, even, but for Germany I am absolutely sure this is illegal.
    Okay, again, the tax authority does not object before an audit, true, okay, they are unlikely to impose fines for this, probably nobody will bother to go through a long procedure with the tax authorities to report the practice and get the money back, but this does not mean it is legal, no more legal than, say, I think keeping too many tax levels is complicated, so I will align all to the level of the max in EU, 27% and charge everyone that. Who does not like it, is free not to buy.
    What if, say, Carrefour would decide to charge everyone 50% VAT because they think it is a nice round number, easy to compute by customers, easy for the accountants, hey, they will even get la legion d'honneur from the french president for helping the battered french coffers.
    There is a reason why the taxes are regulated by law, because the law of the jungle should not apply.

  • @Maounique said:
    if the law would have been issued in, say, Russia, China or North Korea, okay, those people do not really care about principles of law, nor international law they signed, even, but for Germany I am absolutely sure this is illegal.

    Too bold a statement about people of my country (Russian Federation), and of people of other countries mentioned.
    If you're just trolling, you're exposing yourself in ridiculous aspect..

  • fileMEDIAfileMEDIA Member
    edited February 2015

    Maounique said: Nobody can collect taxes from anyone without a legal basis, this is a fundamental principle of law, if the law would have been issued in, say, Russia, China or North Korea, okay, those people do not really care about principles of law, nor international law they signed, even, but for Germany I am absolutely sure this is illegal.

    If you mean that you should read that and the exceptions which can be used as called "Katalogleistungen". Do not talk about things you do not know. We talking about non-eu customers..

    4.2.1. Regelungen für sogenannte Katalogleistungen im B2C-Bereich für Empfänger im Drittland

    Für sogenannte Katalogleistungen bestehen Ausnahmen von der Grundregel (mit Ausnahme der Vermietung von Beförderungsmitteln nur für Leistungen), wenn der Leistungsempfänger

    Nicht-Unternehmer (B2C Leistungen) und
    im Drittlandsgebiet ansässig ist.
    Der umsatzsteuerliche Leistungsort dieser Dienstleistungen liegt grundsätzlich am Sitz oder Wohnsitz des Empfängers, wenn er Nicht-Unternehmer ist (§ 3 a Abs. 4 S. 1 UStG).

    Die von der Ausnahmeregelung für den B2C-Bereich betroffenen sonstigen Leistungen sind folgende (vgl. § 3 a Abs. 4 S. 2 UStG):

    1. die Einräumung, Übertragung und Wahrnehmung von Patenten, Urheberrechten, Markenrechten und ähnlichen Rechten;

    2. die sonstigen Leistungen, die der Werbung oder der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit dienen, einschließlich der Leistungen der Werbungsmittler und der Werbeagenturen;

    3. die sonstigen Leistungen aus der Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwalt, Patentanwalt, Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigter, Wirtschaftsprüfer, vereidigter Buchprüfer, Sachverständiger,
      Ingenieur, Aufsichtsratsmitglied, Dolmetscher und Übersetzer sowie ähnliche Leistungen anderer Unternehmer, insbesondere die rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und technische Beratung;

    4. die Datenverarbeitung;

    5. die Überlassung von Informationen einschließlich gewerblicher Verfahren und Erfahrungen; so zum Beispiel die Überlassung von Software auf elektr. Wege

    6. a) die Verwaltung von Krediten und Kreditsicherheiten,
      b) die sonstigen Leistungen im Geschäft mit Gold, Silber und Platin. Das gilt nicht für Münzen und Medaillen aus diesen Edelmetallen;

    7. die Gestellung von Personal;

    8. der Verzicht auf Ausübung eines der in Nummer 1 bezeichneten Rechte;

    9. der Verzicht, ganz oder teilweise eine gewerbliche oder berufliche Tätigkeit auszuüben;

    10. die Vermietung beweglicher körperlicher Gegenstände, ausgenommen Beförderungsmittel;

    11. die sonstigen Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Telekommunikation (Bsp.: Zugangsberechtigungen zu Festnetzen, Mobilfunk und Internet)

    12. die Rundfunk- und Fernsehdienstleistungen* (Bsp.: Abonnentenfernsehkanäle, Sportveranstaltungen im Bezahlfernsehen („Pay-per-View”))

    13. die auf elektronischem Weg erbrachten sonstigen Leistungen (Softwareupdates, Websites, Webhosting, Fernwartung von Programmen, Bereitstellung von Datenbanken
    (Film/Bilder/Musik/Fernunterricht) etc.)

