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CHRISTMAS + New year| 512GB+ SSD KVM 10GBIT VPS for the best $ ever seen! +Lotteries -> WIN A PS5!! - Page 37
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CHRISTMAS + New year| 512GB+ SSD KVM 10GBIT VPS for the best $ ever seen! +Lotteries -> WIN A PS5!!



  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 6

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @DanSummer said:
    .> @tecmjj said:

    @tecmjj said:
    After using the Christmas VPS with 37 euros for a day, I've realized that I actually need more resources. I'm not sure if it's still possible, but I'd like to keep my discount and pay the price difference to upgrade to the 55 euros plan. Is there a chance for this?

    I'm sorry that this request has caused such a tragedy. You could simply refuse the request without marking my account, preventing me from participating in future promotions, which makes you seem petty. Given the situation, I will withdraw from all your activities and won't recommend your products anymore. Please exclude me from future prize drawings. Thank you.

    That's a dick move. You nade it sound like you paid him a lot of money. Probably thought the threat of refund would make him bend over and do your bidding.

    Me see MJJ. Thanks for withdrawing from all future activities.

    Some people just can't help themselves.

    @HostSlick imagine he won the PS5, exactly why you need to keep the PS5. I'm sure you have nieces and nephews who'll appreciate it.

    Divide the value into smaller gifts (services or account top up). Final twist : make sure nobody can win more than they paid. :D

    Threatening with a refund? What do you know? I decided to request a refund only after they made the final decision to exclude me from future activities without any room for negotiation. My refund poses no threat to Hostslick and would actually bring them more profit. If you were in my shoes, I believe you wouldn't choose to withdraw, but unfortunately, I am not you

    Eh Profit? Sir?
    You mean turnover. This deals dont Bring any Profit, if, not much. I can be happy to make my Costs back

    I Said it in Ticket. It doesnt even cut this IPv4 price.

    Those Deals are only to get More audience. Its not meant to have our Customer base full of accounts with loads of Special Deals.

    I mentioned that if you were willing to negotiate with me, I'd be willing to pay a higher price to get the configuration I need. After all, my original order couldn't bring you profit, so why not increase the price for the upgrade and reduce my discount? I said I've been discussing this with you for so long because I supported you, thinking you would try to work out a solution with your supportive customers. However, it seems you're not interested. Originally, if you refused to negotiate with me, since the configuration of this VPS is not sufficient and it's my responsibility for not choosing the right configuration from the start, I would have left it idle. But I wouldn't have requested a refund, and I wouldn't have renewed it when the next billing cycle came, as you wouldn't make a profit. I would have continued to buy your products, even if the next time it's a 15% discount, I would still support and purchase the configuration I need. However, your attitude has made everything clear

    37€ or 55€ is already deep deep discount with this Specs. Its a Special offer.

    You already have loads of Discount without this additional 75% or 10 or 5, 1% or whatever.

    Discount on a already deep Discounted offer.
    Nothing to negotiate about.

    It was a Lottery. Nothing guaranteed.

    Don't you see what I mean? You don't have to reiterate. I know. I mentioned that I could opt not to retain the substantial -75% discount. I also stated that I'm willing to pay the full price difference of 18 euros and even agreed to lower the discount on my renewal order, maybe from -75% to -25%, which I find acceptable. I believe having sufficient resources for the work I need to do is more crucial. It seems there was a misinterpretation from the beginning, assuming I insisted on retaining the -75% discount with no room for negotiation. Isn't finding a solution beneficial for both parties?

    It was a Lottery. Nothing guaranteed.
    No solution available.

    Thanked by 1kashon
  • @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @DanSummer said:
    .> @tecmjj said:

    @tecmjj said:
    After using the Christmas VPS with 37 euros for a day, I've realized that I actually need more resources. I'm not sure if it's still possible, but I'd like to keep my discount and pay the price difference to upgrade to the 55 euros plan. Is there a chance for this?

    I'm sorry that this request has caused such a tragedy. You could simply refuse the request without marking my account, preventing me from participating in future promotions, which makes you seem petty. Given the situation, I will withdraw from all your activities and won't recommend your products anymore. Please exclude me from future prize drawings. Thank you.

    That's a dick move. You nade it sound like you paid him a lot of money. Probably thought the threat of refund would make him bend over and do your bidding.

    Me see MJJ. Thanks for withdrawing from all future activities.

    Some people just can't help themselves.

    @HostSlick imagine he won the PS5, exactly why you need to keep the PS5. I'm sure you have nieces and nephews who'll appreciate it.

