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Oldest LEB providers here?
Brief background:
I've been hosting a small amount of sites for my clients since 1998. I've been in biz since 1997 doing IT for Mac and PC clients.
I've grown accustomed to paying above average costs for hosting services- mainly because the places I went with were deemed reliable (after testing) and since they stayed reliable, it wasn't a big deal.
After coming across LEB, it's been fun playing with LEB VPSs (I've got 3 from here so far), and was looking ahead to the future. This includes finding a reliable host (VPS and dedi) that's been around for a while and has a proven track record. I'd like to expand my hosting side of things and so was wondering who here has that kind of reputation.
Prometeus is pretty old, trusted and reputable.
BlueVM, INIZ, BuyVM, IPXCore have all been around 2years and get a pretty good rep.
My background is similar to yours. I've experimented with numerous LEB providers over the years, and if I had to pick one LEB VPS provider above all others for reliability it would be... RamNode.
Thanks, although 2 years, as you may know, is very low.
Thanks-- any idea how long?
BurstNET - Been around since late 90's
I would stay away from BurstNET. Though I would vouch for Ramnode as well. I guess they been around for 1 year.
Oldest providers, maybe :
Just to go and look back at the 2008 posts. Whoever is still around has survived for a reason
Old doesn't necessarily mean GOOD. But, BlueVM, BuyVM, Prometus, RamNode, and one other that slips my mind at the moment are all good reliable providers.
As others have said age shouldn't be your sole determinator -- there are plenty of lousy old providers -- but I believe Prometeus is probably the oldest around here (16 years last May), and in my opinion (and the top provider polls') they're also one of the best.
123systems is old and still going. I wouldn't touch them with a 50 foot pole, and it's not personal at all.
Buyvm, ramnode, hostigation. Those are my recommendation for quality that isn't going away.
Hello !
A slight correction:
Prometeus/Iperweb is in LEB area for less than 2 years (will be january 1st), but is in hosting since 1997, mainly corporate, though.
I have checked the older LEB posts, found VPSlink and Datarealm which are the oldest.
But I have never heard of them.
I'm assuming the main reason you wouldn't touch them with a 50 foot pole is because you couldn't afford a 50 foot pole. Have you looked at the price of 50 foot poles recently...OMFG they are expensive! Cheapest I could find was $2700 and that doesn't even include shipping!
The only provider on that page who is still in business is ServerPronto which proves that oldest is no guarantee of quality (and in the case of ServerPronto/Fortatrust longevity is definitely not an indicator of ethical business practices).
yes. i mean traverse from that page onwards and check each host page.
You can add Catalyst to the 2year+ list
Our company in it's current form has been registered in 1998, however we obviously didn't sell any VPS or dedicated servers back then. The VPS offers started in March 2011.
I would look at the oldest poll winners
jar u forgot catalyst?? hmm..
@johhhn i'd make it easy for u, just have a look at the results of LET Poll - Favourite providers for last 1-2 years, that should help u get correct idea..
@jcaleb where's that Tag? forgot at home? :P
@Pats what do you mean tag?
I understand old doesn't necessarily mean good, but I did clarify in my 1st post "..that's been around for a while and has a proven track record"
Nevertheless, thanks for the info guys, very helpful!
proven track record is very subjective
I figured you guys wouldn't hold anything back here
Tag = Badge(Modera...)
Haha, probably lost in rollbacks and cluster-f...
Coming up for 8 years end of month since I opened shop for webhosting, VPS came few years later and LEB few years after that!
SecureDragon/ServerDragon/*Dragon is quite good - looks like they've been around a good long while and they provide great service.
Has it been that long? Seems like just yesterday you guys were working magic in Denver. (RIP)
anything in the US?