    1. die Gewährung des Zugangs zu Erdgas- und Elektrizitätsnetzen und die Fernleitung, die Übertragung oder Verteilung über diese Netze sowie die Erbringung anderer damit unmittelbar
      zusammenhängender sonstiger Leistungen.
  • I think its more complicated, as it relies much on the place where the service is supplied (which not always has to be the physical location though).

    if you go for the point that the service is supplied in germany, than everyone has to pay german VAT for this (excempt businesses which provide valid VAT-ID). its like a foreigner comes to germany and buy some things in a local store, he than needs to pay VAT on this, regardless if this is not his duty or law in his own country.

    I also do understand which point is @maonique after, because the place of supply has probably just changed to the location of the customer in case of digital services after the changes on 1.1.15 ... but I can't say clearly if there are any things which make it some kind of choosable.

    remember we have already discussed the need to prove where the customer comes from, just to declare the right tax.
    so what is supposed to happen if you cannot provide this kind of proof in a reliable way?
    there has to be something like a fallback, which probably Could be treating the customer like from inner country?

    I can imagine that this leaves some kind of gap, which has yet to be expounded...

    after all the tax authorities always will look forward to not loose any taxes due to anyone claiming to be from a place where no VAT has to be paid and the business will be held responsible for this.
    so it would be probably the easiest way to charge VAT in first place, than having your future clients send in proof of their being and location and so on...

    filemedia is free of doing business with whom he wants to, as are the possible clients free to choose not to do business with him.

  • Just as comment: I have received, several minutes ago, a message from AltusHost, European hosting provider:

    From January 1st 2015, businesses who sell digital products and services to European customers should begin charging VAT at the rate of VAT in the country in which the customer is based, not their own.

    NOTE: this note is related only to our EU clients. Clients outside EU do not have to read this Email, but we do advice everybody to read to get aware of new rules in EU.

    These new rules apply to the sale of most digital products and services, and include both web hosting and domain names - such as AltusHost itself.

    Currently, if you sell to a consumer inside the EU then VAT is charged at the rate of the country where you - the seller - are based. As from January 1st 2015, VAT will be charged at the rate applicable in the EU country the customer is located.

    For example, if you take AltusHost as an example, currently when we sell a Dedicated Server to a customer in Sweden we charge them the NL VAT rate of 21%. However, as of January 1st, we will need to charge the Swedish VAT rate of 25%. This money then goes to the Swedish government instead of the Dutch one.

    As before, if the supply is to a business that is within the EU that has a VAT registration number, but outside your own country, then the customer must account for the tax through the reverse charge mechanism.

    What is the point of all this you might be asking? Well, according to Andrew Webb, Senior VAT Policy Manager at HM Revenue & Customs, it is the "final change in a series of changes to embed the idea that with consumption taxes, such as VAT, the place where the tax is paid is the place where the service or goods is enjoyed, consumed or used".

    Or, in other words, it's trying to make it fairer for everyone by creating a level playing field and removing the current competitive advantage gained by companies based in an EU country with a lower rate of VAT.

    The rest of message is of lesser importance. I left bold font where it was in the original message.

    But of course, owner can choose whether to violate laws or not, and whom to offer their services. No problem with that.

  • @Maounique

    That statement of yours was gross and insulting.
    And we eu-ropeans are certainly not in a position to point at others in matters of rule of law.

  • @gsrdgrdghd said:
    I don't think fileMEDIA said that the tax is obligatory. He just charges VAT for everyone to reduce the amount of bookkeeping he has to do because he thinks that the amount of money lost due to customers not buying his services as a result of the unnecessary VAT charging is smaller than the amount of money the bookkeeping would cost.

    I'm more curious as to what he'll do with the money. He isn't required to charge VAT for non-VAT qualified customers, and if he's charging them for it, surely he must report and surrender it to tax authorities?

  • What about foreign companies then?

    A foreign company gets returns from expenses in their own country. When they have foreign expenses, they cannot report it as expense and cannot get a return. They will have extra cost for paying you non-existant tax.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran

    Master_Bo said: Too bold a statement about people of my country (Russian Federation), and of people of other countries mentioned. If you're just trolling, you're exposing yourself in ridiculous aspect..

