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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More - Page 329
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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More



  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    @drizbo said: Its not far from truth, you yourself are saying they cannot handle all the customers and their servers for whatever reason it is.


    My take is "they're really trying to get this sorted, but it's going to hell".

    Scam would be "the Ryzen nodes never existed, yeet".


    Thanked by 2FrankZ skorous
  • Maybe due to incompetence, but who cares after almost half a year or whenever they started migrating. And you still got people defending them which is ridiculous.

    I have a few systems with them. Here is my summary of what has gone down, where things are at, and what seems likely going forward.

    The problems for most people started in late June with what I believe was a power-related problem in the LAX location. Those on the LAX-affected nodes have been without systems, credit, or refunds thus far. That is only about three months, but still to be waiting around that long is practically an eternity and unheard of even in the low-end world.

    However, the majority of systems (VMs) seem to have been migrated successfully now. Although "successful" is relative. Many were moved with practically no customer intervention, but you may have had to at least update system/location doc and anything tied to an old configurations (e.g., public keys, monitoring, DNS).

    A not-so-insignificant number of systems have required customer intervention, usually at least requiring someone to go into the control panel and clicking the reconfigure network button for example.

    Technically many of VirMach's new systems are on better hardware, which some think was a fair trade of. Some systems have lost some resources (e.g., additional IP addresses). It is not clear a loss in IP addresses assigned will be remedied or refunded. I've not seen any clear answers about this.

    Those who had dedis lost their data and were without service for awhile, but replacement hardware seems to have been rolled out to practically everyone now. However, if they didn't want the default OS (centos) they have been "stuck" waiting for a re-install to a different OS. A "free" month of dedi service was provided, but waiting for a OS re-install has already burned through that month for some.

    Arguably some credit is due in those cases were the system has been down, resources weren't quite right, or a month was wasted waiting for a re-install.

    Personally, I've chalked up any of system or resource loses the price of doing business with VirMach. The few systems that had those problems (about 5% of what I've had with them) I've put in cancellation requests for. A dedi I had is now gone for example.

    Customers have gotten very little notification or information of any kind. Most of what is known has transpired on LE* forums. There continues to be confusion about what is going on, concerns about service nearing renewal dates, what customers can expect for outstanding problems, and still not a heck of a lot of support to be had outside the occasional hints over on LES now or in here between customers sharing their experiences.

    Reportedly there are massive amounts of support tickets piling up. Many get merged into other outstanding tickets or closed without comment. VirMach has suggested many customers are creating tickets unnecessarily or are lacking in some way. Personally, I think VirMach can't really blame the situation they're in on the customer. This seems like a perfectly natural outcome given the circumstances.

    VirMach has suggested they will not do BF specials this year. I won't participate if they do. I can barely imagine what they'd have to offer for me to purchase anything additional from them in the foreseeable future, but I invite them to give it try. :-)

    Lastly, it doesn't look to me like they're out to "scam" anyone. I have no idea what their financial situation is like, but VirMach isn't acting like any other provider who was about to deadpool that I've seen.

  • @jtk said:
    Those who had dedis lost their data and were without service for awhile, but replacement hardware seems to have been rolled out to practically everyone now. However, if they didn't want the default OS (centos) they have been "stuck" waiting for a re-install to a different OS. A "free" month of dedi service was provided, but waiting for a OS re-install has already burned through that month for some.

    Your summery seem to be spot on in my opinion, except in my case 6 weeks out I am yet to receive replacement dedicated server. My VPS services are up, but I am not sure if I may want to continue and renew these coming BF.

  • @bula said:
    Your summery seem to be spot on in my opinion, except in my case 6 weeks out I am yet to receive replacement dedicated server. My VPS services are up, but I am not sure if I may want to continue and renew these coming BF.

    Sorry to hear that. Maybe some providers here with enough brass can offer some "Migration Victim" specials? :-)

  • virmach are not scamming anyone.

    they are in technical shit.

    I am waiting for refund on a pending AMS storage order and have cancelled all those expiring this month.

    communication is key - for those bad nodes/undelivered - if only they give options wait or terminate/refund they could save face and gain confidence back.

    I personally had good experiences with them for years ... and in this cloudy time i wish them luck in standing up again.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @Francisco said:

    @drizbo said: Its not far from truth, you yourself are saying they cannot handle all the customers and their servers for whatever reason it is.


    My take is "they're really trying to get this sorted, but it's going to hell".

    Scam would be "the Ryzen nodes never existed, yeet".


    Yeah so they cannot handle it, like I said in what you quoted me. You quoted 2 of my messages if you forgot.

  • i forgot to add to os how i feel about it

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    I have nothing against VirMach and I'm also a customer, but it's definitely going to take some time to finish all that especially when you've got a full belly, and at the same time, more food keeps on getting added onto the plate.

    If I don't make any sense, sorry in advance :|

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @jtk said:
    Sorry to hear that. Maybe some providers here with enough brass can offer some "Migration Victim" specials? :-)

    I have moved on, used VirMach server for backup purposes only. Just want to see if VirMach is able to get a replacement since the service was paid for till December. I know they are not scam as service had been great up until 2020 when I noticed technical support responses slowed down dramatically.

