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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Yes we can enable this if you open a ticket
Is the network optimized for mainland China?
You can try our looking glass;
But yet again, the great firewall of China is unpredictable :-)
Is the default setting for 10G uploading? I just tested it and it seems that it can't be reached. Is it sharing?
Will look into this
You are welcome :-)
Posting this a bit late, but thanks for the reseller offer @VPSSLIM!
Wanted to play with a reseller plan for a really long while, but never seen a feasible offer.
Jumped aboard the last day, will see what is what once I get some time. So some idling is surely in order
@VPSSLIM I wanna buy an account, but don't have a domain for now. Can I enter dummy domain for now to complete checkout and change it later?
Yes, for sure:)
Great to hear, thanks!
Thank you, just bought one. Hoping to host a WordPress site there.
I can't see IPv6 in DirectAdmin, is this coming soon even though it's mentioned as a feature?
It should be there. If you can't find it in your account then please open a ticket.
Thanks I will keep looking
Just a mini review from my side:
As others have mentioned, the server itself seems beefy enough.
On the software side, you currently get PHP 8.1.27 (in addition to 5.6, 7.3 and 7.4), but no PHP 8.2 or 8.3 yet. Python and nodejs have been mentioned in the thread, but as far as I can see, it's only Python 3.6.8 and nodejs 10.24.0, both of these are somewhat ancient.
And as others have also pointed out, there is no IPv6 yet (at least on the host machine I am on) - well, it has an IPv6 address configured, but there is no routing set up for IPv6 (ticket has been raised yesterday evening, still waiting for a reply...)
How this compare to @Francisco buyshared "shared 5G" package? I will have to choose something later this year as our current hoster rised prices/changed package, which would be totally fine if it was for commercial project, but it is not (low traffic blog).
Are there any discounts on Hosting Popular (DirectAdmin)?
Very good speed. nice offer, recommended
Does it support .Net8?
Nice offer
Invoice #2058628 please double for this invoice
Invoice #2058562
Can we have double the space, might be handy at some point. Very good hosting, dont see changing for some time.
Great offer!
Invoice #2058664
Double resources please
Thank you!
Order Number : 5786037968
double whatever please.
Thanks! I got one reseller account to try your services!
May I know if SSH has been supported now?
I can actually find the icon and execute some simple commands:
Yes, the Terminal item in now available in the dashboard, and SSH is working.