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2021 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Official Megathread + Flash Deals ⚡ - Page 294
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2021 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Official Megathread + Flash Deals ⚡



  • @ralf said: A lot of people were complaining that the coupon codes just disappeared from their orders after it'd already been confirmed.

    Thats exactly what happened to me - and many others. I hit the order button with the discounted price in the shopping cart - and the removal was done AFTER that without any further warning or acceptance step. In one case even the full amount was charged to my credit card.

    Thats not only annoying, this is actually fraud. (showing a price while charging another)

    Of course in this case the providers corrected the mistakes - but it is a problem in the order process that needs to be fixed.

    Thanked by 1Andrews
  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    @Murv said: Why is there so much drama now? This is supposed to be the after-party!

    Oh it happens when you linger around outside the bar/club after it closes.

    Usual stuff.

  • Some feedback for @FAT32

    This thread was great, and everything was great. But for the future events, I think is better to have providers post offers themselves, and keep the community hyped by the spontaneity of it. Having it organized every 30/60 minutes it's nice, but it also empowers MJJs to catch the offer and fill the forms fast, because they can know what it will be and when it will be advertised precisely. We need that chaos of Black Fridays from previous years, where providers participate and engage in the hype, just like some providers did this year coming with offers beyond what was established.

    Besides, you may have an automated script to inject offers on database, or extension to post it on forum, but we all know you barely slept. It is not right for your health @FAT32 especially in these troubled times of Covid19. Honestly I appreciate you for what you did, but I also know a human organism has it's limits, therefore I am concerned about your health because I care.

    You don't have to answer. It's just my personal feedback for the future.

  • ShakibShakib Member, Patron Provider

    Money matters less. I prepared as much as i can.

    Watching few hundreds visitors from all around the world on your website at once gives you pride.

    It was sleepless fun ofc. But, still.

  • @PulsedMedia said:
    I have to finally admit, i have no idea what MJJ means. Don't frequent here that often.

    Oh, nobody answered this. I had to google it as well when I first joined the forum. It's basically a negative term for Chinese guy who can't get laid, short for mei ji ji (没鸡鸡) literally "without a chicken", but in this context, slang for "without a penis". It's "humorous" because it's also a homophone for ji (机) which means any kind of machine, and so also sounds like "without a server".

    I'm not sure what I think about this term, especially as I've spent the last 4 years learning Chinese, and met a lot of really nice people. To me, despite the fact it's "acceptable" because originally some Chinese users were using it disparagingly towards other Chinese, it seems to be hiding some racism and I suspect most people are just reading it as a synonym for "Chinese", and don't stop to think about how that's a very wide stereotype. It also doesn't seem to fit in with how welcoming I've found the forum to be, which seems a shame.

    As an aside, I'm not even convinced it's even the most common Chinese slang word for penis, but just as in English context is everything and almost any word can be used as a euphemism in the right situation!

    Thanked by 1PulsedMedia
  • @FAT32 said:

    @PulsedMedia said:
    lol was just about to say that we still have something leftover from BF/CM, how about new special.


    Umm wait why am I still here.

    lol, good question, :D

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @shaolefen said:
    Not much to say, just sticking around till the thread hits 300. I've read LEB/LET for years, but this is my first time taking part in an event. I didn't get anything epic, but it was still fun. Thanks to FAT32 and everyone else for their volunteer work. Here's a genuine question from a noob that will let you tell us why you work so hard for so little reward: Why?

    That's a very good question, I got asked this question a lot. In short, I believe it is more blessed to give than to receive, the world will be better if everyone just tries to help others, sometimes even being considerate to others are good enough.

  • ShakibShakib Member, Patron Provider

    Can somebody explain this?


  • ralfralf Member
    edited November 2021

    @Shakib said:

    Can somebody explain this?

    Maybe registered users using cookies are created pages that can't be cached. Especially if you're passing an Authorization: header. Previously, you might have had many more guest visitors.

    Thanked by 1Shakib
  • @Murv said:
    Why is there so much drama now? This is supposed to be the after-party!

    Because we do not get good deals?

    Thanked by 1ralf
  • @FAT32 said: That's a very good question, I got asked this question a lot. In short, I believe it is more blessed to give than to receive, the world will be better if everyone just tries to help others, sometimes even being considerate to others are good enough.

