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Black Friday 2020 - NVMe and Storage deals - deploy worldwide - Page 99
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Black Friday 2020 - NVMe and Storage deals - deploy worldwide



  • @MadLifer said:
    Now I don't think they can deliver the machines on time. After a simple look, it seems that tomorrow is the due date for the first round of delivery,but they still have a lot of work need to do. As a last bus passenger, it seems that my machine will be delivered by the end of this week :o

    Ain't no one will wait after due date. There will be a storm if no delivers confirmed. And maybe we will have our drama for Christmas. I keep my hopes high.

    Thanked by 1JohnFilch123
  • @the_doctor said:

    @sportingdan said:
    just a heads up: reinstalling using the Ubuntu 20.04 template will always result in the main partition having size 4.4GB. (just tried it on my 3 VMs, 2 of them storage boxes, and this was the end result for all of them.)
    are we able to resize the partition by booting from a live CD or is this a small bug and we should open a ticket?

    I was able to resize directly inside the live Ubuntu 20.04 VM using the command:

    sudo resize2fs /dev/vda1

    No reboot, mounting of ISO's, etc... needed.

    I thought I would not have the permissions. shame on me for not even having tried that :# it worked like a charm, ez-pz.

    Thanked by 2the_doctor webcraft
  • @LTniger said: Ain't no one will wait after due date. There will be a storm if no delivers confirmed. And maybe we will have our drama for Christmas. I keep my hopes high.

    They will be probably start issuing refunds for those complaining. Better for them, better for us, nobody want noisy neighbours :)

  • @Ouji said:

    @LTniger said: Ain't no one will wait after due date. There will be a storm if no delivers confirmed. And maybe we will have our drama for Christmas. I keep my hopes high.

    They will be probably start issuing refunds for those complaining. Better for them, better for us, nobody want noisy neighbours :)

    They already stated multiple times that no refunds will be provided. Also, invoice is already paid... So clean money.

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    @dosai said:

    1m views/hits on

  • Be strong, winter is coming!

  • @Ouji said: nobody want noisy neighbours

    It's funny how clients who already paid, complaining after the due date with no ETA and no refund are considered "noisy neighbours". I get it, it's cheap, they have a lot of work to do, they "make no money on these deals", etcetc.. but still..

  • @dosai said:

    Almost half of what racknerds thread got as attention. Let's wait for the next couple days till the drama avalanche is starting and this will be even.

  • Next invoice scheduled date should be the same as date when vps delivered & email send? Looks like it has "pending" date

  • is there gonna be any other offers like this soon?

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    @albjo said:
    is there gonna be any other offers like this soon?

    As crazy as this, no.

    Less crazy deals/promotions maybe for Christmas.

    Thanked by 2albjo Chronic
  • @Milon said:
    Next invoice scheduled date should be the same as date when vps delivered & email send? Looks like it has "pending" date

    Yes, it should be. But it might not happen automatically. Give them a week or so after all the VPS are deployed, and they might make a global adjustment - if not then open ticket.

    Thanked by 2hosthatch Milon
  • Common guys, this topic has been quiet for a while. 7th day is tomorrow!

  • @JohnFilch123 said:
    Common guys, this topic has been quiet for a while. 7th day is tomorrow!

    Yep, the clock is ticking.

    Thanked by 1webcraft
  • hosthatchhosthatch Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @JohnFilch123 said:
    Common guys, this topic has been quiet for a while. 7th day is tomorrow!

    Let's start complaining after the ETA is over?

    Just throwing out some common know, since we're having troubles with it on this thread. :)


  • JT2QJT2Q Member
    edited December 2020

    Got one of my servers online now, installed Seafile because somebody talked about somewhere in this thread in between the ticket nr posts lol. Works great, amazing value.
    Thanks Hosthatch! great deal(s)

    Thanked by 1Galeej
  • @JT2Q said:
    Got one of my servers online now, installed Seafile because somebody talked about somewhere in this thread in between the ticket nr posts lol. Works great, amazing value.
    Thanks Hosthatch! great deal(s)

    How was the experience ?

  • @LTniger said: They already stated multiple times that no refunds will be provided. Also, invoice is already paid... So clean money.

    They refunded people several times as you can see here. Anyone that looks to give them trouble will be probably be refunded and banned from having service with them.

    @Rizel said: It's funny how clients who already paid, complaining after the due date with no ETA and no refund are considered "noisy neighbours". I get it, it's cheap, they have a lot of work to do, they "make no money on these deals", etcetc.. but still..

    I mean, if you open a ticket complaining about the ETA, yes, sure, go ahead. Nobody is gonna condone you. If you instead choose to whine here, then that speaks volumes about of type of person you are and people really won't want to have you as a neighbour.

