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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
No sorry
@visualwebtechnologies Invoice #: 1184224
Garbage server literally does not work
Which one?
Order invoice #695, paid, old customer, I bought a few more, please double disk.please give me the disk double, thanks!
Order invoice #695, paid, old customer, I bought a few more, please double disk.please give me the disk double, thanks!
I'll also try again:
Invoice #622, please double RAM, thank you.
Thank you once again @FAT32 for all your time, energy, loss of sleep and great effort with love and care, much appreciated
Well seems like there really isn't anything left, a bit anticlimactic but time to move on
Time to back to my cave, kthxbye.
Thank you for your service, sir.
Thank you @FAT32
The spam continues lol
Ok, I'm find. Orz
Give us a killer offer! Your offers are pretty similar throughout the year
Next 20 users who send bobs receives free lifetime services
Plesk Pro Web Hosting
10 Domain
♾️ Subdomain
100 Email Accounts
30GB SSD Storage
500GB Bandwidth (Double bandwidth, Comment your order id with hashtag #DoubleIT_InfraveoCloud)
♾️ Databases
20MB/s Disk R/W
Scheduler Management
One-Click Installer
SSH Access*
WordPress Toolkit
Plesk Control Panel
SSL Certificates - Let's Encrypt (Free)
PHP 7.3.33 / 7.4.33 / 8.0.25 / 8.1.12
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Promo code: BF2023LET323PR
Double bandwidth, Transaction ID: 9K866802VX0693600 , #DoubleIT_InfraveoCloud
@DavidAtInfraveoCloud said:
Plesk Pro Web Hosting
10 Domain
♾️ Subdomain
100 Email Accounts
30GB SSD Storage
500GB Bandwidth (Double bandwidth, Comment your order id with hashtag #DoubleIT_InfraveoCloud)
♾️ Databases
20MB/s Disk R/W
Scheduler Management
One-Click Installer
SSH Access*
WordPress Toolkit
Plesk Control Panel
SSL Certificates - Let's Encrypt (Free)
PHP 7.3.33 / 7.4.33 / 8.0.25 / 8.1.12
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Promo code: BF2023LET323PR
Double bandwidth, Transaction ID: 9K866802VX0693600 , #DoubleIT_InfraveoCloud
Thanks @FAT32 my beloved.
Invoice #741
2x RAM please.
And now it's dead
Can attest to all of this!
This year for us it was more of the refund/chargeback crapola. All of those causes real damage which has to be accounted for, with refunds/chargebacks it's not just time wasted.
Support demand also skyrockets through the roof, and since LET is not the only place that needs to be monitored, it can be a bit overwhelming. There's also a subgroup which thinks that their (in our case 13.37€) for a year entitles them to company owner/founder personal time and freedom, and that no rules concern them, and that they can just bypass the normal support procedures because it's annoying to send in an e-mail rather than DM, forum threads or even calling by phone on company owner's personal phone #! or finding him (me) from other social media which has nothing to do with business activity.
Yes, i truly appreciate a call Saturday 23:00 for basic presales questions, all mentioned on our site or something we wouldn't divulge in regardless (Free trials etc.).
@FAT32 Thank You for Your Hard Work!
The megathreads has been really fun events.
More details at
Ok Before we end this Official Mega thread, time for one last giveaway and your chance to spam.
Giveaway Rules
# THANKS @FAT32 for the Party ! Until next party 🥰
Anyone who comments within next 12 hours with get guarantee lifetime deal for SnapItFast. 1 Lifetime license per person.
Really no strings attached.
For anyone who wants to Thank Fat32 or support the product, you are welcome to join.
THANKS @FAT32 for the Party ! Until next party 🥰