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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
I wasn't going to either, just wanted to know if I'd have more time to think about it. I'm analyzing the market here to see if there's a place for me :P
Never used mxroute. Just got $10 plan to try.
DirectAdmin instructions on changing your domain:
Thanks !
But I am on cPanel server,
Jar ineed changed the domain .
Nice - grabbed one
@jar - sign up form doesn't like valid UK cellphone numbers in +44xx format btw
Hmm. Not sure what to make of that, I'll look.
Sir, a deal for the megathread?
If I order this will it extend the current $5 BF I am on or will that renew at the $5 rate.
Though I got a reseller already @jar I Have a curiosity to sneak peak how 😂 regular panel looks like if there’s a chance 🙊 with some cheap deal
Hmm, I'll think about it.
Would be a whole new service, like ordering a new server.
Thanks! Love these guys service has been solid!
Very good BF deal here - especially the $10 one, tempting
All I need is hope.
Listen guys... Jar is a stand up guy. He even answered chats on thanksgiving.... These are steals here. Got me a reseller account.
Was patient and finally got a BF plan. Set everything up and it's working like a charm!
Thanks for this awesome deal
Will the BF2018 plans eventually migrate to DirectAdmin? I'd do it manually but the $5/yr is such a good deal it feels sacrilegious cancelling it.
Good question, @Chronic. @Jar other questions for you if you don't mind: will older plans end up all moving to EU? For current customers with data in the US, is there any way to cross the ocean without having to order a new plan?
Beware, this company provides very good service at such crazy low prices. Be careful of your wallet.
Probably not. I migrated London to DA because it was only 300 users and I "thought" along the way that it was going so perfectly with my tests, but you can see how it actually went here:
The only one I can say absolutely will never move anywhere without a massive change in tenancy would be Eagle. That server is a beast, but that thing is housing nearly 1k accounts and migrating it would probably end in a standoff with me on the roof and cops trying to tell me to get down.
Not reasonably at this point. I haven't done DA to DA migrations, and the cPanel servers in Hetzner are overloaded and in need of replacement hardware in the near future.
Brought one, thanx @jar
Follow up to this: I have a BF 2018 ($15/100GB) plan that is basically idling at the moment (no domains set up) that I am willing to be moved to a DirectAdmin server just to keep costs down or have the Hetzner cPanel servers one account lighter, will it be possible?
I'm thinking that this case would be easier as there wouldn't be any data to migrated at all.
@jar can I change the primary domain later? I am not yet decided on which domain I wanna use this for...
Sure, just ping me at (hosted by us, uses whmcs login) and let me know that it's okay to delete it and re-provision it.
Yeah directadmin lets you rename domains from the panel.
4 years with MXRoute, so far not a single major problem. Reliable service.
Trying to withstand the urge to order another package.
The link is not accessible from Mainland China (tried multiple ISPs, all the same result "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET"), but that may be the great firewall showing its greatness.
Do you allow orders from China?
I do but you may have to ask me to change the order back to pending if you use a VPN and it marks the order as fraud.
Although I decided I wouldn't get anything this BF that I don't need, I couldn't resist the deal. Thanks (I guess).
All deals renew at the same rate, unless I'm missing something. Just renewed a $5 2017 BF deal for the second time in the last week or so.