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Debian 12 "bookworm" released - Page 2
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Debian 12 "bookworm" released



  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran
    edited June 2023

    @hyperblast said:
    what does it mean?

    > hyper@blast:~# ls -l /boot
    > total 27864
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  236452 Jan 21 14:35 config-5.10.0-21-amd64
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  236220 Sep 23  2021 config-5.10.0-8-amd64
    > drwxr-xr-x 5 root root    4096 Jun 17 16:17 grub
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7414911 Jun 17 16:19 initrd.img-5.10.0-21-amd64
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6781731 Apr  8 21:18 initrd.img-5.10.0-8-amd64
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root      83 Jan 21 14:35
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root      83 Sep 23  2021
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7019136 Jan 21 14:35 vmlinuz-5.10.0-21-amd64
    > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6820832 Sep 23  2021 vmlinuz-5.10.0-8-amd64
    > hyper@blast:~# lsb_release -a
    > No LSB modules are available.
    > Distributor ID: Debian
    > Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    > Release:        12
    > Codename:       bookworm
    > hyper@blast:~# uname -mrs
    > Linux 5.10.0-21-amd64 x86_64

    Modified image or container, should be running 6.1

    Thanked by 1hyperblast
  • should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Installing the 6.1 kernel.

  • HxxxHxxx Member

    install previous os version, upgrade to 12.

  • angstromangstrom Moderator

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Unless you've done some custom modification (e.g., pinning the kernel version or using a custom kernel), the update to Debian 12 should upgrade the kernel as well

  • davidedavide Member
    edited June 2023

    Is anyone using U-Boot?

    The new Grub (i.e. Grub 2) is an underappreciated punch in the eye that deserves so much hate.

    Edit: I'm still using Grub 1 with ext3 in my basement workstation.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited June 2023

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    • check what's installed

    dpkg --list | grep linux-image

    • check what's available

    apt-cache search linux-image
    apt-cache search 6.1.0-9

    • install the right one, something like:

    apt-get install linux-image-6.1.0-9-amd64

    • reboot (it should boot into the new kernel)
    • buy me a beer if I ever visit Dark Easter Metal Meeting
    Thanked by 1hyperblast
  • @Hxxx said:
    install previous os version, upgrade to 12.

    is did so!

    worked for 7 out of 15 vps already.

  • @Mumbly said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    • check what's installed

    dpkg --list | grep linux-image

    • check what's available

    apt-cache search linux-image
    apt-cache search 6.1.0-9

    • install the right one, something like:

    apt-get install linux-image-6.1.0-9-amd64

    • reboot (it should boot into the new kernel)
    • buy me a beer if I ever visit Dark Easter Metal Meeting

    thank you sir. i invite you to augstiner braustuben or schneider weiße wirtshaus in munich if you are at dark eater metal meeting 2024!

    Thanked by 1Mumbly
  • aliletalilet Member

    What version of php-fpm comes with Debian 12?

  • UmutUmut Member

    @alilet said:
    What version of php-fpm comes with Debian 12?


    Thanked by 1alilet
  • @angstrom said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Unless you've done some custom modification (e.g., pinning the kernel version or using a custom kernel), the update to Debian 12 should upgrade the kernel as well

    Plot twist: openvz.

    Thanked by 2angstrom yoursunny
  • angstromangstrom Moderator

    @TimboJones said:

    @angstrom said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Unless you've done some custom modification (e.g., pinning the kernel version or using a custom kernel), the update to Debian 12 should upgrade the kernel as well

    Plot twist: openvz.

    If that's the case, then all bets are off, of course! :)

  • @angstrom said:

    @TimboJones said:

    @angstrom said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Unless you've done some custom modification (e.g., pinning the kernel version or using a custom kernel), the update to Debian 12 should upgrade the kernel as well

    Plot twist: openvz.

    If that's the case, then all bets are off, of course! :)

    Openvz6 had 3.x kernel and openvz 8 had 4.x afaik, so not sure about 5.x kernel. Is lxc host kernel used in lxc containers?

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    @TimboJones said:

    @angstrom said:

    @TimboJones said:

    @angstrom said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Unless you've done some custom modification (e.g., pinning the kernel version or using a custom kernel), the update to Debian 12 should upgrade the kernel as well

    Plot twist: openvz.