  • freddyfreddy Member
    edited December 2020

    Bad Publicity and the market forces, improvement and elimination of the bad experiences. Digital Overhaul and The brand voice.

    Hosthatch is a premature service, look its easy to blame them. Their technology kick the butts of the other alikes competitors, Linode, Digital ocean etc.

    I am sure, it is time for Hosthatch to commence work on improving the bad experiences, sure there will always be crazy customers.

    what is missing? A wiki guide pages with tutorials! This will bring immense value to a business like its. Overtime this will also carry a superb marketing value, the internet will utilize Hosthatch for knowledge, this is evergreen content.

    This will bring us to the brand voice.


    RyanAir is a great example of how the transformation can take place. learn from the worst and brightest marketers. Turn a negative to a positive!

    Whatever Emil, Micke and the crew are aspiring to become, the wiki guide is more important than customer services. Next is pre cooked options in the control panel, launching simple apps, making it even easier to configure and get off the ground.

    Hosthatch with the right going forward is easily a billion dollar company.

    All the best..

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @freddy said: Whatever

    Thanked by 2lokuzard webcraft
  • @brueggus said:

    @freddy said: Whatever

  • @JT2Q said:
    Got one of my servers online now, installed Seafile because somebody talked about somewhere in this thread in between the ticket nr posts lol. Works great, amazing value.
    Thanks Hosthatch! great deal(s)

    Sure is, good to know hear that. I'm planning on moving my Seafile docker once my CHI 10TB is provisioned.

  • Most important question that no-one have asked here yet...
    @hosthatch when will we see updated server pictures on your facebook/twitter/somewhere? :)

    Thanked by 1Galeej
  • Wow , yey, just got my 10tb provisioned. Thanks @hosthatch

    Thanked by 1Chronic
  • desperanddesperand Member
    edited December 2020

    @tetech said: Zürich. No way they are purchasing equipment after taking orders. That is a ridiculous claim. It would take way more than a few days to rack stuff, not to mention customs clearance. Stuff has been in place for weeks, if not months.

    Why need to purchase equipment if they can rent it and balance client base over rented equipment?

    Good business model:

    We need to get many new clients that will purchase other services in the future, stick to us, and give us money. 
    Let's analyze the market and popular market required services.
    Let's offer customers the best price, not oversold (i hope so) products for a crazy price.
    Ok, launched.
    How many we have in USA X? EU Z? Bla bla Y location customers per each location?
    100 here, 200 there, 300 somewhere.
    Let's order here 2 dedi, here 4 dedi, here 5 dedi.
    waiting for delivery for each dedi server from each big provider where you rent your hardware.
    hardware delivered
    you start to set up via pieces some customers on such servers
    another wave of hardware ready
    you set up more bf only deals
    you do not touch well planned and calculated  regular customers
    processing everything will take a time that depends on the providers where you rent dedi servers.
    after 1 year
    hmm, why nobody purchases more from us?
    Why the heck we must answer tons of stupid questions to $15y/VPS owner while we have customers who are paying $200/mo, and they need solutions for their problems; otherwise, they will leave.
    f**k this BF will do regular business with decent performance, quality, and fast support for a little bit bigger price if compared to 'big boys'  providers.
    common story on LET.
  • @Galeej said: Wow , yey, just got my 10tb provisioned. Thanks @hosthatch

    Christmas is early this year.

  • hosthatchhosthatch Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited December 2020

    @desperand said:

    Why need to purchase equipment if they can rent it and balance client base over rented equipment?

    Good business model:

    I always love the fact that there's so many million dollar CEOs all around the internet, especially the ones with MIT-level mathematics.

    How many successful businesses have you ran with all of your intellect, out of interest?

    Thanked by 2vimalware FrankZ
  • I get a little adrenaline rush every time Gmail notifies me for a new email :tongue:

  • hosthatchhosthatch Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran
    edited December 2020

    @noexittv said:
    Most important question that no-one have asked here yet...
    @hosthatch when will we see updated server pictures on your facebook/twitter/somewhere? :)

    Emil just flew to Amsterdam a couple hours ago to perform some maintenances, I will ask if he can take some pictures of our equipment in Equinix AM5.

    (I mean they might all be photoshopped because we 'rent' dedicated servers according to some of the MIT trained mathematicians here, but will ask him anyway) :)

  • @hosthatch said:
    Emil just flew to Amsterdam a couple hours ago to perform some maintenances, I will ask if he can take some pictures of our equipment in Equinix AM5.

    Is that the one in Science Park? That DC is sexy.

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