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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More - Page 189
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★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $8.88/YR- 384MB ★★ $21.85/YR- 2.5GB ★ Instant ★ Japan Pre-order ★ & More



  • totototototo Member

    @Tokyom said:
    100% has been shipped, how come there is still 3% unshipped?

    Who said there is 3% unshipped?

  • skorousskorous Member

    @Virmach: Two small things. 1) Did you mean for NYC on the News page to be the color green of Available when it's Provisioning? 2) I think this was mentioned already but Denver should be CO not CD on the Ryzen Migration button.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @skorous said: 2) I think this was mentioned already but Denver should be CO not CD on the Ryzen Migration button.

    Fixed again, looks like that was lost in some update.

    @skorous said: 1) Did you mean for NYC on the News page to be the color green of Available when it's Provisioning?

    Yes, I thought about it for something like 3 seconds at the time and my brain decided the difference in the shades of green were meaningless as I was setting up the node that should have been up in an hour at the time. Then ran into network issue which has since been resolved. We're back on track here, I'll have a few up shortly.

    Thanked by 1Xrmaddness
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @sky3967 said:
    Does the page need to be updated. There is no update on the progress of the last 3% pre-sale in the latest news update :/

    UPS delayed our shipment. Was supposed to be 1-3 days and last I checked it ran into the weekend from Monday shipment.

  • 109 services is a fixed number from your last update, :D. Hope you ship them very soon.

    Tokyo is still being activated. Approximately 97% of services have been activated.
    We are not currently running the stagger creation script. There are 109 services left to be activated. Over 2200 have been activated.

  • Always Soon™ :)

  • JabJabJabJab Member
    edited May 2022

    I've clicked Migration without data to Amsterdam on my 0.45$ per year VPS and few hours later nothing has changed.

    I am loosing millions, please help.

    Known issue, waiting for dev, I know, people reading don't panic ;)

    Seem like there is around 80 migrations waiting for Amsterdam - judging by IP addresses from my requests :D

  • TokyomTokyom Member
    edited May 2022

    @saosangmo said:
    109 services is a fixed number from your last update, :D. Hope you ship them very soon.

    Tokyo is still being activated. Approximately 97% of services have been activated.
    We are not currently running the stagger creation script. There are 109 services left to be activated. Over 2200 have been activated.

    Do you think he kept his promise that time? Did you say that? He is playing with you as toys. I budgeted in the previous post, what is the situation, because there will be a delay time for emergencies every time, so you wait! B)

  • TokyomTokyom Member
    edited May 2022

    Don't ask him when it will be shipped in the future, because it is a waste of time and energy to ask, and there will be no future in the future. o:)

  • 7cloud7cloud Member
    edited May 2022

    @7cloud said:

    @7cloud said:

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    For the people who lack comprehension..
    Your IP has been reserved, for a future migration.
    The button has gone because you can't request it more than once. Simple.

    @Virmach Could this be the cause of the confusion; from the email? (My emphasis)

    While we have still not been able to schedule these migrations for entire nodes with data, we have released a feature that allows you to opt to migrate your service right now, without data, to a new Ryzen servers.

    People reading this as, instant?

    Could cancel the failed migration, I need migration now, not future. And I select migrate without data. If virmach can do not operate, then the should not put * on these datacenter.

    @VIRMACH You poor technoloy if can not make people do migration themself. you should not open these datacenter. And you should give the peopel right to cancel the faild migration.

    Nertherland location with an asterisk and select without data. But instant transfer can not make effect. Only give me a another IP.

    @VirMach Please answer the question directly, don't cover it up.
    Does this evidence show that your technology is poor?

    Could give customer the button to cancel these failed instant migration?

  • PiKaChuPiKaChu Member

    @VirMach said:

    @sky3967 said:
    Does the page need to be updated. There is no update on the progress of the last 3% pre-sale in the latest news update :/

    UPS delayed our shipment. Was supposed to be 1-3 days and last I checked it ran into the weekend from Monday shipment.

    I was thinking, have you forgotten us?!!!

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @PiKaChu said:
    I was thinking, have you forgotten us?!!!

    Pika Pika?

  • totototototo Member

    @PiKaChu said:

    I was thinking, have you forgotten us?!!!

    I understand your sadness, but don't send mentions to unrelated people...

  • My amsterdam AMD server query Traceroute shows US, why is that? @VirMach

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran

    @MiFen629 said: My amsterdam AMD server query Traceroute shows US, why is that?

    IPs in Amsterdam have not had their geo-location updated yet.
    This will happen with time

    Thanked by 1xpreboun
  • @MiFen629 said:
    My amsterdam AMD server query Traceroute shows US, why is that? @VirMach

    If you are using something like BestTrace (or whatever "visual" trace route tool), then the final pin is likely to be place in U.S. just like @FrankZ said.
    However if you carefully examine the last few hops (which I hope you did, or how come the last few hops are in NL and suddenly it jumps to U.S. ? Even teleporter won't be that effective), these are NL nodes by xTom and other few NL providers, so it's unlikely that it got connected to NL servers when it's physically located in U.S.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ

  • hgwohehgwohe Member

    @VirMach said:
    Some network improvements to Tokyo. Still not done with all the nodes but here are some results.











    All are using slightly different settings so I can evaluate and further tune it, so any feedback is greatly appreciated. If I hear more complaints about one node and something positive about another then we can tune the one reported as worse in real-world usage to be similar to the better one and so on and I can see what settings end up working better for everyone.

    And of course each node has different load levels and different people using it so even with the same settings there may still be some variance.

    (edit) TYOC036 had some I/O abuse, I posted an updated "after" photo above.


