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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
jk. Nah man. I like to keep it simple. You don’t need it, cancel or transfer it to someone else.
No refund or prorated refund after 48hours though. Regardless of the payment term.
@seriesn Horrendous signup screen! Stupid popup obscures the server name entry in Firefox/Mint. Press continue - it complains about lack of content (fair enough). Press the UP arrow (shouldn't it be down?), the popup shrinks but remains the focus so still unable to enter details. Same with Chromium.
Betya it needs a f'kin MS browser to work!? What's the secret @jsg / @cybertech ?
Will get it optimized. Didn't notice any major issues when I tested initially on my end and. Disabled it in the meantime and won't be activated till It is fixed. Thanks for reporting boss
Android ftw
Closed Firefox.. reopened..
$3.25 USD
You just gotta be kidding.
I use my tablet for silly games and smartphone to text (crap), phone (rarely) and test website 'mobility' (for GenX & millenials).
I'm not. Most web layouts are mobile optimized. My benches are done on juicessh. When in doubt kindly refer to me signature
Last I checked, Android was based on....
Google's linux
Tried using Responsive mode in Firefox but captcha is hidden.
EDIT: Blimey that was more than a chore! Emulating my Kindle HDX, I eventually got a sign up - the captcha enforcement had mysteriously gone.
Missed out on the last one. Not missing out this. My poor wallet
Damn, this beast is unearthly fast. It's even noticeably faster than my netcup VDS (which is certainly not slow).
@seriesn, confess! You've made some strange deal with ETs from Andromeda or something, right?
You've probably said this somewhere, but do your VPSes support IPv6?
Nothing in Europe Boss
. But tunnelbroker is an option (obviously nothing is better than native but as a last resort, this is the best option).
Just wondering if you have similar VM specs in other locations that offers even better speeds to Asia (I am based in Singapore)? The information will be helpful for making my consolidation plans.
Currently completely sold out in NY (Not sure if the connectivity from NY would be better than Germany). But I don't intend to go nuts with NVME resources anytime soon. But then again, who knows. Every Thursday is supposed to be fun and exciting
I am glad that business is thriving. Sustainability first!
Thanks, Boss!
But in all sincerity, I have pm'd you test download link for both Germany and NY location. Please let me know the results and also what would be your ideal requirements in terms of speed/ping from Singapore to outside of Asia? I have some plans for next year and will see if it would be a viable option in the near future
For Asia (except China) in popular non Asian locations these are worth looking into
Oh! One of those are already in progress
No....left with only money for BF deals.
Edit: oh next year. Okay cool
Cool cool cool so cool boss
I don't want to have more idling machines.
idle is as idle does ...?
I wish I lived in life before cheap Dedis.
The Christmas morning thrill of opening up a new VPS. 🎉
Bookmarked as an option for some CI task servers in future. That single thread 🤤
Was supposed to save some money for BF deals, but this is totally worth it so far. So damn fast!
The thread says it all. Thursdays are better than Fridays.
How long it's pending?
I was thinking about the VPS activation time.