    If that's the case, then all bets are off, of course! :)

    Openvz6 had 3.x kernel and openvz 8 had 4.x afaik, so not sure about 5.x kernel. Is lxc host kernel used in lxc containers?

    As far as I know, you can use basically anything.
    Even 6.1 would work as of right now.

  • @TimboJones said:

    @angstrom said:

    @TimboJones said:

    @angstrom said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    Unless you've done some custom modification (e.g., pinning the kernel version or using a custom kernel), the update to Debian 12 should upgrade the kernel as well

    Plot twist: openvz.

    If that's the case, then all bets are off, of course! :)

    Openvz6 had 3.x kernel and openvz 8 had 4.x afaik, so not sure about 5.x kernel. Is lxc host kernel used in lxc containers?

    Correct. LXC uses the host's kernel.

    Thanked by 1TimboJones
  • xespoxespo Member
    edited June 2023

    Ever since RedHat paywalling their source, Debian/Ubuntu are gonna be king for a while. Debian is nice, I like it. The newest version comes with proprietary software, but it's contained to a single repo and you can disable it from installing with a boot option. Over the long term, I see the Linux space caring less about free software and more about free-as-in-beer. After which distros like Trisquel may be the only distros I'd use.

    I don't see Linux giving up anytime before a natural death of Torvalds so it'll still be a fun space to hang around. But I'm aware it's basically just Torvalds keeping it GPLd so looking at other GPL OSs, because there are a few alternatives now.

  • kaitkait Member

    @xespo said: Ever since RedHat paywalling their source, Debian/Ubuntu are gonna be king for a while.

    I started with Ubuntu for my servers but quickly moved to debian, no complains and I see no reason to go with any redhat os stuff. dodged a bullet I see. Hope ansible stays though.

    Thanked by 2xespo bdl
  • nocloudnocloud Member
    edited June 2023

    I thought I would just add this little tip, to import a WireGuard .conf file into the NetworkManager for those using the default gnome 43 desktop environment.

    Basically, to integrate it, so that you have the VPN togglebox in the top right menu. open terminal, navigate to the folder where your wireguard .conf file is and run.

    $ CONF_FILE="wg0.conf"
    $ nmcli connection import type wireguard file "$CONF_FILE"

    (replace wg0.conf with the name of your conf file.)

    You can add multiple conf files, so that you have all you VPN toggle switches.

    To delete it run...

    $ nmcli connection delete wg0

    (replace wg0 with the name of imported vpn.)

