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questions about starting vpn company?

so i have some experience worked at a vpn company a long time ago i know its cliche just like fly by night vps providers vpns are saturated with resellers blah blah and im sure theres tons of threads on vpn topics.
but im looking to setup a no logs no nonsense vpn company and was curious about what is the ideal location to register the company with relative ease. what billing systems in place are the good route to go host bill seems like a rip off. and any other general knowledge anyone would like to share i know some hosts to buy dedis from for running nodes and all that.
what type of legality safe guards since i will not log any information ever for any reason tldr if legally required id just shut down the company all that jazz.Should i incorporate in seychelles. have staff distributed across different countries what kind if obstacles should i put in play etc.
what vpn locations do you think are the must haves for initial launch i intend to expand to every location i possibly can as company grows to scale and i do have alot of new features ideas and projects for the company and intend to run it longterm and expand outward to other services someday.
Not trying to sound mean, but judging by your previous post, I would not recommend "starting a vpn company".
Starting a business is not a joke, once you're taking people's money you better commit to it. You'll either not end up proving what you promise (no logs etc) or you'd end up in jail if you think it's that easy.
Or this could be a troll and I'm an idiot.
I see very little that you bring to the table yourself.
Your entire post is about how you should create a vpn company from scratch.
I'd say the VPN market is a red ocean. There are plenty of providers in the range of almost free to $10/mo. You'll gonna have something different to even get some customers in the market, not just another VPN company.
The end is nigh.
Tell me how would you deal with the shit DMCA, then I would tell you how to run your business IF Only I agree with your explanation!
what do you mean. im asking general advice or what peoples experiences where.
The hosts i use will not generally require a response tldr but i would have a boiler plate response for all type of "contact" requests explaining how we maintain no logs and have no way to accommodate there claim.We do not encourage abuse of our services etc. DMCA is not some magic issue plenty of vpn's shrug them off pretty easily.
I do not need to be told "how to run a business" im generally curious what others use software wise for managing billing and keeping up with keeping no logs legality wise. corporate registration etc.
I do have some unique ideas and I intend to not log under any circumstances + it helps i have a large audience and reach as it is the marketing aspect is a non issue really.
but i want to make the best service i can for the best price i can.
Struggling with how to tackle automated billing and have it integrate with the openvpn servers i know about hostbill etc and have seen openradius and all the WHCMS integration but was curious what others thoughts where
I worked at a non logging VPN also you will not end up in jail period. keeping logs is not obligatory and you are not forced to log period lookup privateinternetaccess's interactions with law enforcement. "we want logs, sorry we don't have any, oh ok thanks" is the TLDR version and I guess im just a privacy radical but i will keep no logs period. and I will not been intimidated into doing so period and yes i get it runinng a business is serious and i am 100% serious.
my post may seem casual and un-serious but the questions are pretty straight forward I understand the law and have witnessed the inside of VPN's a few years back first hand.I guess I should have rephrased my questions as what are peoples opinions on where to incorporate etc.
i think there are enough vpn providers providing sufficient protection for the average user. Windscribe offers 10gb bandwidth free and they keep no logs. Not sure what you csn bring to the table. I have a Windscribe lifetime subscription because their size means they have really solid bandwidth and connection, especially if you want to watch go-blocked content in FHD. You need to consider the service level you can reasonably provide and if you cannot do a reasonably good job considering your technical expertise, probably it is not a good idea to start.
well im always skeptical of vpns that log bandwidth or traffic usage since that requires some level of logging etc and im not convinced of "windscribes non logging policy" but sure its respectable people use vpns they feel comfortable with and privacy is subjective to the users need i guess in that regard.
I do have unique ideas and features and have new innovative ideas to bring to the table. as far as my technical experience im not helpless i do know quite a bit about VPN technology but the service end there is alot to cover for a single person to know it all and thats the problem im running in to. Im actually just going to get someone who maintained another VPN service to give me a hand with my plan of attack and advise me.
people act as if my question about the billing management or jurisdictional issues regarding incorporation are somehow un qualifying but they are genuine debatable issues I mean everyone here deals with hosting and many run companies is WHCMS the way to go,open radius hostbill etc or is there some VPN integrateable solution im unaware of?
My first thoughts where incorporate in seychelles, have dedicated only hardware of course run the main website in Panama and have the backend and billing hosted in iceland.
I would also host my own DNS have multi hop capacity and TOR into VPN ability.I would also want to try some experimental stuff to bypass country VPN filtering like they do/did in iran to obfuscate or make the protocol look like something unblocked/unblockable.
and my last question is at launch what VPN locations are absolutely required at first i plan to start to scale i was thinking US,UK,canada, germany and netherlands all easily enough to get good dedicated servers or colocate with good connectivity and would meet the majority of market needs.
