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How are we doing at LowEndBox? - Page 3
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How are we doing at LowEndBox?



  • The Democrat activists who jump on this thread and lie and insult are demonstrative of the point I'm making.

    You have fallen into the trap of catering to low and useless people and you are going to have the same problems associated with this pathology as everyone else who makes this mistake.

  • @ChrisCantwell said:

    @Otus9051 said:

    @HalfEatenPie said:

    @jar said:
    Can't believe you guys didn't ban old Cant-do-well 🤣

    LEB is generating conversation and that doesn't happen too often anymore. All impressions matter.

    Didn't know that dude existed until yesterday. Or either that he was easily forgettable.

    Regardless. That guy just needs to get a life.

    Saw his blog and his telegram (thanks to another fellow LETian) and apparently he thinks that us trying to disprove him and ignore him by trolling and whatnot was "just proving his point" and that "he won"

    I think it's a fair criticism that I spent too much time on this, especially since it has been deleted and the people who were asleep while it happened will consequently have less exposure to it.

    But I did not engage in this discussion hoping to convince the mob that they are losers.

    I did this to contrast myself with these lowlives in front of the people who make the Internet work.

    It served its purpose.

    direct quote from his telegram

    Spreading propaganda, He purposefully misquoted and lied about things to make his argument sound good and spread it.

    On his blog he also deleted the last page of the thread, though it wasnt as useful or had much of any information, it is an example of how he manipulates data

    I didn't delete the last page of anything. The whole thread was deleted by the mods before I could capture it. You are a liar. The whole entire thing is there save for what was deleted before I could capture it,

    You people are dishonest. And everybody who reads the thread knows that. You are only able to do what you do BECAUSE the information is deleted by others.

    the last screenshot shows that you had page 8 accessible.

    Thanked by 1jar
  • @ChrisCantwell said:
    The Democrat activists who jump on this thread and lie and insult are demonstrative of the point I'm making.

    You have fallen into the trap of catering to low and useless people and you are going to have the same problems associated with this pathology as everyone else who makes this mistake.

    ok grandpa please get on your wheelchair now

  • ChrisCantwellChrisCantwell Member
    edited September 2023

    @Otus9051 said:

    @ChrisCantwell said:

    @Otus9051 said:

    @HalfEatenPie said:

    @jar said:
    Can't believe you guys didn't ban old Cant-do-well 🤣

    LEB is generating conversation and that doesn't happen too often anymore. All impressions matter.

    Didn't know that dude existed until yesterday. Or either that he was easily forgettable.

    Regardless. That guy just needs to get a life.

    Saw his blog and his telegram (thanks to another fellow LETian) and apparently he thinks that us trying to disprove him and ignore him by trolling and whatnot was "just proving his point" and that "he won"

    I think it's a fair criticism that I spent too much time on this, especially since it has been deleted and the people who were asleep while it happened will consequently have less exposure to it.

    But I did not engage in this discussion hoping to convince the mob that they are losers.

    I did this to contrast myself with these lowlives in front of the people who make the Internet work.

    It served its purpose.

    direct quote from his telegram

    Spreading propaganda, He purposefully misquoted and lied about things to make his argument sound good and spread it.

    On his blog he also deleted the last page of the thread, though it wasnt as useful or had much of any information, it is an example of how he manipulates data

    I didn't delete the last page of anything. The whole thread was deleted by the mods before I could capture it. You are a liar. The whole entire thing is there save for what was deleted before I could capture it,

    You people are dishonest. And everybody who reads the thread knows that. You are only able to do what you do BECAUSE the information is deleted by others.

    the last screenshot shows that you had page 8 accessible.

    That does not mean I deleted it. That means this was the page I screencapped before I went to bed, you are a liar and a fool and nobody who pays attention believes a word you say. You are only able to get away with this because the information is censored and you do things intentionally to make that happen. You derailed the thread on purpose to get it deleted and you need that to happen because if people see the truth they know that you are vicious and petty and malicious.