    Divide the value into smaller gifts (services or account top up). Final twist : make sure nobody can win more than they paid. :D

    Threatening with a refund? What do you know? I decided to request a refund only after they made the final decision to exclude me from future activities without any room for negotiation. My refund poses no threat to Hostslick and would actually bring them more profit. If you were in my shoes, I believe you wouldn't choose to withdraw, but unfortunately, I am not you

    Eh Profit? Sir?
    You mean turnover. This deals dont Bring any Profit, if, not much. I can be happy to make my Costs back

    I Said it in Ticket. It doesnt even cut this IPv4 price.

    Those Deals are only to get More audience. Its not meant to have our Customer base full of accounts with loads of Special Deals.

    I mentioned that if you were willing to negotiate with me, I'd be willing to pay a higher price to get the configuration I need. After all, my original order couldn't bring you profit, so why not increase the price for the upgrade and reduce my discount? I said I've been discussing this with you for so long because I supported you, thinking you would try to work out a solution with your supportive customers. However, it seems you're not interested. Originally, if you refused to negotiate with me, since the configuration of this VPS is not sufficient and it's my responsibility for not choosing the right configuration from the start, I would have left it idle. But I wouldn't have requested a refund, and I wouldn't have renewed it when the next billing cycle came, as you wouldn't make a profit. I would have continued to buy your products, even if the next time it's a 15% discount, I would still support and purchase the configuration I need. However, your attitude has made everything clear

    37€ or 55€ is already deep deep discount with this Specs. Its a Special offer.

    You already have loads of Discount without this additional 75% or 10 or 5, 1% or whatever.

    Discount on a already deep Discounted offer.
    Nothing to negotiate about.

    It was a Lottery. Nothing guaranteed.

    Don't you see what I mean? You don't have to reiterate. I know. I mentioned that I could opt not to retain the substantial -75% discount. I also stated that I'm willing to pay the full price difference of 18 euros and even agreed to lower the discount on my renewal order, maybe from -75% to -25%, which I find acceptable. I believe having sufficient resources for the work I need to do is more crucial. It seems there was a misinterpretation from the beginning, assuming I insisted on retaining the -75% discount with no room for negotiation. Isn't finding a solution beneficial for both parties?

    It was a Lottery. Nothing guaranteed.
    No solution available.

    What's with the talk about no extra lotteries? It's a bit funny. I willingly give up the -75% discount, opt for a less favorable one, and you're not up for it? No extra raffle tickets? That ain't a big deal for you guys. No need for more words. I guess others might find it amusing that I willingly let go of a discount, but that's their perspective. They value the price more; I care more about attitude and specs. This whole thing was about to end, and you pull the move of restricting my account? I get it; you have the power. No need to emphasize. If you don't want my business, I don't want more interaction. You guys are truly the quirkiest vendors I've ever encountered, no doubt. From supporting HostSlick to disliking HostSlick, all in one seemingly friendly exchange.

    Moreover, if you really don't want to continue negotiating with me and there are indeed no extra lotteries, that's fine. Let's just end the conversation. The unnecessary move of marking my account, especially when you know the customer supports you, only escalated the situation. No need for further words; let's call it a day, nothing more to discuss.

  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @HostSlick said:

    @tecmjj said:

    @DanSummer said:
    .> @tecmjj said:

    @tecmjj said:
    After using the Christmas VPS with 37 euros for a day, I've realized that I actually need more resources. I'm not sure if it's still possible, but I'd like to keep my discount and pay the price difference to upgrade to the 55 euros plan. Is there a chance for this?

    I'm sorry that this request has caused such a tragedy. You could simply refuse the request without marking my account, preventing me from participating in future promotions, which makes you seem petty. Given the situation, I will withdraw from all your activities and won't recommend your products anymore. Please exclude me from future prize drawings. Thank you.

    That's a dick move. You nade it sound like you paid him a lot of money. Probably thought the threat of refund would make him bend over and do your bidding.

    Me see MJJ. Thanks for withdrawing from all future activities.

    Some people just can't help themselves.

    @HostSlick imagine he won the PS5, exactly why you need to keep the PS5. I'm sure you have nieces and nephews who'll appreciate it.

    Divide the value into smaller gifts (services or account top up). Final twist : make sure nobody can win more than they paid. :D

    Threatening with a refund? What do you know? I decided to request a refund only after they made the final decision to exclude me from future activities without any room for negotiation. My refund poses no threat to Hostslick and would actually bring them more profit. If you were in my shoes, I believe you wouldn't choose to withdraw, but unfortunately, I am not you

    Eh Profit? Sir?
    You mean turnover. This deals dont Bring any Profit, if, not much. I can be happy to make my Costs back

    I Said it in Ticket. It doesnt even cut this IPv4 price.

    Those Deals are only to get More audience. Its not meant to have our Customer base full of accounts with loads of Special Deals.