  • @hgwohe said:

    Yeah keep quoting the whole fucking post just to ask a one-line question you fucking cucklord

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @7cloud said:

    @7cloud said:

    @7cloud said:

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    For the people who lack comprehension..
    Your IP has been reserved, for a future migration.
    The button has gone because you can't request it more than once. Simple.

    @Virmach Could this be the cause of the confusion; from the email? (My emphasis)

    While we have still not been able to schedule these migrations for entire nodes with data, we have released a feature that allows you to opt to migrate your service right now, without data, to a new Ryzen servers.

    People reading this as, instant?

    Could cancel the failed migration, I need migration now, not future. And I select migrate without data. If virmach can do not operate, then the should not put * on these datacenter.

    @VIRMACH You poor technoloy if can not make people do migration themself. you should not open these datacenter. And you should give the peopel right to cancel the faild migration.

    Nertherland location with an asterisk and select without data. But instant transfer can not make effect. Only give me a another IP.

    @VirMach Please answer the question directly, don't cover it up.
    Does this evidence show that your technology is poor?

    Could give customer the button to cancel these failed instant migration?

    Technology is too portable, there's no option to cancel.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @jmgcaguicla said:

    @hgwohe said:

    Yeah keep quoting the whole fucking post just to ask a one-line question you fucking cucklord

    Had a good laugh at that outrageous response.

    TYOC037 and others still not done, they have other more complex issues.

  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    Okay sorry for the delay on NYC, I broke my NIC from trying to burn too many USB's at once (it's a real crappy motherboard) and spent a good amount of time fixing it.

  • AdvinAdvin Member, Patron Provider

    Why do I keep getting notifications for this thread lol

    Thanked by 1tototo
  • TokyomTokyom Member

    @tototo said:

    @PiKaChu said:

    I was thinking, have you forgotten us?!!!

    I understand your sadness, but don't send mentions to unrelated people...

    He waited until the last moment to sell out before shipping, but mjj, he is no longer paying for him. He is very disappointed with his attitude, behavior, and technology. This is also very bad. You bought his storage, have you considered the feeling of data?

  • @Tokyom said:
    have you considered the feeling of data?

    this is new.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Member, Patron Provider

    @Tokyom said:

    @saosangmo said:
    109 services is a fixed number from your last update, :D. Hope you ship them very soon.

    Tokyo is still being activated. Approximately 97% of services have been activated.
    We are not currently running the stagger creation script. There are 109 services left to be activated. Over 2200 have been activated.

    Do you think he kept his promise that time? Did you say that? He is playing with you as toys. I budgeted in the previous post, what is the situation, because there will be a delay time for emergencies every time, so you wait! B)

    @Tokyom said:

    @tototo said:

    @PiKaChu said:

    I was thinking, have you forgotten us?!!!

    I understand your sadness, but don't send mentions to unrelated people...

    He waited until the last moment to sell out before shipping, but mjj, he is no longer paying for him. He is very disappointed with his attitude, behavior, and technology. This is also very bad. You bought his storage, have you considered the feeling of data?

    We're still processing refund requests for these if you don't want to wait. I don't understand your over-reaction here.

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • TokyomTokyom Member

    @VirMach said:

    @Tokyom said:

    @saosangmo said:
    109 services is a fixed number from your last update, :D. Hope you ship them very soon.

    Tokyo is still being activated. Approximately 97% of services have been activated.
    We are not currently running the stagger creation script. There are 109 services left to be activated. Over 2200 have been activated.

    Do you think he kept his promise that time? Did you say that? He is playing with you as toys. I budgeted in the previous post, what is the situation, because there will be a delay time for emergencies every time, so you wait! B)

    @Tokyom said:

    @tototo said:

    @PiKaChu said:

    I was thinking, have you forgotten us?!!!

    I understand your sadness, but don't send mentions to unrelated people...

    He waited until the last moment to sell out before shipping, but mjj, he is no longer paying for him. He is very disappointed with his attitude, behavior, and technology. This is also very bad. You bought his storage, have you considered the feeling of data?

    We're still processing refund requests for these if you don't want to wait. I don't understand your over-reaction here.

    thank you for giving me a refund ,Please look at my work order, thank you, how many days have you dealt with it?

  • mrTommrTom Member
    edited May 2022

    when i received the mail that my AMS vps is ready i was happy and scared at the same time... should i wait and avoid all the drama, or try to install and boot it and risk having to submit my first ever ticket to virmach?

    of course i had to install it. after following the Alma->Ubuntu trail (without really understanding why) everything.... just worked??? what did i do wrong?? it runs flawless and extremely quick.

    i have now copied my software stack from my existing VirMach Buffalo vps to AMS. here are some real world comparisons. i currently use the vps to experiment with image related ai/ml.

    the software stack is ubuntu 20.04, python3, opencv4, and related packages such as skimage, tesseract etc - it is 100% identical on both machines.

    OLD vps is Intel Xeon E5-2690v2 @ 3.00GHz, 3 cores, 2.5 GB RAM (BF2022 penultimate offer :-) )
    NEW vps is AMD Ryzen9 3950X, 2 cores, 2.5 GB RAM (Ryzen Preorder Deal)

    My experiments dont really profit from multicores, so its about singe core performance here, plus drive speed for loading packages and data:

    Apply various image thresholding algos to an image
    OLD 10.2 Sec NEW 2.4 Sec

    Detect a face on a photo with a cnn and extract it
    OLD 16.9 Sec NEW 4.2 Sec

    Detect MRZ on an id card and extract text with tesseract and easyOCR
    OLD 24.9 Sec NEW 4.1 Sec

    Detect items in an image with darknet/yolo9000
    OLD 12.3 Sec NEW 3.8 Sec

    So the performance for my type of workload is consistently 4x better, or even more.

  • "It just works!" B)

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
This discussion has been closed.