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Remote DDOS Protection

in Providers
Hey Guys
looking at Changing our DDOS Protection ,
what does people use looking to get a feel at what the general feel for one of the better ones for hosting providers, i see theres a mix of path & Cosmic guard, but seen in the news thats a lot of uncertainy with path not paying there bills.
what options are out there.
we,ve been contacting by blazing fast for there GRE DDOS but never heard any provider using it so dont hold faith with them .
I've seen a lot of London based providers using Cosmic Guard, @Jack_SBE might have more to say about this. Other than that CDN77 might be worth it.
+1 path
(One of the only people on this site who will shill for Path. If everyone else posted -1 this thread would reach page 100. Look up what's going on with them before considering them.)
Shoot me a message on disc. happy to talk about our experience there
we can offer DDoS Protection via GRE Tunnel with or without BGP.
Check out our LET thread here or visit our website:
(GRE Tunnels start at 120 EUR / monthly.)
You dont have the balls to compare with Path no one of you , i have been with them 2 years now and i had 0 downtime. But with your anti ddos i losed time and money and stop creating more accounts and like ur own comments php-friends
120 for a gre tunnel? why so cheap?
Thank you, the moderators will be happy to check whether this is a double account. Just to substantiate the statement:
Incidentally, you didn't try out our own new solution, but the one from Arbor. So once again, you're comparing something you obviously have no idea about.
Its easy to change ip-s today. So absolutely ur the same person on that account because ur the only one who gives likes to his posts that replies to my comments for one reason , that you hate Path for some reason and i dont. And you said that i must try your new solution ? Well never with this attidude. I i pay somewhere else x10 more then ordering your services and your contract models that sucks for my opinion without offense. And do not reply to my comments anymore in this forum because i rreally dont like you to reply me for my opinions about Path. You will not change my mind
I think I've made like 2 or 3 comments regarding path in total.
He likes my posts because they are good
I would vouch for Path since I have not had issues with them but with their recent mismanagement woes I wouldn't give them a penny since they may disappear with your money without providing any service.
No comment on the other providers.
That is the best price we offer for support and DDoS protection.
Ur the same person that hates Path because Path has taken ur clients just because of this matter so dont hate them but if u have balls compete them. As i said to many times here Path has proven to be the best anti ddos for me and more others here and outside here , in the time when everyone else failed , Arbor,Voxility,Corero,OVH,etc.
I've never ran a DDoS protection business nor a hosting business.
Either you dont know what Path is or u never had a server with their ddos protection and dont judge people using them for good
they good but their routing sucks, have really bad experience with that part
I don't judge people for using them, I judge the company itself for reasons:
Why should i care for anyone what they do or did , you can be a "pedophile" too or anyone else , but why should i care if you or somebody else is ? We are not here to judge people , im talking about DDOS Protection and you should.
Should we judge these reviews about ur friend ? Maybe not maybe they are fake ? But maybe they are true ? i dont know and i dont care , but what im talking about its different perpective from what are you talking about.
(Edit: The OP created a thread to ask opinions on this forum about their new anti ddos and what the hell is wrong with you that you reply to my comments about my opinions , why you people always interfere in the wrong places and damages the other threads ? , i ask for the mods to take action against you , because you are just ruining this place)
Most people would rather choose not to do business with alleged criminal pedophiles who have allegedly defrauded investors and customers.
Once again, I have no relations to @dataforest. I don't know him and have never even had a service with them.
By the way, speaking of sockpuppet accounts:

As i said , i dont care who are you and who the ceo of path is , all im talking about its the OP thread , i just writed my opinion and this is the second time that you are ruining threads on people. @angstrom could you please check this guy out and his behaviour , thanks.
Why should you not care for what they did or do? If I rely on a provider for DDoS protection and it turns out this provider is having a hard time to pay their bills and are basically thrown out of a lot of places due to this, of course that is relevant!
And yes, we are in fact very much here to judge people, that is why threads like this exists. You judge performance, price, stability etc. That is exactly what op is asking for. Path my compete with price but they loose big in stability considering current events. I would be surprised if Path even exists in 12 months from now.
Tell that to the people that got their session with Path dropped because Path can't pay bills and can't tell the truth to their customers.
Just because i dont care doesnt mean that i must give you or anyone else answers why i care or why i dont care. For me their Anti DDoS its working fine why should i care who they are or what they did ? Im hosted on a specific website that they use Path as Anti DDoS so what in the heck should i care for more ? I pay for service , im happy thats it !
Have you looked into Corero/GSL?
I would definitely stay away from Path, I wouldn't use any provider that can't even do the basic of paying their bills.
Get a CDN77/Datapacket machine and tunnel it to your network, ezpz and good protection at a good price.
Well if what they do could potentially affect your DDoS protection, then you should care.
When Path goes out of business because of what they do your DDoS protection will not work fine anymore. Saying that you "don't care" is just incredibly naive.
Lets say that your predicts will work , but when i myself needed DDoS Protection i asked for help/services here and no one of you commented to offer solution to my help , but i finded solution with Path and i didnt had any problem so far with them. My services are working perfectly and the protection its smooth , you can say whatever you want but in case they go bankrrupt i just will change the provider thats it. Dont forget to be active in threads when peeople needs help
cuz all you do here its critizies but u know nothing just bullshits. Please name me a better Anti DDoS provider thats its efficient and match their prices. i will switch it !
Except that they are having massive issues atm, you wouldn't stay in a cage with tigers untill they attack you, you would run away when you noticed the tigers.
Name me a better ADP please ?
I would rather swim with penguins than dance with tigers.