    I knew I had made a good choice choosing @FAT32 -sama as my new God! Respect.

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • @zxrlha said: Because we do not get good deals?

    Comrade, as I had said earlier, this event isn't about the deals. It's about the memories (and waifu GIFs).
    Deals are just the extra rewards we get along the way.

  • @Shakib said:
    Can somebody explain this?

    Also congrats on the 1M views yourself!

    Thanked by 2Shakib FAT32
  • @Murv said:

    @zxrlha said: Because we do not get good deals?

    Comrade, as I had said earlier, this event isn't about the deals. It's about the memories (and waifu GIFs).
    Deals are just the extra rewards we get along the way.

    For me, I'm exhausted.

    Thanked by 2Murv FAT32
  • @ralf said:
    Maybe we will get to 300 pages after all!

    Go go go!

    @FAT32 said:
    I am here, still alive

    I hadn't sleep many these days too, but at least I can touch my dedis(with IPMI)

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire
    edited November 2021

    @default said:
    This thread was great, and everything was great. But for the future events, I think is better to have providers post offers themselves, and keep the community hyped by the spontaneity of it. Having it organized every 30/60 minutes it's nice, but it also empowers MJJs to catch the offer and fill the forms fast, because they can know what it will be and when it will be advertised precisely. We need that chaos of Black Fridays from previous years, where providers participate and engage in the hype, just like some providers did this year coming with offers beyond what was established.

    I have no concern over MJJs or whatever, I just don't like people who buy it for the purpose of reselling, no, just no, I hate scalpers.

    The problem I see for the past megathreads is that it is only active during normal hours in EST. I am on the other side of the world so I always have to stay until very late to get good deals in megathread.

    That's why I come out with this idea of a scheduled flash sale, it is a combination of everything, I will also try to scatter the good deals around so regardless of the timezone the member is in, everyone has an equal chance of getting a deal.

    Also, not all providers can make deals on the fly, especially during weekends. So having some time for preparation will definitely help.

    Imagine if a provider allocated X for the marketing budget on BF megathread, they can very easily spend all allocated X in a few hours (due to the hype etc), and are left with nothing for the other timezone.

    There are just too many things to be considered, but I fully understand your concern.

    Besides, you may have an automated script to inject offers on database, or extension to post it on forum, but we all know you barely slept. It is not right for your health @FAT32 especially in these troubled times of Covid19. Honestly I appreciate you for what you did, but I also know a human organism has it's limits, therefore I am concerned about your health because I care.

    Thanks, my health is another reason why I am not really considering continuing the scheduled flash sale style megathread next year, along with multiple other reasons I will try to summarise by end of this week in this thread.

    In short, the difficult part is about the back and forth communication between providers, trying to align hundreds of providers on the same page, and finding the balance between the provider's profits and buyer's benefits.

  • @FAT32 said:

    @default said:
    Besides, you may have an automated script to inject offers on database, or extension to post it on forum, but we all know you barely slept. It is not right for your health @FAT32 especially in these troubled times of Covid19. Honestly I appreciate you for what you did, but I also know a human organism has it's limits, therefore I am concerned about your health because I care.

    Thanks, my health is another reason why I am not really considering continuing the scheduled flash sale style megathread next year, along with multiple other reasons I will try to summarise by end of this week in this thread.

    In short, the difficult part is about the back and forth communication between providers, trying to align hundreds of providers on the same page, and finding the balance between the provider's profits and buyer's benefits.

    Why not get some of the moderators or volunteers like Nekki to share the work among yourselves? For the BF/CM event days, moderators from different timezones can step in to run the thread and interact with members.

  • @FAT32 Thanks for your work, I got a VPS from DataIdeas (25% one thread LOL). I see that you are a friend of virmach, my question is about virbot, since yesterday I don't see a better offer than 8usd / 2ram buffalo, do you know if there will be better offers? or should I resign?

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @stevewatson301 said:
    Why not get some of the moderators or volunteers like Nekki to share the work among yourselves? For the BF/CM event days, moderators from different timezones can step in to run the thread and interact with members.