Id null all logging functionality that is not needed and set permissions to read only (just like OVPN does) and it would be nice to have daily free disk space wiping and other features like that.I would of course have to set aside legal battle funding which is a non issue partner with ACLU/EFF and other organizations and I would take user suggestions on features locations and try to innovate new ways to do VPN that haven't been done before (not going to giveaway the ideas iv'e had) but i have a couple i think are worth a shot.
alot of VPN providers lie about keeping logs look at purevpn, and earthvpn etc but not logging is the cheapest and most ethical thing to do and its disappointing how discouraging and generally unhelpful people on this forum are.Ask what peoples thoughts are get zero useful input, ask for low end hosts for this and that get either unhelpful responses or links to hosts that arent what im looking for lol.
some people have been helpful so i guess my time here hasn't been a complete waste
V"P"Ns or TOR is only there to lure ppl into a false sense of security and to make it easier for TLAs to "sort the interesting bits out."
There really is no privacy but if you want to raise more suspicion just use those "services".
Start a business selling VPN to Iranian and Chinese!
lol someone watches to much alex jones
privacy exists and its proveable lol there have been for one example FBI high profile cases of cyber crime investigations that where high priority that went unsolved and have hit the statute of limitations case and point the owner of doxbin the tor service. he comitted tons of crime and got away with it by relying on tor along with good opsec period. second the original owner of silk road got away with it the kid in jail bought the website off him IE regarding a DHS report.
not sure if troll but people do "do that" or did is all VPN protocols blocked in china and iran these days i can never keep up lol
so you genuinely believe anonymity is impossible?
I never heard of S'O"M"E"O'n"e before.
It's the other way around, you believe anonymity is possible while actually it is not.
oh no you are just incorrect then I gave you 2 examples of people remaining anonymous despite the highest threat level and largest surveillance capacity trying to find them.
Now is anonymity a perfect concept that can be sold no user end behavior is always a factor.
Do you know those people?
Do you know their real story?
Also there could have been back room deals, etc.
To me those stories just like mass media ads.
If those stories are actually true it would have been no problem to track them down or log their activities if they really wanted to.
Right now they probably laugh their asses off because of your naivety.
why would I tell you if i intimately know high profile cyber criminals and internal undisclosed information.
Yes , yes i do.
no lol i assure you if owner of doxbin or original owner of silk road where arrested it would be a political story the government would shout from the roof tops hell they bragged about siezing the doxbin .onion address (until doxbin took it back like 15 times from the fbi lol)
also no actually im laughing my ass off at how your just a contrarian with nothing original to say.
and I actually can say for a fact that no it is not just simple to track down competent criminals LOL tons of criminals get away with it and thats just the short truth of it.Have you ever studied law enforcement investigations, case files or forensics in any capacity?
sure the government can be impressive at times but as a meta study it fails quite alot of the time.and when it does suceed it does so at incredible financial political and time costs.
Hell google "INFRAUD FRAUD FORUM FBI" the owner and 16 of the 32 sites staff are literally free men after running a 600-800 million dollar fraud empire despite europol,fbi and the world trying to get them lol.
Im not encouraging crime I am just saying you are verifiable-y incorrect. People have done it its been documented that they've done it and why do you think mass survielance and such invasive tech is being used? its because of the failings of the system at many points because standard LEA procedure and capabilities are lacking to deal with many high level criminals.
you can read hundreds of articles about cyber crime come back in five years and lookup and see how many of those cases never lead to an arrest you'd be amazed at the results.
If my posts are amusing I at least accomplished something.
yea the offtopic was needed thread was getting boring of people telling me "lack experience" or "don't do it you go jail" needed the banter.
but i get your paranoid pessimistic outlook i just whole heartidly disagree, we can put men on the moon we can transfer packets anonymously on teh interwebz in believe in mankind.
I got no "paranoid pessimistic outlook".
And you can't "transfer packets anonymously".
You also believe in the fake moon landing?
Maybe take a close(r) look at those pics, especially at the shadow(s)!
Or maybe even tire tracks of vehicles...
don't forget about the clockwork elves
What are clockwork aliens?
I meant elves. they run the government man fbi takes DMT and communicates with them
Can't they use simple telepathy?
Why make it complicated?
I'm not kidding you but you need to know the right technology to use and how to market your product to your potential users.
A Canadian VPS provider well-known to Chinese users just started their VPN business last year under another brand. Technically they are not using any VPN protocols but average users don't care the technology behind it. They sell managed Shadowsocks proxy servers with optimized routes to Chinese users. It worked pretty well when I was in China. It's cheaper and faster than most VPN providers(NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Windscribe) I have used before.
Another example is Somagu, a South Korean provider. They have advertised here before. They offer hourly-billed NAT VPS with pre-configured Shadowsocks/OpenVPN/Wireguard templates.
Some people in China actually risk going to jail to sell VPN service. It's very profitable if you do it the right way.
Those elves are they possibly from Sri Lanka?