    I mentioned that if you were willing to negotiate with me, I'd be willing to pay a higher price to get the configuration I need. After all, my original order couldn't bring you profit, so why not increase the price for the upgrade and reduce my discount? I said I've been discussing this with you for so long because I supported you, thinking you would try to work out a solution with your supportive customers. However, it seems you're not interested. Originally, if you refused to negotiate with me, since the configuration of this VPS is not sufficient and it's my responsibility for not choosing the right configuration from the start, I would have left it idle. But I wouldn't have requested a refund, and I wouldn't have renewed it when the next billing cycle came, as you wouldn't make a profit. I would have continued to buy your products, even if the next time it's a 15% discount, I would still support and purchase the configuration I need. However, your attitude has made everything clear

    37€ or 55€ is already deep deep discount with this Specs. Its a Special offer.

    You already have loads of Discount without this additional 75% or 10 or 5, 1% or whatever.

    Discount on a already deep Discounted offer.
    Nothing to negotiate about.

    It was a Lottery. Nothing guaranteed.

    Don't you see what I mean? You don't have to reiterate. I know. I mentioned that I could opt not to retain the substantial -75% discount. I also stated that I'm willing to pay the full price difference of 18 euros and even agreed to lower the discount on my renewal order, maybe from -75% to -25%, which I find acceptable. I believe having sufficient resources for the work I need to do is more crucial. It seems there was a misinterpretation from the beginning, assuming I insisted on retaining the -75% discount with no room for negotiation. Isn't finding a solution beneficial for both parties?

    It was a Lottery. Nothing guaranteed.
    No solution available.

    What's with the talk about no extra lotteries? It's a bit funny. I willingly give up the -75% discount, opt for a less favorable one, and you're not up for it? No extra raffle tickets? That ain't a big deal for you guys. No need for more words. I guess others might find it amusing that I willingly let go of a discount, but that's their perspective. They value the price more; I care more about attitude and specs. This whole thing was about to end, and you pull the move of restricting my account? I get it; you have the power. No need to emphasize. If you don't want my business, I don't want more interaction. You guys are truly the quirkiest vendors I've ever encountered, no doubt. From supporting HostSlick to disliking HostSlick, all in one seemingly friendly exchange.

    Moreover, if you really don't want to continue negotiating with me and there are indeed no extra lotteries, that's fine. Let's just end the conversation. The unnecessary move of marking my account, especially when you know the customer supports you, only escalated the situation. No need for further words; let's call it a day, nothing more to discuss.


  • If my account isn't flagged, I plan to randomly transfer it to someone in this thread for 9 euros or give it away for free through a lottery. I genuinely don't need it. However, I will continue to support you. Now that I've directly requested a refund, it's quite convenient for you. You can decide how to distribute this resource as you see fit.

  • @tecmjj said:
    If my account isn't flagged, I plan to randomly transfer it to someone in this thread for 9 euros or give it away for free through a lottery. I genuinely don't need it. However, I will continue to support you. Now that I've directly requested a refund, it's quite convenient for you. You can decide how to distribute this resource as you see fit.

    LOL. I don't believe that BS for a second. Go back, read your first post.

    Give up and leave. Learn your lesson and don't overplay your hand with your next provider.

  • JoyFlickJoyFlick Barred
    edited January 7

    @DanSummer said:

    @tecmjj said:
    If my account isn't flagged, I plan to randomly transfer it to someone in this thread for 9 euros or give it away for free through a lottery. I genuinely don't need it. However, I will continue to support you. Now that I've directly requested a refund, it's quite convenient for you. You can decide how to distribute this resource as you see fit.

    LOL. I don't believe that BS for a second. Go back, read your first post.

    Give up and leave. Learn your lesson and don't overplay your hand with your next provider.

    Whether you believe it or not is your business. Nonsense? I don't think so. My initial post was fine. In a similar situation, you could choose not to refund and keep a VPS you don't need, waiting for the next New Year – that's your choice. Initially, I thought about keeping it for myself, but after considering others' opinions, why not give it to someone else? That's my decision.Don't worry, only providers like HostSlick would play this far with me

  • kashonkashon Member

  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider


  • raza19raza19 Veteran
    edited January 7

    keep bumping this thread, he aint loosing any clients bcoz of u, in fact the opposite. Free publicity for @HostSlick :D

    Thanked by 1sillycat
  • ssivpssivp Member

    Thanked by 3ehab t0m sillycat
  • dav848dav848 Member

    @HostSlick said:

    He requested a refund after that. I have granted him that.

