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Mods are overworked and underpaid. I started tagging @doghouch aside from flagging the thread, seems to work. Feels a bit dick-ish though, like using LET as your helpdesk.
Am i the only one who dislikes this green template?
Yep, so either the flag button is not working as it used to (quite possible) or the other mods are not paying attention and need to be cycled to fresh blood.
It’s honestly easier to see tags than it is flags lol
I guess they changed something then because flagged topics used to stand out a country mile.
You should make a feature request to change that, then.
It’s still bolded but the mod panel on mobile is a pile of garbage.
I can see them fine as tags though; while I don’t want people to always tag me, it’s just easier right now.
ah right yes, I never even bothered trying on mobile
Small bug there
Needs more CSS.
Rule suggestion: you may not post a review with an account that is less than 1 month old with and less than 14 posts. Failure to comply will result in closure of your account and removal of your review.
That should put an end to the 1 hit wonder a angry foot stampers, if they feel strongly enough to want to trash a company then they will still feel that way in a month unless it is JUST a tantrum.
And also, please fix this
It is fun though, we can use it to subscribe all the big blacklists to the newsletter as it requires ZERO validation.
Yeah, it's true. What would stop anyone from subscribing AlphaW00t to LET newsletter?
But, what I meant was give me my drafts page back...
I'm only a month late... :') Just spotted this. I am completely in agreement however I've seen one instance of an honest, thought out review this week that I was rather impressed with. Will monitor over the next couple of weeks and if foot stompers >> 'normal' reviews I'll add it to the rule list.
I know you guys are already overworked, but how about adding that review rule and allowing for exemptions? If the person can prove within ten minutes that they were legitimately wronged by a host, then they should be allowed to post the review.
That's definitely one option. I'll have a think about phrasing and see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestion!
Feature: Advance search, documentation and even better show thread instead post for search result, I already ask it here 3 years ago
Reason: Google results is not realtime or not all pages indexed.
Feature: add the following to the search result page
Reason: This is funny feature request because alot people here suggest this.
Looks like an issue with drafts.
@qps that's a feature.
Scroll down, way down.
Hah, you're right. Thanks.
I don't think we're supposed to put images in our signatures.
Edit 2: also you can post oversized images on profile pages.
Edit 2 2: Unlimited poll options, and questions sounds fun. The option counter has a bug somewhere, thanks Vanilla.
(I posted in the Cest Pit; I should have posted here.)
Bug report: clicking "My Drafts" on the left offers the chance to subscribe to the LET newsletter (there is one!?!?) I had expected, perhaps naively, to see my drafts.
You have to scroll allllll way down to see your drafts.
Oh yeah...if I scroll down a full blank page, I see them. So it's just a formatting bug of some sort. does not work.