    credit to this guy

    Thanked by 1Arkas
  • ---------------------------- ----------------------------
          A simple script to test network performance using speedtest-cli
     Version            : v2023.07.24
     Global Speedtest   : wget -qO- | bash
     Region Speedtest   : wget -qO- | bash -s -- -r 
     Basic System Info
     CPU Model          : AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
     CPU Cores          : 1 @ 3693.062 MHz
     CPU Cache          : 512 KB
     AES-NI             : ✔ Enabled
     VM-x/AMD-V         : ✔ Enabled
     Total Disk         : 270.5 GB (3.7 GB Used)
     Total RAM          : 961.0 MB (168.8 MB Used)
     Total Swap         : 2.0 GB (26.2 MB Used)
     System uptime      : 1 days, 22 hour 30 min
     Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
     OS                 : Debian GNU/Linux 12
     Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
     Kernel             : 6.1.0-10-amd64
     Virtualization     : KVM
     Basic Network Info
     Primary Network    : IPv4
     ISP                : FranTech Solutions
     ASN                : AS53667 FranTech Solutions
     Host               : BuyVM
     Location           : Roost, Mersch-ME, Luxembourg
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Region: EUROPE)
     Location         Latency     Loss    DL Speed       UP Speed       Server
     ISP: FranTech Solutions
     Nearest          0.83 ms     0.0%    4064.87 Mbps   3358.28 Mbps   TANGO - Bertrange
     London, UK       15.19 ms    1.3%    3788.36 Mbps   107.33 Mbps    M247 Ltd - London
     Edinburgh, UK    29.09 ms    N/A     3368.25 Mbps   46.32 Mbps     Vodafone UK - Edinburgh
     Dublin, IE       20.77 ms    0.0%    5166.10 Mbps   107.12 Mbps    Three Ireland - Dublin
     Amsterdam, NL    10.02 ms    0.0%    5713.09 Mbps   171.21 Mbps    GSL Networks - Amsterdam
     Dronten, NL      12.22 ms    0.0%    3114.23 Mbps   98.28 Mbps     Serverius Connectivity - Amsterdam
     Paris, FR        12.28 ms    2.3%    4755.51 Mbps   109.63 Mbps    ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
     Marseille, FR    23.42 ms    0.8%    5724.95 Mbps   42.43 Mbps     GSL Networks - Marseille
     Madrid, ES       36.06 ms    0.5%    5477.69 Mbps   52.48 Mbps     Orange - Jazztel - Madrid
     Barcelona, ES    27.43 ms    0.0%    3163.62 Mbps   137.00 Mbps    Adamo - Barcelona
     Lisbon, PT       38.49 ms    1.0%    3175.65 Mbps   84.36 Mbps     Edgoo Networks - Lisbon
     Rome, IT         26.71 ms    0.0%    4313.66 Mbps   187.08 Mbps    TIM SpA - Rome
     Milan, IT        14.38 ms    1.5%    7073.48 Mbps   77.80 Mbps     Vodafone IT - Milan
     Zurich, CH       10.72 ms    0.7%    2840.66 Mbps   170.21 Mbps    Sunrise Communication AG - Zurich
     Frankfurt, DE    5.47 ms     0.0%    4410.12 Mbps   398.18 Mbps    23M GmbH - Frankfurt Am Main
     Berlin, DE       17.40 ms    1.0%    5137.22 Mbps   109.99 Mbps    Misaka Network, Inc. - Berlin
     Vienna, AT       16.42 ms    2.2%    4528.85 Mbps   119.93 Mbps    A1 Telekom Austria AG - Vienna
     Budapest, HU     18.31 ms    0.0%    4195.43 Mbps   100.33 Mbps    ATW Internet Kft. - Budapest
     Gdansk, PL       29.94 ms    0.7%    66.65 Mbps     125.67 Mbps    T-Mobile Polska S.A. - Gdańsk
     Warsaw, PL       23.66 ms    0.0%    3657.96 Mbps   69.51 Mbps     Orange Polska S.A. - Warsaw
     Lviv, UA         41.94 ms    0.0%    5223.16 Mbps   40.26 Mbps     Kyivstar - Lviv
     Kyiv, UA         38.17 ms    0.0%    3703.42 Mbps   57.02 Mbps     o3 - Kyiv
     Minsk, BY        37.20 ms    0.0%    4766.27 Mbps   241.12 Mbps    A1 - Minsk
     Bucharest, RO    31.03 ms    0.0%    3455.30 Mbps   165.48 Mbps    Orange Romania Communications - Bucharest
     Iasi, RO         29.08 ms    0.9%    5963.11 Mbps   48.80 Mbps     Digi
     Helsinki, FI     26.28 ms    0.8%    2678.80 Mbps   69.27 Mbps     Elisa Oyj - Helsinki
     Stockholm, SE    28.00 ms    0.0%    2619.48 Mbps   93.39 Mbps - Stockholm
     Oslo, NO         27.54 ms    1.3%    2509.68 Mbps   69.17 Mbps - Oslo
     Moscow, RU       40.11 ms    0.4%    6840.44 Mbps   141.50 Mbps    Rostelecom - Moscow
     Petersburg, RU   34.57 ms    1.3%    2569.01 Mbps   46.85 Mbps     MTS OJSC - Saint Petersburg
     Istanbul, TR     41.06 ms    1.8%    3703.77 Mbps   89.54 Mbps     Turkcell - Istanbul
     Tbilisi, GE      72.62 ms    N/A     3176.33 Mbps   106.21 Mbps    Silknet JSC - Tbilisi
     Avg DL Speed       : 4092.00 Mbps
     Avg UL Speed       : 213.80 Mbps
     Total DL Data      : 167.49 GB
     Total UL Data      : 10.74 GB
     Total Data         : 178.23 GB
     Duration           : 14 min 57 sec
     System Time        : 28/07/2023 - 02:18:42 PDT
     Total Script Runs  : 19761
     Result             : see above
  • @Mumbly said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    • check what's installed

    dpkg --list | grep linux-image

    sir, how to deinstall unused installed images?

