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@jbiloh Higher price limits on monthly dedicated server offers! We can offer great deals on higher spec machines, but $50 /month doesn't give us much room to work with and still make a profit.
How does the community feel about this request?
$50/month doesn't sound lowend to me!
Yeah over $50 is about regular pricing, not low end pricing.
How out of touch can you be?
Fucking LET has a 84 usd/month limit on dedis. Draw your own conclusions.
84$ isn't realy lowend imho, it should be 50$
I've got dedis at $2.99, $11, $12.50 (/29!) and €10.79 - that's lowend!
The $12.50 has been going for years and the others from bigger suppliers i.e. not summer hosts.
Fully managed?
Aye, by me!
Where did $50/mo come into play? I thought it's been $84USD.
No one is forcing anyone to pay for higher priced offers. I for one want higher limits so that good higher spec deals can be posted. Not every low end offer need be low spec, it could just be a damn good deal!
Hope to see more people voice their opinion on the dedicated server price limit on low end box...
My opinion is that an RBMK reactor can't explode, it's impossible. Also, it wasn't 3 roentgen it was 15,000.
I think a $50-$84 limit should be raised, as personally I'd love to see some super powerful machines posted that obviously cost more due to that. Having a limit restricts the end user to less powerful gear. Perhaps a price to performance ratio calculation? May be a bit over complex though.
Should we make the LEB and LET limits the same on dedicated servers then? Thus increasing the LEB limit to at least $84/month?
Depends on whether you want "Lowend" to actually mean anything. :-/
The problem with a higher price limit is that it disincentivizes the low-spec deals. Unlike with VPSes, the cost-to-value ratio of dedicated servers is not linear; and considering what people are willing to pay for a certain amount of resources, there's going to be less profit margin on lower-spec servers overall (because of the more-or-less fixed costs of "a server", regardless of specs).
So with the exception of a handful of providers who might want to do community deals (and well, let's be realistic, there's not terribly much of that community left here after years of mismanagement), you're likely to see providers just focus on the higher-spec servers that sit right up against the price limit, because that's how to maximize the profits.
In fact, I'd argue that that's already been happening since the price on LET increased. We've ended up with mainly "very low-spec boxes for not particularly cheap" and "high-spec boxes up against the price limit".
Where did the post by racknerd go? It's a company by ex-alpharacks employees, but it was posted on LEB regardless:
The post seems to be removed silently, without alerting anyone, to avoid losing face over this disgraceful offer once again.
Furthermore, currently LEB has an ad for Hostfactor, a company that claims to "colocate our servers in Iasi, Romania and Chisinau, Moldova", yet if I look at some screenshots from their site and compare them to the site of MivoCloud (who offer a reseller plan), I get a very different picture.
The test ip they list is for a dns server in the MivoCloud network, NOT their own box.
Also, compare their locations to the ones offered by mivocloud:
Add to that that their pricing is about 30% higher than the pricing offered by MivoCloud
And I see no point in posting the offer on LEB.
So, to keep digging a bit more.
Copy-pasted terms without even proofreading them themselves. Great.
But then....
So you're a registered company? Lemme check.
Yeah, no, you're not.
HostFactor -> @zuby2402
It's not just a random sig advertisement. See the name on his youtube profile: Andrei Ionut
I attacked this guy a long time ago on HostBalls for unknown reasons (they're archived). Here is his profile:
HostFactor it is!
And guess what, this guy is sharing nulled WHMCS on public forums:
You don't have to click this link, it leads to the proof of sharing nulled WHMCS.
They (he?) also copied Virtono's ToS, leaving the typo and Virtono's address in (see @teamacc's post). Intelligent guy.
All I can say is:
@jbiloh Please be kind enough to remove his offer on LEB, and I'll let you decide what happens to someone who shares/promotes nulled softwares.
@taemacc and @SCAM_DONT_BUY thank you both of you for the information.
I have pulled the listing order link and updated the post on LEB. Shame on this host.
Again many thanks for pointing this out.
Please note that contrary to your post, the host itself is not using nulled software for their billing area.
However, someone closely related to the host itself (who has registered an account on LET with a sig advertising the host, and an account on hostballs which appears to be the main account for the host) has been posting nulled software on hack forums.
For tranparency here's an archive of the message on LEB today:
Did you hear about the scammed female VPS customer?
I just want to quickly say Thank you! to @teamacc
I've made a slight change to the language.
Not good enough, when there are still links.
How's that vetting process doing? (Rhetorical.)
The order links were removed and the slight change I was referring to was that I am no longer me toning the nulled Whmcs because that's no the case. The offer remains disabled.
Why announce the disabling of one offer (host factor) but silently remove another without even acknowledging the removal (racknerd)?
See like 5 posts ago
Hot damn this is seriously better than random Netflix show. I'm out of popcorn!