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You've never seen one this big before - Page 37
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You've never seen one this big before



  • @Salomon123 said:

    @matheny said:

    Sniping much?

    But technique was good. I didn't notice any splashback.

  • @Astro said:
    @matheny you and I are in the club now.

    I honestly feel like people are gonna get some nice deals that I have to let go now

    haha a little worse deal than yours, but still a very great deal. If this is normal first come first serve deal then I don't think I would stand a chance tbh

  • sh97sh97 Member, Host Rep

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @matheny said:

    @Astro said:
    @matheny you and I are in the club now.

    I honestly feel like people are gonna get some nice deals that I have to let go now

    haha a little worse deal than yours, but still a very great deal. If this is normal first come first serve deal then I don't think I would stand a chance tbh

    That was my thought. I surely don't have the ultra-fast deal sniping hands, but the methodical hunter? He needs a chance at some deals too.

    Thanked by 2matheny ssssteveson
  • @crunchbits said:

    @Salomon123 said:

    @matheny said:

    Sniping much?

    All's fair :)

    We'll have another few minute intermission to let everyone's spam detection timeout.

    :D Haha just appreciating how @matheny got 2 deals this night with his sniping skills

  • @matheny said:

    @Astro said:
    @matheny you and I are in the club now.

    I honestly feel like people are gonna get some nice deals that I have to let go now

    haha a little worse deal than yours, but still a very great deal. If this is normal first come first serve deal then I don't think I would stand a chance tbh

    Still pretty good deal I'd say, enjoy!

    Thanked by 1matheny
  • @Salomon123 said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @Salomon123 said:

    @matheny said:

    Sniping much?

    All's fair :)

    We'll have another few minute intermission to let everyone's spam detection timeout.

    :D Haha just appreciating how @matheny got 2 deals this night with his sniping skills

    :p my setup is perfect, 3 windows, one is, one to track price, and one to enter my bid

  • @nvme said:

    @matheny said:

    @Astro said:
    @matheny you and I are in the club now.

    I honestly feel like people are gonna get some nice deals that I have to let go now

    haha a little worse deal than yours, but still a very great deal. If this is normal first come first serve deal then I don't think I would stand a chance tbh

    Still pretty good deal I'd say, enjoy!

    Is that the girl who went on to win Miss Congeniality practicing for the dance portion of the pageant?

  • @Salomon123 said:

    :D Haha just appreciating how @matheny got 2 deals this night with his sniping skills

    If he fills his needs early I wonder if he'll take commissions as a sniper for hire?

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • @crunchbits said:

    @matheny said:

    @Astro said:
    @matheny you and I are in the club now.

    I honestly feel like people are gonna get some nice deals that I have to let go now

    haha a little worse deal than yours, but still a very great deal. If this is normal first come first serve deal then I don't think I would stand a chance tbh

    That was my thought. I surely don't have the ultra-fast deal sniping hands, but the methodical hunter? He needs a chance at some deals too.

    You know what I love about the sales this time? They were spread out well enough that people in all time zones got a shot. Especially your deals.

    Apart from hostcram, who I've always felt has the most hype but zero inventory to back it up, flash deals were pretty great too.

  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host


    I ate his bandwidth with some fava beans and a nice i5.


    • i5-10500T
    • 32GB ram
    • 1TB NVMe
    • Unmetered @ 1gbps
    • 1 IPv4 + Routed IPv6 /64


    NO STANDARD CONSOLE ACCESS AVAILABLE - Power on/off/reboot and PXE OS install from our panel only. (2) manual KVM(console) requests via support ticket per year included, additional are $10 per request. That's 2 mulligans per year, amigos.

    BIDDING ENDS AT 2323 PST 11/25/2023 (3 MINUTES ONLY!)


  • 66

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • $7.77

  • 47-DP-U25-R

  • @crunchbits - can you also maybe put in some safeguards that these deals are not (immediately) transferable. This is to protect the genuine use-buyers vs who-knows-what-kind-of-scalpers there are out bidding the typical end users.

    I hope it doesn't just become a game to get and promptly resell/release at a higher price somewhere else.

    Thanked by 1Taku
  • $69.69

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • @Tomato said:


  • $123.45

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • 99.99

  • $70.70/year

  • 15

  • @nullnothere said:
    @crunchbits - can you also maybe put in some safeguards that these deals are not (immediately) transferable. This is to protect the genuine use-buyers vs who-knows-what-kind-of-scalpers there are out bidding the typical end users.

    I hope it doesn't just become a game to get and promptly resell/release at a higher price somewhere else.

    don't let scalpers ruin the fun :s

  • 99

  • 134.56

  • 100.69

  • 135

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • 135.67

  • 169.69

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • 142.69

This discussion has been closed.