  • interesting "development" @Francisco

    ---------------------------- ----------------------------
          A simple script to test network performance using speedtest-cli
     Version            : v2023.10.24
     Global Speedtest   : wget -qO- | bash
     Region Speedtest   : wget -qO- | bash -s -- -r 
     Basic System Info
     CPU Model          : AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
     CPU Cores          : 1 @ 3693.062 MHz
     CPU Cache          : 512 KB
     AES-NI             : ✔ Enabled
     VM-x/AMD-V         : ✔ Enabled
     Total Disk         : 270.5 GB (3.7 GB Used)
     Total RAM          : 960.6 MB (233.1 MB Used)
     Total Swap         : 2.0 GB (18.2 MB Used)
     System uptime      : 15 days, 23 hour 11 min
     Load average       : 0.07, 0.02, 0.00
     OS                 : Debian GNU/Linux 12
     Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
     Kernel             : 6.1.0-13-amd64
     Virtualization     : KVM
     Basic Network Info
     Primary Network    : IPv4
     IPv6 Access        : ❌ Offline
     IPv4 Access        : ✔ Online
     ISP                : FranTech Solutions
     ASN                : AS53667 FranTech Solutions
     Host               : BuyVM
     Location           : Roost, Mersch-ME, Luxembourg
     Location (IPv4)    : Dudelange, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Region: EUROPE)
     Location         Latency     Loss    DL Speed       UP Speed       Server
     ISP: FranTech Solutions
     Nearest          0.99 ms     0.0%    4448.38 Mbps   2515.68 Mbps   CONSULTIC - Bettembourg
     London, UK       18.97 ms    0.0%    1754.08 Mbps   170.54 Mbps    M247 Ltd - London
     Edinburgh, UK    27.34 ms    N/A     1623.33 Mbps   108.99 Mbps    Vodafone UK - Edinburgh
     Dublin, IE       20.72 ms    0.5%    3852.75 Mbps   106.63 Mbps    Three Ireland - Dublin
     Amsterdam, NL    8.50 ms     0.0%    2878.02 Mbps   297.54 Mbps    Melbicom - Amsterdam
     Eygelshoen, NL   13.35 ms    0.0%    1527.48 Mbps   184.14 Mbps    SkyLink Data Center BV - Eygelshoven
     Paris, FR        12.51 ms    0.0%    2407.40 Mbps   261.51 Mbps    ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
     Marseille, FR    22.83 ms    0.0%    3307.19 Mbps   184.48 Mbps    GSL Networks - Marseille
     Madrid, ES       36.84 ms    0.5%    3799.31 Mbps   109.90 Mbps    Orange - Jazztel - Madrid
     Barcelona, ES    27.33 ms    0.0%    1155.73 Mbps   187.98 Mbps    Adamo - Barcelona
     Lisbon, PT       38.57 ms    0.0%    1035.97 Mbps   121.67 Mbps    Edgoo Networks - Lisbon
     Rome, IT         31.97 ms    0.0%    2447.38 Mbps   141.49 Mbps    TIM SpA - Rome
     Milan, IT        14.47 ms    0.0%    2803.60 Mbps   164.19 Mbps    Fastweb SpA - Milan
     Zurich, CH       10.94 ms    0.5%    3073.92 Mbps   383.16 Mbps    Sunrise Communication AG - Zurich
     Frankfurt, DE    5.20 ms     0.0%    2756.58 Mbps   708.50 Mbps    23M GmbH - Frankfurt am Main
     Berlin, DE       17.71 ms    N/A     2488.47 Mbps   105.13 Mbps    Misaka Network, Inc. - Berlin
     Vienna, AT       16.48 ms    0.0%    2076.06 Mbps   337.97 Mbps    A1 Telekom Austria AG - Vienna
     Budapest, HU     20.26 ms    0.9%    1848.71 Mbps   151.56 Mbps    ATW Internet Kft. - Budapest
     Gdansk, PL       30.11 ms    0.0%    1275.38 Mbps   103.16 Mbps    T-Mobile Polska S.A. - Gdańsk
     Warsaw, PL       23.53 ms    0.5%    1503.89 Mbps   298.24 Mbps    Orange Polska S.A. - Warsaw
     Lviv, UA         41.60 ms    0.0%    2294.48 Mbps   265.88 Mbps    Kyivstar - Lviv
     Kyiv, UA         37.23 ms    0.0%    1569.43 Mbps   148.44 Mbps    o3 - Kyiv
     Minsk, BY        31.68 ms    0.3%    4160.67 Mbps   120.09 Mbps    A1 - Minsk
     Bucharest, RO    31.72 ms    0.0%    1481.89 Mbps   207.84 Mbps    Orange Romania Communications - Bucharest
     Iasi, RO         40.13 ms    3.5%    2909.30 Mbps   117.39 Mbps    Digi
     Helsinki, FI     35.90 ms    0.8%    1720.10 Mbps   102.91 Mbps    Elisa Oyj - Helsinki
     Stockholm, SE    37.55 ms    0.0%    961.96 Mbps    118.43 Mbps - Stockholm
     Oslo, NO         29.44 ms    0.0%    970.79 Mbps    273.51 Mbps - Oslo
     Moscow, RU       38.26 ms    0.0%    1528.59 Mbps   213.93 Mbps    Rostelecom - Moscow
     Petersburg, RU   56.59 ms    0.0%    1078.68 Mbps   98.35 Mbps     MTS OJSC - Saint Petersburg
     Istanbul, TR     41.35 ms    0.3%    1828.58 Mbps   64.82 Mbps     Turkcell - Istanbul
     Tbilisi, GE      64.44 ms    N/A     1875.14 Mbps   260.48 Mbps    Silknet JSC - Tbilisi
     Avg DL Speed       : 2201.36 Mbps
     Avg UL Speed       : 269.83 Mbps
     Total DL Data      : 88.35 GB
     Total UL Data      : 15.78 GB
     Total Data         : 104.13 GB
     Duration           : 14 min 53 sec
     System Time        : 26/10/2023 - 10:17:36 PDT
     Total Script Runs  : 26040
     Result             : see above
  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited October 2023