    Which is what we did this year right? :) Last year was slightly better because I took 3-4 days of leave from my full-time job to settle all the stuff, but I didn't do so this year which result in a very tight amount of time for preparation, also given that providers are kinda last minute

    Thanked by 2PulsedMedia webcraft
  • @FAT32 said:

    @stevewatson301 said:
    Why not get some of the moderators or volunteers like Nekki to share the work among yourselves? For the BF/CM event days, moderators from different timezones can step in to run the thread and interact with members.

    Which is what we did this year right? :) Last year was slightly better because I took 3-4 days of leave from my full-time job to settle all the stuff, but I didn't do so this year which result in a very tight amount of time for preparation, also given that providers are kinda last minute

    Fair enough, I was not talking about Nekki being involved in the last minute but rather a few people sharing the workload of dealing with providers, as well as using a "follow the sun" model to run the event.

    Thanked by 1FAT32
  • defaultdefault Veteran
    edited November 2021

    @stevewatson301 said:
    Why not get some of the moderators or volunteers like Nekki to share the work among yourselves? For the BF/CM event days, moderators from different timezones can step in to run the thread and interact with members.

    @Nekki was kind of carried away this time, and I appreciate him for letting go of grudges. On Black Friday day, and before that, he did not wish to get involved. I will respect his decisions or anyone's else. Nobody can be forced to put their time away from families or from buying for their household, in order to get involved on LET. They can only be asked kindly and nicely, and they do it because they want to get involved.

    Please note: moderators of this community are NOT paid.

    Thanked by 4FAT32 ralf Ganonk raynor
  • PulsedMediaPulsedMedia Member, Patron Provider

    @shaolefen said:
    Not much to say, just sticking around till the thread hits 300. I've read LEB/LET for years, but this is my first time taking part in an event. I didn't get anything epic, but it was still fun. Thanks to @FAT32 and everyone else for their volunteer work. Here's a genuine question from a noob that will let you tell us why you work so hard for so little reward: Why?

    Same here, Thanks to @Nekki as well :) Been tons of fun.

    Also managed to find some capacity hiding under the rug, shall we dust the mothballs off and do one more flash sale just for the sake of it lol?

    @ralf said:

    @PulsedMedia said:
    For example; on our auctions person buys service at price of 5.00€, then 10 days later it is at 4.80€ buys that too, then asks for refund on the first one.

    It seems for companies like yours, actually maybe the simplest thing you can do is just let them have that refund (of course, ignoring the cost of the fees for doing that).

    If they're prepared to change service for the sake of €0.20, meaning new box, new IP address, lots of hassle transferring their stuff to the new box, then either everything that's on the old service is completely throwaway, or they don't value their own time, so expecting them to value yours is never going to happen.

    But you could count the data transfer between the two boxes in their bandwidth allowance, which would hopefully discourage people just hopping from one server to another. [EDIT: I've just looked, using 5TB of their 50TB allowance won't make much impact, I guess. But may still hold true for the smaller packages.]

    And actually, if someone has a second server and wants credit, it's a bit weird as they presumably must like your service. So, maybe you can just default to giving them credit against the other server in that case and only refund if they specifically request it be returned to the original payment method.

    We'll let them have the new service, but we update the pricing to the previous one in that case. Auctions are tricky like that.

    You are correct about valuing their or ours time as well. People simply do not understand how friggin' valuable human time in Finland is. Median salary might "only" be ~3000€ a month, but you need to add 50% on top of that for all the ancillary social costs like sick days, vacation days etc.

    We do give credit when you move PRICE wise upwards, none otherwise; Exactly because this kind of abuse has been happening for more than a decade. But these are asking for full refund on the basis of being just within the 14 days. Some people even go over 14 days intentionally then try to argue "oh come on, it's just few hours".

    Thanked by 1ralf
  • Things keep getting gloomier... WE NEED MORE DEAL... oh wait...

    Thanked by 3FAT32 ralf PulsedMedia
  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire
    edited November 2021

    @stephanuk said:
    FAT32 Thanks for your work, I got a VPS from DataIdeas (25% one thread LOL). I see that you are a friend of virmach, my question is about virbot, since yesterday I don't see a better offer than 8usd / 2ram buffalo, do you know if there will be better offers? or should I resign?

