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OFFICIAL B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y THREAD -- COMMUNITY ENDORSED! Take a peek! (RackNerd's Black Friday) - Page 19
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OFFICIAL B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y THREAD -- COMMUNITY ENDORSED! Take a peek! (RackNerd's Black Friday)



  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    Alright, you guys did it! I'll send a DM to @denellum shortly and arrange shipping for his fancy RackNerd stickers 👊

  • @dustinc said:
    Alright, you guys did it! I'll send a DM to @denellum shortly and arrange shipping for his fancy RackNerd stickers 👊

    Woohoo! Congratulations, @denellum!

    Enjoy your stickers

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @inzxwax said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 6300460906
    Invoice #4680884

    Hi @inzxwax -- Thank You for placing an order with RackNerd :)

    We were able to locate your order, and have doubled your bandwidth successfully.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @phucvandinh said:
    I don't have latency for LA but the latency from Dallas to SEA is pretty decent (Dallas to Vietnam)


    ID Server Latency
    17757 VNPT-NET / Ha Noi / Vietnam 196.48ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    17756 VNPT-NET / Da Nang / Vietnam 180.517ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    17758 VNPT-NET / Ho Chi Minh / Vietnam 198.783ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    9903 Viettel Network / Ha Noi / Vietnam 190.711ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    10040 Viettel Network / Da Nang / Vietnam 190.426ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    26853 Viettel Network / Ho Chi Minh / Vietnam 197.816ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    2552 FPT Telecom / Hanoi / Vietnam 177.348ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    44677 FPT Telecom / Da Nang / Vietnam 179.463ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------
    2515 FPT Telecom / Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam 186.655ms
    -------- ------------------------------------------ ------------

    Hi @phucvandinh -- appreciate you sharing this :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @pioneer said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 5985812000
    Invoice 4682774

    Hi @pioneer -- good stuff :) thank you for the order!

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @fazar said:

    @jcolideles said:
    Wow that's a good uptime 😍

    my experiences with racknerd is good. solid uptime, stable services and fast support responses. really bang for bucks. 👍

    Hi @fazar -- Thank You for sharing your experience with us :) Happy to hear that you've found our uptime, stability and support to be satisfactory -- this is the type of experience we strive to provide each and every valued customer of ours.

    Here's to many more years together 👊

    Thanked by 1fazar
  • @Xrmaddness said: Everyone gets a single mystery box on your first Black Friday purchase

    I saw the video - wasn't sure if you get the box before or after purchase. Is it after purchase?

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @jcolideles said:
    Here's LA To Philippines

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=249 time=154 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    13 packets transmitted, 13 received, 0% packet loss, time 12014ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 153.777/153.873/153.983/0.061 ms

    Loving it! Thanks for sharing this :)

  • @Astro said:

    @Xrmaddness said: Everyone gets a single mystery box on your first Black Friday purchase

    I saw the video - wasn't sure if you get the box before or after purchase. Is it after purchase?

    Yes, after you place your order, but before you pay. You'll get a screen with your mystery box, and then after you open it, your mystery prize will be applied to your order. :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @jcolideles said:

    @fazar said:

    @jcolideles said:
    Wow that's a good uptime 😍

    my experiences with racknerd is good. solid uptime, stable services and fast support responses. really bang for bucks. 👍

    Yeah really bang for bucks, I hope RackNerd would stay for long and grow even more 🥳

    @jcolideles -- Thank You so much for the support and kind wishes :) We will continue on our expansion efforts.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Wisdom7077 said:
    The price is still a little high, I can't afford it. :D

    @Wisdom7077 -- Appreciate you stopping by! I hope that at some point we can do business together, I'm confident you will be very happy with our service.

  • singapore vps wen :smile:

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @doghouch said:

    @dustinc said:

    @doghouch said:
    double bw - invoice # 4680632

    the credit card gateway took longer than the entire deploy phase at vultr. it must be running some deeplearn AI anti-fraud protection. either that or WHMCS just sucks with deployments lol

    Hi @doghouch -- Thank You for placing another order with RackNerd! We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth for your latest order 👊

    Even when we do upgrade though, when we introduce the Chef (our flash sales in the past), WHMCS struggles to keep up regardless of how much resources you throw at it. WHMCS by design as a PHP and MySQL application simply isn't meant to handle a large amount of simultaneous inbound orders (we're talking at least a few dozen inbound orders happening in the same exact minute when we introduce the Chef), especially when a provider of our size is utilizing the platform for bulk provisioning.

    I completely forgot about traffic load - WHMCS sure is one clunky pile of trash.