    @hyperblast said:

    @Mumbly said:

    @hyperblast said:
    should running 6.1 but does not.

    i remember having this problem before but can't imagine the solution. does it have anything to do with grub? do you have any idea how to solve it? @Neoon

    • check what's installed

    dpkg --list | grep linux-image

    sir, how to deinstall unused installed images?

    apt-get purge old-image-name

    Before that check what you're running with uname -r and don't delete this one :P

    Thanked by 1hyperblast
  • sirs, what does this mean and how to solve it?

    Err:30 bookworm/main amd64 linux-image-6.1.0-14-amd64 amd64 6.1.64-1
      403  Access denied - broken package [IP: 2a04:4e42:65::644 443]
    Err:31 bookworm/main amd64 linux-image-amd64 amd64 6.1.64-1
      403  Access denied - broken package [IP: 2a04:4e42:65::644 443]
    Get:32 bookworm/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 6.1.64-1 [1,901 kB]
    Fetched 35.7 MB in 0s (139 MB/s)
    E: Failed to fetch  403  Access denied - broken package [IP: 2a04:4e42:65::644 443]
    E: Failed to fetch  403  Access denied - broken package [IP: 2a04:4e42:65::644 443]
    E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
  • It seems to be related with the issue:

    Thanked by 1hyperblast
  • Yeah, better not update Debian to a new version for the time being.

    Thanked by 1hyperblast
  • SwordfishBESwordfishBE Member
    edited December 2023

    The bug is already fixed:;msg=28

    Also for people who like to run te newest current kernel, you can check the Zabbly project by Stéphane Graber (Project leader of Linux Containers(@lxc) and Ubuntu core developer):

    Thanked by 1nick_
  • edited December 2023

    Bookworm is shipping a kinda fucked version of xorg though. I was about to update to Bookworm (well really Devuan Daedalus but it's pretty much the same in this respect) some time ago and had to realize multi desktop usage was simply impossible and the only solution was to downgrade (or maybe build my own xorg packages which i feel is somewhat annoying). Guess after years of Debian going downhill it has finally become time to abandon ship (at least on desktop) towards some less stupidly modern or generally source based distribution.

  • Also, it seems that /var/log/syslog has now been subsumed into journalctl in Debian 12 which I found quite annoying.

  • @ralf said:
    Also, it seems that /var/log/syslog has now been subsumed into journalctl in Debian 12 which I found quite annoying.

    You can install rsyslog and you will have it back.

    Thanked by 2ralf chitree
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