    Hmmm... @VirMach do you think we are friends? :joy:

    Anyway, based on my understanding, most VPS cannot be lower than $6/yr given that IP price has increased so much (Unless they are on OVH which basically gives IP for free). So if your question is about whether you can get any VPS below $8, yes it is possible given that VirMach is crazy, but don't expect a lot of stocks and I would mark anything below $5/yr this year by VirMach as "legendary".

  • FAT32FAT32 Administrator, Deal Compiler Extraordinaire

    @PulsedMedia said:
    Same here, Thanks to Nekki as well :) Been tons of fun.

    Also managed to find some capacity hiding under the rug, shall we dust the mothballs off and do one more flash sale just for the sake of it lol?

    I thought my wallet is safe since Cyber Monday is over... Let's do that if @Nekki is around :smiley: - so he could get the deal too

    Thanked by 2PulsedMedia webcraft
  • @FAT32 said:

    @stephanuk said:
    FAT32 Thanks for your work, I got a VPS from DataIdeas (25% one thread LOL). I see that you are a friend of virmach, my question is about virbot, since yesterday I don't see a better offer than 8usd / 2ram buffalo, do you know if there will be better offers? or should I resign?

    Hmmm... @VirMach do you think we are friends? :joy:

    Anyway, based on my understanding, most VPS cannot be lower than $6/yr given that IP price has increased so much (Unless they are on OVH which basically gives IP for free). So if your question is about whether you can get any VPS below $8, yes it is possible given that VirMach is crazy, but don't expect a lot of stocks and I would mark anything below $5/yr this year by VirMach as "legendary".

    Sorry, I saw many positive comments from you in your thread (there was not much spam xD) in addition to your signature, thanks for your answer, I will wait a little longer although most likely I will look like a fool

  • @PulsedMedia
    There're people who want to order on behalf of friends, or may have some other reasons and need to transfer ownership, or cancel the service and request a refund, which is normal. It's unfair to have real customers cover this additional cost, yeah, I guess no one likes a price increase, but it's also unfair to leave it to the trustworthy provider.

    as others mentioned already, it may not be a bad idea to implement a timeout for reserved orders, and a more restricted refund policy to special orders, please make it as clear as possible, use bold text or bigger font, add an unchecked checkbox into the special order page, so people will have to confirm before purchase, I don't think it's a big hassle for a real customer, but will protect you from those "faked" ones, at least they have no excuse

    Thanked by 1PulsedMedia
  • @PulsedMedia said: do one more flash sale just for the sake of it lol?

    (I swear it's just a comedy anime...)

    Thanked by 1PulsedMedia
  • PulsedMediaPulsedMedia Member, Patron Provider
    edited November 2021

    @default said:
    Some feedback for @FAT32

    This thread was great, and everything was great. But for the future events, I think is better to have providers post offers themselves, and keep the community hyped by the spontaneity of it. Having it organized every 30/60 minutes it's nice, but it also empowers MJJs to catch the offer and fill the forms fast, because they can know what it will be and when it will be advertised precisely. We need that chaos of Black Fridays from previous years, where providers participate and engage in the hype, just like some providers did this year coming with offers beyond what was established.

    Besides, you may have an automated script to inject offers on database, or extension to post it on forum, but we all know you barely slept. It is not right for your health @FAT32 especially in these troubled times of Covid19. Honestly I appreciate you for what you did, but I also know a human organism has it's limits, therefore I am concerned about your health because I care.

    You don't have to answer. It's just my personal feedback for the future.

    I think combo of both is the best way to do -- just like now. There was lot of random sudden, but the scheduled ones stood out really well, and the sneak peeks kept people coming to check.

    There could be some more variability perhaps, some sneak peeks showed price (i think) as well, maybe hide this, or sometimes just show "VPS Offer APAC" or "Dedi Germany".

    But overally, this being my first one, i give 5/5
    Huge number of people engaged, there might've been a little bit less chaos and not quite as organic therefore, but a little bit order can be a good thing.

    Avoiding MJJs(!?!? i frequent here so little i have nfi what that means, scammer? edit: just noticed reply about this thanks @ralf ) at all costs would miss the point of these threads, but a little bit extra randomness could be introduced. Perhaps during that specific hour, no specific minute. Some happen 1 minute past, some 45 minutes past?

    Thanked by 3Murv zxrlha FAT32
This discussion has been closed.