    I am not sure what you mean? Clearly, you know Russia violated agreements and guarantees it signed when it occupied Crimea and continues to violate the same and others when attacked and occupied parts of Eastern Ukraine, right? It is irrelevant if admits it or not.
    I do not say the US and British, for example, are not doing similar things, but not the Germans, as far as I am aware.
    You may object to the fact I did not include others, but it is obvious that Russia does not respect the laws and agreements signed, both international and local, when you become undesirable, you get charged at home for imaginary offenses or poisoned/irradiated if abroad and the opportunity presents to Russian agents. The americans are doing the same with Snowden, for example, because he exposes their own violations of both local and international law and did the same with other people currently in jail in US, but at least they do not pretend those did tax fraud.

  • @Maounique

    Feel, of course, to have any opinion you please. But for facts you should check and verify first before "generously" (mis)judging whole countries.

    This is not a political forum and I will keep it low. But let me remind you that Germany did sponsor klitchko in advance and therefore definitely had knowledge of what was to come. Furthermore Germany also conveniently ignores - to this very day - the Nazis in ukraine and, even worse, sponsors the war there.

    No matter how often diverse propaganda media repeat that lie, fact is that Russia did not annex Crimea. There was a referendum and >90% of Crimeans still seem to be very happy being part of Russia again (yes "again". Because they always were until in 1954 chrustchev gave Crimea to ukraine as a gift! Funny that nobody seems to have a problem with that ...)

    Finally, not one single accusation against Russia has been proven so far.

    I'm not to decide who is guilty and who is nice and good. Neither are you. We simply lack most of the relevant information. And btw. those who blabber all those accusations are among the least trusted and trustworthy group anywhere, namely politicians. I wouldn' trust anything merkel says any more or less that what, e.g. hollande or obama or yanukovich says. With politicians there's a simple rule: How to know when a politician lies? Simple. When his lips move.

    What we mere mortals and citizens know is definitely not a basis to judge or, let alone condemn whole countries.

    I simply see quite some western countries send mil. material to ukraine while Russia - and only Russia! - has sent 1000s of tons of medicine, food, etc.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran
    edited February 2015

    bsdguy said: Finally, not one single accusation against Russia has been proven so far.

    Your maskirovka is far worse than Putin's. It shows you have no practice at it.
    The so called referendum was:
    1. Illegal, because Russia signed agreements to GUARANTEE Ukraines borders, hruschov or no hruschov;
    2. Held under Russia occupation, whether the soldiers wore the correct insignia as stipulated by the geneva convention or not, is only relevant to the international tribunals, fact is the russian regular army and special troops did occupy crimeea at the time of the referendum and, as you know, referendums held under occupation do not carry any weight.

    bsdguy said: fact is that Russia did not annex Crimea.

    Huh? Last time I checked Russian troops are in crimeea and it was organized like a russian territory, furthermore, Putin repeatedly said he has the right to annex it and he did because the international law and treaties do not apply because of what happened in 1954 internally in USSR, then reaffirmed in 1991 and 1994.
    Surely, international treaties and recognized borders do not apply if russia decides so.

    bsdguy said: What we mere mortals and citizens know is definitely not a basis to judge or, let alone condemn whole countries.

    Who condemned whole countries? It is true that the regime in russia is supported by some 70% of the people, but this is because they do not know what democracy is and were taught that the right of the strongest prevails. Some sincerely believe Russia will be able to win a war with NATO and almost all think it can crush Ukraine at ease. The awakening will be rough, but that is irrelevant, nobody condemned the whole country, only stated the facts about the regime's actions.

    Thanked by 1vimalware
  • This is not a political forum and accordingly I will not engage in further discussion on that matter with you.

    Apologies to fileMedia for the short excursion and the best of luck for their business.

    Thanked by 1aglodek
  • bsdguy said: That statement of yours was gross and insulting. And we eu-ropeans are certainly not in a position to point at others in matters of rule of law.

    Calm down, buddy. You were quite insulting towards Americans before and that wasn't the first time I saw you do it. And FYI, @Maounique lives in Europe as well.

    I'd prefer it if you guys would move the more lengthy political discussions elsewhere (Cest Pit or Offtopic would be fine by me) but more importantly to keep it decent and respectful.