    We've learned WHMCS' flaws over years of experience and do our best to work around them, including the implementation of custom provisioning scripts, hooks and more. So while it is not perfect, it gets the job done and at least we're able to keep it online and usable - we just ask for you guys to bear with us on any slight delays you may or may not face when navigating our site throughout this busy season, as a result of the large number of incoming order activity. :)

    Totally fair! I'm a fan of having something as an intermediary (i.e. NameCheap has a "processing payment..." and other loading statuses). Makes the user happier because you don't risk having them time out -- it's a bummer that the closed-source nature of WHMCS makes said changes very difficult.

    It doesn't surprise that so many providers on LET have gone fully custom. Having to contend with "simply isn't meant to handle a large amount of simultaneous inbound orders" is a bullsh*t for such a popular billing platform.

    [I'm sure providers would die to have most of WHMCS' order processing moved to an async + parallelized queue lol]

    Edit: #RACKNERD-STICKERS-FOR-DENELLUM (save their bare laptop cover!).

    Hi @doghouch -- appreciate the understanding :)

    We do have custom hooks in place to help with improving the order processing flow to better handle simultaneous incoming orders, though as you mentioned, it can only help so much due to the closed source nature of WHMCS. Some of our team members here joke internally that with the amount of customizations we have made to simply 'work around' some of WHMCS' workflows and flaws to better handle our use case, we may as well build out our own custom billing system from the ground up one day :) It's definitely an idea worth exploring at some point, hehe.

    Thanked by 1doghouch
  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @lpwife said:
    Hi, I’d like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: #4677398

    Hi @lpwife -- We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

    Thank You for doing business with RackNerd :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @lpwife said:
    Add Order Number: 9593671426

    Thank You @lpwife -- this was taken care of for you :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @haynhat said:
    Wow, RackNerd BF started!

    Stoked to see you here @haynhat -- let's goooo 🥳!

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Xrmaddness said:

    @haynhat said:
    Wow, RackNerd BF started!

    Oh, it started alright!


    Hahaha, I love that hashtag :)

    Thanked by 1Xrmaddness
  • denellumdenellum Member, Host Rep

    @Xrmaddness said:

    @dustinc said:
    Alright, you guys did it! I'll send a DM to @denellum shortly and arrange shipping for his fancy RackNerd stickers 👊

    Woohoo! Congratulations, @denellum!

    Enjoy your stickers

    I LOVE YOU <3

    Thanked by 1Xrmaddness
  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @denellum said:

    @dustinc said: I'm digging it! We need more tunes, keep them coming.

    Another banger! Ill post another here in a bit <3

    Nice one @denellum -- half way through it so far! Thank You for sharing :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @opendoor said:
    why not deploy a hk/jp location?

    Hi @opendoor -- Both of these locations are good options, and ones we can consider! But what we've been focused on is current locations, and maintaining inventory where we currently deploy. It's been challenging, as we see tons of demand and we're working extra hard to keep up, so we find ourselves selling out locations and working over time replenishing -- it's a good fight to be fighting :) We'll continue our expansion efforts though, that's for sure.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Astro said:
    @dustinc it keeps saying swipe to open mysterybox but is showing me the regular price only. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Where do I find the mystery box?

    Hi @Astro -- our Black Friday landing page does indeed have a mystery box theme and feel to it - though to reveal your actual mystery box, at the last step of the checkout process, after you click on the "Complete Order" button, you will be directed to unlock your mystery box. From there, click on the box, and you will instantly reveal how much credit you've won.

    Here's a video demonstration:

  • denellumdenellum Member, Host Rep

    Another techno ish song

  • @dustinc said:

    @colla said:
    Will there be flash sales on Black Friday?

    Hi @colla -- at this time, we do not have any planned. Though, we're currently evaluating if there is demand to bring the chef back (same chef as last year).

    Looking forword to it!

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @user_2million said:
    Sweet, Black Friday came early. My RackNerd VPS has been rock solid, going to pick up a deal on a second one.

    Hi @user_2million -- Welcome to the party! Also, we sincerely appreciate you sharing your experience with RackNerd -- we're happy to hear you've found our service to be rock solid :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Astro said:

    @Xrmaddness said: Everyone gets a single mystery box on your first Black Friday purchase

    I saw the video - wasn't sure if you get the box before or after purchase. Is it after purchase?

    Hi @Astro -- that is correct, right after clicking on the "Complete Order" button :)


  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @shelfchair said:
    singapore vps wen :smile:

    @shelfchair -- definitely looking like something worth further looking into :) We will keep this in mind for when we look to expand our KVM VPS product line to additional datacenter locations, outside of the ones we already have.

    Thank You for joining our Black Friday thread.

  • Was really hoping for some ryzen kvm this time around

  • @Astro said:
    Was really hoping for some ryzen kvm this time around

    Ryzen at this price would be unbeatable...

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Invoice 4684013

This discussion has been closed.