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no idea - but do keep in mind that at this moment it is approximately 7 AM on a Saturday morning (for east coast USA) ...
If there is one thing in serious short supply in LET, it is patience.
well ... it's a fair question to ask I guess
given how these systems are supposed to be so freaking fast
speed freaks will be like moths to a flame for this one
Are you mothing?
@vyas11 right now ... I am making some yogurt.
Nothing is pending as of now. It is such a cozy morning, with a hint of cold and rain, I was really having a hard time leaving my bed. Sorry for the delay boss.
Welcome to the family
BF Is overrated. Welcome to the family
I am done! This made me giggle, despite not having my coffee yet! hahaha.
Mothing, 3
Where exactly does yogurt fit into this????
Nah. Too much effort. I’d just leave the milk outside overnight . Bright and early in the morning sour milk yoghurt is ready. It helps that temperature is normally 20-22 deg C many
mothsmonths of the year.
In some instances it may be referred to idling the milk container.
the nights are getting cool here, and the raccoons are fearless
Poor uptime. VPS went offline after ~30 hours.
Do you have a ticket# that I can work with? I have 0 unplanned downtimes reports on anything right now.
I have 2 nodes up and running for the promo
Node 1 uptime -> 4 days, 6 hours, 15 minutes.
Node 2 uptime -> 1 days, 3 hours, 1 minute (Server went live yesterday).
I am really curious to know what is going on.
VPS was offline for several hours. I restarted my VPS, but it did not work. So, I thought to turn it OFF and then ON. That worked. Now it's up and running. Ticket#778234
That is totally weird boss! I have responded to your ticket already and would love to dig deep into the issues. Could be something on my end, could be something on your end (rouge software and firewalls are a thing).
P.S. For the future, I would really appreciate if you open a support ticket first and allow me time to work on issues, before posting publicly, vs posting in a public forum and opening ticket after an hour
Is that what the kids are calling it now?
I am actually using their free shared hosting, I saw it on and they are awesome
Thanks for being part of the family dude
Almost twice as fast as the finest VPS I've ever used. That's amazing!
The issue sounds similar to the virtualiser one in the DE test VPS?
Edited the rest of my previous post in response to the update from seriesn below.
Boss, Thank you for joining my Family
Actually not at all Boss.
That snafu happened when I was migrating Old Master to a new box and did not update bunch of API and IP white listings properly.
I will be honest, I fell asleep while I was in between analyzing the logs. I will followup with the @pkr once I have done my due diligence and hopefully we can either chalk it off as a random software glitch or find the source and ensure it will never happen.
As my Professor used to say - keep making new mistakes, that's how you will learn. Keep making the same mistakes, and you will never earn.
Or "Asian Parenting" - Repeating the same mistake twice? Heh! We wish!
I have a confession to make: I got the 2GB box.
I don't have benchmarks now, but at 3.25 per month, the performance felt as fast as, if not faster, than an instance I spun up from Upcloud that cost 20 bucks a month.
Thursdays > Fridays.
Haven't thought of a use for mine, yet. Idling like a champ!
@seriesn no offense meant, but you have a weird way of counting thursdays.
also friendly reminder about the rule of an offer every ten days only. everything else makes you look desperate anyway and you don't want to be on a LEBfeed level, do you? ;-)
He thought the rule was weekly, i.e. 7 days but he apologised for it and I am not expecting to see another post until the Thursday after next. Let's see what he can concoct after this.
Good morning sir!
I am not going to lie, I totally forgot about the 10-day rules, solely because every other forum offer rule is 7 days. My old mind is not as sharp as it used to be
. Not an excuse, neither justifying myself. Simply human error, due to my own negligence. won't ever happen again! You got my word, Sir!
EYY! Welcome to the family broski
My wifey said the same thing about me. Not about the VPS but something else and I got butthurt......
Put APNSCP on it. Free lifetime license now in @nem's thread. See how fast it installs. This is quite an intense CP to install and normally takes 2 hours on a lowend VPS. See if this box totally smashes the installation time record.