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  • Double bandwidth, please.
    Invoice #2299475
    Order Number: 8074540269
    Thank you.

  • @jbiloh said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @jbiloh said:

    @BlazinDimes said:

    @scotticles said:
    lets do a random draw, this refresh bus attack is killing me

    This should be fixed... please let me know if you are still facing problems.

    Right on man, I was hoping it wasn't going to be like this all day but its actually been in my favor so far. Won a VPS here and snagged a mean deal on a dedi in the mega-thread. B)

    Congrats on your wins.

    I know CF can be a major PITA, but the more information I get from user reports the more helpful I can be in solving them.

    Thanks. Yeah I adopted CloudFlare earlier this year and while I don't have the userbase you do or anything, I definitely get the need to have it, I'd rather be fixing false positives than having to worry about my services going down at any moment. Oh the dark days before DDoS protection...

    CF, overall, is a big help, so I agree with you 100% there. Ironically CF's web interface went down today for almost an hour -- what horrible timing.

    With the types of attacks we deal with plus the levels of traffic we are handling right now that is legitimate (about 20x normal), having the tools CF provides is a big help.

    Based on the number of provider sales portals I've watched go down over the last day or two I imagine we'd be in a world of hurt without CF. Looks like you've got it dialed in pretty well though because all of our combined F5ing is enough of a denial of service attack that it would bring many websites to their knees.. :D

    Let's see how we fare tonight when activity picks up even more. I think we are ready.

    You mean we haven't hit peak? Oh man, gonna be wild! Was it always like this or did I just pick the right year to quit lurking? I used to just grab from LEB, then I started popping in here to pick up scraps. lol

  • Godslayer says that first commentators over a post are not the right way to pick the winners, it could've been made more interesting by other ways, puzzles probably... Nevertheless, my 10 cents.

    Thanked by 1dustinc
  • 109 only? i left 15h ago and it was 80, GIMME THE DEALS
    also timezones are messed up

  • Please double up my bandwidth
    order #1144373665
    And thanks for the awesome deal.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    The winners from several of last evening and this morning's giveaways have been DM'd :)

    The party shall continue!!

  • @dustinc said:
    The winners from several of last evening and this morning's giveaways have been DM'd :)

    The party shall continue!!


  • Error 522 xd

  • More vpssss

  • Any chance of entering the SE USA DC VPS population?
    ..from SW FL it'd be nice to see something from any of the MIA, TPA or ATL DC. ;)

  • @dustinc
    Order Number: 8623999381 - pls double bandwidth
    Order Number: 3862677472 - pls double bandwidth, AND SolusVM tells me I got 2 VMs instead of one? I've confirmed over VNC that they are indeed two separate instances lol. You can go ahead and take either one of them away, as I haven't done much on them yet.

  • @Logano said:
    Order Number: 8623999381 - pls double bandwidth
    Order Number: 3862677472 - pls double bandwidth, AND SolusVM tells me I got 2 VMs instead of one? I've confirmed over VNC that they are indeed two separate instances lol. You can go ahead and take either one of them away, as I haven't done much on them yet.

    First rule of free extra given by accident, don't talk about free extra given.

  • @TimboJones said:
    First rule of free extra given by accident, don't talk about free extra given.

    Haha the thought crossed my mind (strongly!), but I've concluded that I'd rather have one VPS that won't suddenly disappear, than two that I'd be wondering if/when one would disappear with all my data. Plus Dustin's been very good to all of us, so I'd rather not sneak anything off him. :smiley:

    Thanked by 1dustinc
  • dustin and chief sleeping? been like 2 hours or so...


  • @altsalt said:


    garlic sauce ftw

  • What did I miss guys?

  • @dahartigan said:
    What did I miss guys?

    sadly nothing

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    The chef is preparing a few items :)

  • @dustinc said: The chef is preparing a few items

    finally, LETS GOO CHIEF

  • @dustinc said:
    The chef is preparing a few items :)

    Good night everyone, enjoy the snacks :smiley:


  • the chef must have died...the live lobster got him.

  • @scotticles said: the live lobster got him.

    sus, tell me more

  • @DeadlyChemist said:

    @scotticles said: the live lobster got him.

    sus, tell me more

    well, he was trying to put it in the pot but the lobsters pincers became free and grabbed the chef's nose, it went down hill from there for the chef...blood everywhere.

  • @scotticles said: well, he was trying to put it in the pot but the lobsters pincers became free and grabbed the chef's nose, it went down hill from there for the chef...blood everywhere.

    if that's true the next deal should include a lobster in name/coupon code xD

    Thanked by 1dahartigan
  • @DeadlyChemist said:

    @scotticles said: well, he was trying to put it in the pot but the lobsters pincers became free and grabbed the chef's nose, it went down hill from there for the chef...blood everywhere.

    if that's true the next deal should include a lobster in name/coupon code xD

    totally true, dustinc is probably cleaning the mess up right now.

  • @dustinc said:
    The chef is preparing a few items :)

    The chef is using the slow cooker today :)


  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @a20190301 said:
    Double bandwidth, please.
    Invoice #2299475
    Order Number: 8074540269
    Thank you.

    Hi @a20190301 -- Thank You for choosing RackNerd, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity :)

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

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