  • ArkasArkas Moderator

    @Otus9051 said: ok grandpa please get on your wheelchair now


    Thanked by 2emgh jsg
  • This is just comical.

    I don't suppose this is being equally applied, is it?

    Of course not.

    You people are doing this to yourselves. It discredits you and you are going to realize after it is too late that you have made a mistake by catering to these types.

  • emghemgh Member
    edited September 2023

    @Arkas said:

    @Otus9051 said: ok grandpa please get on your wheelchair now


    I mean...

    @ChrisCantwell said: you are a vicious and petty and malicious sort of rodent.

    Edit: Nvm, saw the warning now, I'm used to you posting your warnings :P

  • ArkasArkas Moderator

    @emgh said: I mean...

    He got his warning. Let's all be civilized please.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • emghemgh Member
    edited September 2023

    @ChrisCantwell said: I don't suppose this is being equally applied, is it?

    Why wouldn't it be?

  • ArkasArkas Moderator

    @ChrisCantwell said: I don't suppose this is being equally applied, is it?

    It sure is.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • And the person who yesterday called me a "Dumbfuck nazi" and told me to "shove a finger up [my] ass" have they been handed a severe warning?

    How about the people who posted unflattering photos of me?

    The people who lied about my criminal record?

    The people who lied about me being a "fed"?

    The endless string of insults and profanities and lies that are still preserved for all to see on my blog because you deleted my thread to pander to scum?

    You discredit yourselves with this. I came here trying to help you, and you are fools for not accepting the favor.

  • emghemgh Member
    edited September 2023

    @ChrisCantwell said: How about the people who posted unflattering photos of me?


    @ChrisCantwell said: You discredit yourselves with this. I came here trying to help you, and you are fools for not accepting the favor.


    Thanked by 2dahartigan bdl
  • ArkasArkas Moderator

    @ChrisCantwell said: I came here trying to help you, and you are fools for not accepting the favor.

    Thank you for your gracious assistance. Can we move on please?

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • emghemgh Member
    edited September 2023

    @Arkas <3 (thought of this, you're the cop)

    Thanked by 1Arkas
  • I like SirFoxy's articles, I prefer articles and tech related news over new coupon codes / voucher or offers

    Thanked by 1SirFoxy
  • Before 2015, I watched lowendbox
    Now I watch lowendtalk because providers can publish discount offers immediately

  • MannDudeMannDude Host Rep, Veteran
    edited September 2023

    Things I'd like to actually see written objectively about on LEB:

    • @jfreak53's datacenter in Ohio. According to their website, they're a family oriented Christian business operating a small datacenter in a unique and underserved location. ( )
    • The recent ADL drama. It's hard to find good details about it because most social media sites like reddit like to remove anything critical of the ADL, but the organization has received a lot of well earned recent criticism, even from the likes of Elon Musk claiming they're going after his advertisers and trying to install themselves as the internet police.
    • More guides and tutorials. Nothing in particular comes to mind, but this is a tech / web-hosting community so things that relate to that.
    • Rene from CosmicGuard would make a good interview. They're one of the more capable DDoS mitigation companies and it'd just be neat to read more about the history, roadmap, etc.

    This is all that comes to mind at this particular time.

    I still think LEB is much better now than it was 10 or even 5 years a go, and definitely has room for improvement, but is headed the right direction I think.

  • @MannDude said: I still think LEB is much better now than it was 10 or even 5 years a go, and definitely has room for improvement, but is headed the right direction I think.

    While I don't quite agree with the direction @SirFoxy is taking it I will say the entire writing team at LEB has done a great job improving over the years.

    Still not quite my cup of tea but the effort shows and I'm glad to say that the direction the site is going looks promising.

    Now if we could just get people like @ChrisCantwell to take a chill pill and simmer instead of yelling as if a vein in their neck is going to blow... that'd be great.

    Thanked by 2hades_corps emgh
  • @emgh said:

    @ChrisCantwell said: How about the people who posted unflattering photos of me?


    What is this? Grindr?

  • @Arkas said:

    @Otus9051 said: ok grandpa please get on your wheelchair now


    😒 ok

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