    Thanked by 1aglodek
  • @Maounique said:
    Your maskirovka is far worse than Putin's. It shows you have no practice at it.

    Thanked just for using Maskirovka in a sentence. I'm still waiting to use it. :D

    But yeah, this thread is getting too political.

  • Master_BoMaster_Bo Member
    edited February 2015

    @Maounique said:
    You may object to the fact I did not include others, but it is obvious that Russia does not respect the laws and agreements signed, both international and local,

    If you mean "Russian government", or "Russian politicians" - maybe.
    Generalizing the statement over all the citizens of Russian Federation is just absurd. You won't be able to confirm your statement by facts.

    Country's goverment != country citizens

    Sorry for explaining the obvious. You knowledge of Russian people is next to nil, as I see from your other statements. Feel free to amuse me with more bullshit like that, just don't try to pretend that you really know anything :)

  • @Master_Bo said:

    He just scared that one day Russia will get back Romania too.

  • @alexvolk He should look far, far to the east, to find someone to be really afraid of. :)

    Returning to Dedify: if there is some ral-life experience, it would be interesting to know about.

  • MaouniqueMaounique Host Rep, Veteran
    edited February 2015

    Master_Bo said: Generalizing the statement over all the citizens of Russian Federation is just absurd.

    Well, 70% at least do support the aggressive stance and the war in ukraine, many go there by choice, besides the professional army and special troops.
    But, yeah, there is opposition in Russia and many people pay already the price, so, I am sorry for those and for what happens to them, but especially for what all the people will suffer for supporting the regime, besides the economic hardships due to ever mounting military spending.
    The more Russia will be weakened by the wars in the west and economy will collapse, the more open will be towards the south-east. You think China is your ally because it helps in UN, but that is far from truth, China will not invade Japan, will not benefit much from Indonesia, indochina or afghanistan, and attacking India is certainly a big mistake, so, what is there left? The soft underbelly of rich in resources and scarcely populated Siberia. The gas and oil pipes will already be in place.
    Russia already has too little population for it's territory, getting even more territory and enslaving people will not provide them with willing soldiers, but with revolts and sabotage, slavic or not slavic in origin. even the russian minority in Ukraine is tired of the war and no longer cooperates in recruiting.

  • @Maounique Thanks, that was a fine additional load of bullshit about Russia. Go on, you imagination works fine :) EU/USA propaganda works fine on you, they are experts, after all.

    When you are tired to produce that crap, my advice would be to learn more about actual situation in Russia. Operate with facts, that's always better when you wish to sound like a reasonable person.

  • mikhomikho Member, Host Rep

    Last warning, stop the political talk in this thread and get back to topic.

  • I would like to see some reviews (reliability, performance..) here esp. because of the initial 30E fund and no trial offer. Anybody can post instead of this crap?

    Thanked by 10xdragon
  • @steny said:
    I would like to see some reviews (reliability, performance..) here esp. because of the initial 30E fund and no trial offer. Anybody can post instead of this crap?

    Second that. I almost went for it , until I realized that IPv4 had to be billed separately for public instance #2 onwards.

  • @vimalware said:
    Second that. I almost went for it , until I realized that IPv4 had to be billed separately for public instance #2 onwards.

    Since significant deposit is required to commence using service, any existing customers' review would be very interesting.

  • I have one instance running on Dedify stack. Even though the initial setup was little difficult because of the steps involved in configuring the network like egress, firewall, port forwarding etc ( my lack of knowledge in cloudstack) , it is working fine for me.

    They were supportive and used to answer my queries which helped to solve the setup related issues.

    Benchmark if it helps any one ( on instance 1024MB RAM, 1x vCPU @ 1500MHz)

    Thanked by 1vimalware
  • vimalwarevimalware Member
    edited February 2015

    @praveen said:
    Benchmark if it helps any one ( on instance 1024MB RAM, 1x vCPU @ 1500MHz)

    Much thanks.

    That 110 score reminds me of EC2 lower tier instances.

    Guess that's the tradeoff with a dedicated xen core with HA storage .

    Edit: a one-off iwstack (new)xen zone bench compares VERY favourably to this one-off dedify bench:

    The SAN 4k I/O looks great though.

    Is there any real-world application benchmark suite we can throw at these dedicated resource type of plans to get better idea for capacity planning?

    Wordpress? A populated forum?

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