    I'm sure he got plenty of those +%75 discount to let that one go

    Thanked by 2raza19 _MS_
  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 7

    @raza19 said:

    keep bumping this thread, he aint loosing any clients bcoz of u, in fact the opposite. Free publicity for @HostSlick :D

    @FatGrizzly made this Website

    Thanked by 3raza19 loay FatGrizzly
  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited January 7

    I got 200 points, can you get more!?

    EDIT: eh, you can, it's perpetuum mobile.

  • @raza19 said:

    keep bumping this thread, he aint loosing any clients bcoz of u, in fact the opposite. Free publicity for @HostSlick :D

    How absurd! Why would I bother stopping Hostslick from attracting more customers? I have no intention of touching this post; feel free to continue your revelry and activities here. There are plenty of Hostslick haters who have already steered clear, no need for me to say more. We just find each other funny; there's nothing more to it. Those spectating are undoubtedly supporting Hostslick, without a doubt. Please, people in this post, spare me your replies. I'm busy enjoying a happy life with my family, and I won't let this trivial matter affect my mood

  • @dav848 said:

    @HostSlick said:

    He requested a refund after that. I have granted him that.

    I'm sure he got plenty of those +%75 discount to let that one go

    Oh, really? Could you ask the boss if they'd be willing to transfer the 9 Euro chicken I abandoned to you? Do you think I would still continue using Hostslick's products? Well, if that's what you believe, I trust that, like you, you would try to please the boss rather than, like me, seek a refund and account deletion


    I bet you're not so busy, aren't you @tecmjj

    Thanked by 1raza19
  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 7

    @MMMMMM said:
    I bet you're not so busy, aren't you @tecmjj

    Hes busy with us. We are his Family ;)

    Thanked by 1raza19
  • @tecmjj said:

    @dav848 said:

    @HostSlick said:

    He requested a refund after that. I have granted him that.

    I'm sure he got plenty of those +%75 discount to let that one go

    Oh, really? Could you ask the boss if they'd be willing to transfer the 9 Euro chicken I abandoned to you? Do you think I would still continue using Hostslick's products? Well, if that's what you believe, I trust that, like you, you would try to please the boss rather than, like me, seek a refund and account deletion

    Admit it, it hurts a little. No?

  • @HostSlick said:

    @MMMMMM said:
    I bet you're not so busy, aren't you @tecmjj

    Hes busy with us. We are his Family ;)

    Oh, who would want to join your family full of crap and discrimination? Don't make me sick. By the way, keep your sincerely shitty dogs in check, don't let them poop everywhere. Wishing you a prosperous business, make enough money to support your mistress. You really crack me up, sweetheart. I took a moment out of my busy schedule to give you this final response, no need to thank me, don't get angry, don't curse. We'll never meet again. Goodbye,boy :D

  • t0mt0m Member

  • wuckwuck Member
    edited January 7

    Drama aside, when ipv6?

    Thanked by 1sillycat

    @HostSlick said:

    @MMMMMM said:
    I bet you're not so busy, aren't you @tecmjj

    Hes busy with us. We are his Family ;)

    I disown him just now from the family tree.

  • _MS__MS_ Member

    Thanked by 1ehab
  • MMzFMMzF Member

  • zhkwaizhkwai Barred
    edited January 7

    Basic System Information:

    Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes
    Processor : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v4 @ 2.10GHz
    CPU cores : 4 @ 2097.570 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM : 5.8 GiB
    Swap : 0.0 KiB
    Disk : 503.9 GiB
    Distro : Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    Kernel : 4.19.0-24-amd64
    VM Type : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6 : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

    IPv4 Network Information:

    ISP : Neterra Ltd
    Host : Neterra Ltd
    Location : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
    Country : The Netherlands

    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/vda1):

    Block Size 4k (IOPS) 64k (IOPS)
    Read 84.97 MB/s (21.2k) 314.34 MB/s (4.9k)
    Write 85.19 MB/s (21.2k) 315.99 MB/s (4.9k)
    Total 170.17 MB/s (42.5k) 630.34 MB/s (9.8k)
    Block Size 512k (IOPS) 1m (IOPS)
    ------ --- ---- ---- ----
    Read 829.09 MB/s (1.6k) 759.56 MB/s (741)
    Write 873.14 MB/s (1.7k) 810.15 MB/s (791)
    Total 1.70 GB/s (3.3k) 1.56 GB/s (1.5k)

    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:

    Test | Value
    Single Core | 356
    Multi Core | 1295
    Full Test |

    YABS completed in 5 min 22 sec

    Incredible performance!

  • 4 more days for the big draw. Who's hyped???

    Thanked by 1t0m
  • Thanked by 1ehab
  • kashonkashon Member

    Thanked by 1t0m
  • AstroAstro Member

    anyone fixed their ipv6?

  • I have already bought new PS5 games.

    just waiting to win the console 😎

    Thanked by 1Astro
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