  • bakagetabakageta Member
    edited September 2022

    @jtk said:
    Those who had dedis lost their data and were without service for awhile, but replacement hardware seems to have been rolled out to practically everyone now. However, if they didn't want the default OS (centos) they have been "stuck" waiting for a re-install to a different OS. A "free" month of dedi service was provided, but waiting for a OS re-install has already burned through that month for some.

    Arguably some credit is due in those cases were the system has been down, resources weren't quite right, or a month was wasted waiting for a re-install.

    Personally, I've chalked up any of system or resource loses the price of doing business with VirMach. The few systems that had those problems (about 5% of what I've had with them) I've put in cancellation requests for. A dedi I had is now gone for example.

    The wait on an OS reinstall should definitely get some credit, it was offered as taking 1-2 weeks. With that said, it doesn't apply to me, I didn't bother to put a ticket in for it and used elevate to move to alma the first day I got my replacement. My dedi was delivered with only one IP, but now that they've got the panel somewhat coded for the new host, I can see a /29 listed there. Once they get IPMI back, I'll change the network config and see if I can break everything. I lost 1 of the 3 cpu cores on one of my ancient VPS plans, an old Pro+ OpenVZ plan for under $12/yr. I'll put in a ticket about it if things settle down, but even if I write it off as the cost of migration, I'll be keeping that one, it's still a great deal. I've been needing to prune down some VPSs for a while though, so I'll end up cancelling a few through all of this.

    Customers have gotten very little notification or information of any kind. Most of what is known has transpired on LE* forums. There continues to be confusion about what is going on, concerns about service nearing renewal dates, what customers can expect for outstanding problems, and still not a heck of a lot of support to be had outside the occasional hints over on LES now or in here between customers sharing their experiences.

    This has been a big complaint through all of this. VPS updates were sporadic but somewhat detailed before the CC problems, but strictly getting info through forum updates kinda sucks ass. I never really felt like I knew what was going to happen with my dedi and had just been planning as if it would die at the end of its term. Thankfully the situation worked out well for mine, the network is better and the specs exceed my requests from the old system, but the experience sucked and if it hadn't worked out well I'd have been pretty put off VirMach. I'm sure everyone knows he's going to lose customers over all of this.

    Reportedly there are massive amounts of support tickets piling up. Many get merged into other outstanding tickets or closed without comment. VirMach has suggested many customers are creating tickets unnecessarily or are lacking in some way. Personally, I think VirMach can't really blame the situation they're in on the customer. This seems like a perfectly natural outcome given the circumstances.

    The way tickets are handled right now make it basically impossible to have two separate issues being addressed, you have to pick a single problem and make a ticket for it. I wonder if most people have only one service or something, because this is awful if you've got two problems. I'm shocked that this is saving him enough effort to be worth the complaints people have with it.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran


    I've sent you a message via the following ways:

    • PM on LowEndTalk
    • Skype
    • Text
    • Call
    • Email

    I am sure hoping you'll consider making an appearance on LowEndTalk to talk directly to your customers. VirMach has made enormous sums over the years from the LowEndTalk community and so it feels only fair and reasonable that you would communicate directly to them here at LowEndTalk.

    I think you may find that if you are around and available you'll be more or less welcomed by an audience happy to know their provider is sensitive to their concerns.

    The worst thing that can happen is to ghost a huge group of your customers. Please don't do that.

    Thanked by 2netomx Liso
  • @cold said: lot of LET users won't renew their services

    I just did mine... it was 2.51$/y so wth.. its been nice server since 2015.

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • @jbiloh said:
    I am sure hoping you'll consider making an appearance on LowEndTalk to talk directly to your customers.

    As a customer, for any customer or support-related issues I do not want to talk with a provider here or on any third-party forum except as a last resort. As a customer, I want to to hear from them or talk the provider through their own official channels (e.g., support tickets).

    The worst thing that can happen is to ghost a huge group of your customers.

    I don't feel ghosted or a ghosting is coming. LET has been ghosted.

    Thanked by 3FrankZ skorous iKeyZ
  • @emperor said:
    I just did mine... it was 2.51$/y so wth.. its been nice server since 2015.

    Haha, what are the specs on that thing?

  • @jtk said: Haha, what are the specs on that thing?

    KVM 1vcpu 384MB RAM 7GB HDD and 250GB bw

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    2 cores
    1920MB RAM
    45GB SSD

    Shall I cancel?

    @jbiloh said:
    I am sure hoping you'll consider making an appearance on LowEndTalk to talk directly to your customers. VirMach has made enormous sums over the years from the LowEndTalk community and so it feels only fair and reasonable that you would communicate directly to them here at LowEndTalk.

    I think you may find that if you are around and available you'll be more or less welcomed by an audience happy to know their provider is sensitive to their concerns.

    The worst thing that can happen is to ghost a huge group of your customers. Please don't do that.

    Delete VirMach Teeters at the Edge and he'll come back.

