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HOST-C Xeon V4, 5TB Storage Deal, 12.5 USD / Quarter, 45 USD / YR - Page 38
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HOST-C Xeon V4, 5TB Storage Deal, 12.5 USD / Quarter, 45 USD / YR



  • nordmannnordmann Member

    @host_c said:

    Well neighbors are mostly fine, we had little problems with the new tenants.

    I wish to thank for all of them for behaving nicely, keeping track of the quiet hours, not putting music too loud on the speakers, and having a good time while doing parties and so on :D :D :D

    :o :o Neighbours??? :# B)




    sorry 4spam couldn't resist <3

    think i still average way bout 50% of cpu/net ressources

  • host_chost_c Member, Patron Provider


    AWESOME!!!!! :+1:

    Thanked by 2ehab nordmann
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