  • @jtk said: As a customer, I want to to hear from them or talk the provider through their own official channels (e.g., support tickets).

    Yeah good luck with that :D

  • schneitomeeschneitomee Member
    edited September 2022

    @yoursunny said
    2 cores
    1920MB RAM
    45GB SSD

    Shall I cancel?

    Better sell it! I'll buy it. :)

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited September 2022

    @schneitomee said:

    @yoursunny said
    2 cores
    1920MB RAM
    45GB SSD

    Shall I cancel?

    Better sell it! I'll buy it. :)

    Get in line. :)

    @FrankZ said:

    @yoursunny said: My $8.88 is better than yours.
    2 vCPU instead of 1.

    Keep me in mind if you ever want to get rid of it. :wink:

  • stephanukstephanuk Member
    edited September 2022

    1 core
    1GB RAM
    25GB SSD

    Mine :*

  • How about this one:

    • $0.00/year
    • 1 CPU
    • 64 MB RAM
    • 5G storage
    • 100 MB traffic

    Even got migrated successfully to the Ryzen node. This was an Easter special a few years ago. And yes is actually running and in use. Barely. Swap is in use. Make me an offer.

  • @Francisco I expect that your comment is the closest to the truth that I have seen.

    @jbiloh -

    1. I expect that VirMach not being around LET currently is mainly just a time management issue. Small team, lots of real work, no time for what had digressed into a "Lets bitch and troll VirMach" thread. He was pretty helpful and transparent for the first 300 pages or so.

    2. He does not appear to be ghosting his customers on other forums.

    Additionally maybe a little introspective is required regarding the administration's handling of this thread and the "VirMach Teeters at the Edge" article that came out of it. As this could have easily been taken by VirMach "As because we are such good friends we are going to kick you a few times while you are down instead of offering you a hand up." VirMach had been a highly regarded member of this community for seven years, was this really deserved ? And are you really surprised by his reaction ?

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @schneitomee said:

    @yoursunny said
    2 cores
    1920MB RAM
    45GB SSD

    Shall I cancel?

    Better sell it! I'll buy it. :)

    I know this plan is worth CNY 70~120 in MJJ nest, but @ehab says the honorable thing to do is canceling.
    Then, this box is still working so I have a few months to think about it.

    The only thing that doesn't work is the Ryzen Migrate button.
    If this button still doesn't work by renewal time, I might be selling the box.

    @jtk said:
    How about this one:

    • $0.00/year
    • 1 CPU
    • 64 MB RAM
    • 5G storage
    • 100 MB traffic

    Even got migrated successfully to the Ryzen node. This was an Easter special a few years ago. And yes is actually running and in use. Barely. Swap is in use. Make me an offer.

    Traffic so low.

  • It's interesting that their website's homepage still shows 100% uptime Sla

  • acidpukeacidpuke Member
    edited September 2022

    I canceled everything .. I was a customer since 2017.

    Best advise I think at this point is to move on, don't waste anymore of your time with broken promises.

  • jbilohjbiloh Administrator, Veteran

    @acidpuke said:
    I canceled everything .. I was a customer since 2017.

    Best advise I think at this point is to move on, don't waste anymore of your time with broken promises.

    How many services did you have with Virmach?

  • Lots of good comments about what may or may not be happening with Virmach.

    I am disappointed that I have to check in at another website to 'hear' from the source what is going on and how unmanageable things appear to me.

    What should the admin here do ? IMHO remove the 'Top Host' designation, but I am really an outsider here. Is it a scam. probably not.

    I did notice on the other website that all the offers had to be paid thru non refundable sources. No chargebacks. That is a red flag

    So i have one VM and it has been down twice, a week each time. I got moved without notification. Seems like others have it worse. I am moving my services off of it. I purchased a storage vps out of Canada.

    I really posted to say this which has been running thru my head over and over regarding Virmach's handling of this transition:

    F@ck me once, shame on you. F@ck me twice, shame on me.

    OTOH the price is so good. Plus all this 'watchin' a train wreck' entertainment does have value :-)

  • schneitomeeschneitomee Member
    edited September 2022

    @yoursunny said:

    @schneitomee said:

    @yoursunny said:
    2 cores
    1920MB RAM
    45GB SSD

    Shall I cancel?

    Better sell it! I'll buy it. :)

    I know this plan is worth CNY 70~120 in MJJ nest, but @ehab says the honorable thing to do is canceling.
    Then, this box is still working so I have a few months to think about it.

    The only thing that doesn't work is the Ryzen Migrate button.
    If this button still doesn't work by renewal time, I might be selling the box.

    I would be honored to let me know, if you would sell it. Thank you!

  • @jbiloh said:

    @acidpuke said:
    I canceled everything .. I was a customer since 2017.

    Best advise I think at this point is to move on, don't waste anymore of your time with broken promises.

    How many services did you have with Virmach?

    I had a mix of VPS and Dedicated servers. Anyone that keeps services with them better keep good backups or I think will be sad.

  • @FrankZ said: He was pretty helpful

    He still is.. but not on this forum anymore :)

    Thanked by 1skorous
This discussion has been closed.