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Can anyone give me any info ?
I'm looking to start an online VPS business(offering winserver r2 2012 only).
Not that i'm new to servers, i'm .net developer , have experience in JavaScript /web-development etc.
So far all i could understand is,i need to be a re-seller or rent a dedicated parent-node.
what i'm trying to figure out how the automation of server provisioning & maintenance works? (ex. setup a server, install OS, restart, stop, add ram etc.)
How the online control-panel interacts with server?
Do i need to use solus, xenpanel etc. or i can develop my own control-panel?
Please give me a detailed structure of an online vps-store.
You have to get ready until June.
what was that supposed to mean?
As a provider till i am on research how to make 10 KVM windows VPS to run smooth on a E3/E5, 4xssd. All the best
@tm9 Have a research on CPU and disk i/o.
Easy to understand : Get a i7 based desktop and try to load few virtualized windows server 2012 using virtualbox/vmware player and check how it can make it if you move to server
actually im trying to figure out how the vps provisioning management systems work. Not, how to scam people with oversold nodes. even i hate it too.
Btw, can you shed some light on how did u setup your online store (control-panels etc.)?
Try to become a re-seller eg. from Linode, Vultr, DO etc. Purchase WHMCS, install the module/addon eg. and you are ready to go. The hardest part is marketing.
Edit: The link above is just an example, you can do a small research to choose the right addon.
thanks Ian, you are to the point.
Developing your own billing panel will be a waste of time. As a good (WHMCS) component out there you should go for it. It is also valid from a programmers perspective. If you have some good marketing strategy you can start reselling right away. Count me as a provider if you want to resell windows remote desktop.
how? please keep talking
I recommend @AnthonySmith control panel. It's the best one. It beats @SolusVM panel every time hands down. Especially their 2.0 version.
Hopefully you don't plan to run your nodes on windows. I wouldn't be suprised if a .Net developer tried to do such a thing.
This one smells like ... one of those. Asking business directions/decisions online with that look of complete cluelessness.
Tell me what you know about SPLA licensing.
...which eventually you won't be able to buy. It's like your company has a built-in self-destruct.
funny, a few people analyzing my business policy, rather than helping out on the technical aspects that I exactly wanted to know
Welcome to LET. If it wasn't your 11 message in almost 3 years here, you would know which questions to ask and which not to ask around here.
If it's your business policy to ask strangers to educate you so that you can start a business, then you deserve the poop that's being thrown at ya.
Any skills besides development? "If you build it, they will come" never works..
u worthless lots got nothing better to do other than trolling, hmm
that's your opinion only. u don't even know my purpose
right. if u notice, most of these angry trolls are unsuccessful businesses that hate new peoples getting in the industry.
Well given your response, you have no idea what you are doing. I guess I do not need to share any resources to help fill your knowledge and skill gaps mr. iknowitall.
Don't be bitter, people aren't out to get you, nor to do your own homework.
There is no magic recipe.
Assemble, destroy, play, experiment, learn. Find something that works. Start small, repeat and scale until big. If fail, start again. And, no matter what, be fair with people.
This is LET forums. If ur asking how to setup a host, only trolls will answer.
In short, you need a host machine (dedicated server) which you install a hypervisor such as proxmox, virtualizor or solusvm for example. Then you need a VPS for website and whmcs. After that you connect website to whmcs and whmcs to your hypervisor. Then you create/sysprep windows server templates for ur hypervisor, create corresponding packages on whmcs, automate the creation after succesful transaction and have whmcs send out the info email via external smtp server to the customer.
Thats the bare minium.
@tm9 well, i don't own any kind of business. So don't worry i couldn't care less about the fierce competition you will bring or not and to be honest i'd rather say not. Like others said before the way you are asking pretty much says this: I have little to no clue what i am getting into and want random people to spoonfed me.
Why would you not be able to write your own panel? Pros and cons of an inhouse approach aside as long as you can automate qemu (you know what this is, right?) you are set. If you want to do this you'd need a firm grasp of linux administration but that's pretty much a requirement for your whole plan. Stating an MS background and acting clueless (sorry) makes me and other people question this. That's why you are getting non serious responses.
How those premade panels interact with the server is surely something you can read up on in the documentation of said panels. Asking random people to do the digging for you is not going to yield you a lot of help. Besides even using a premade solution will not get you off the hook when it comes to solid linux adminstration skills. Do you have those? Seriously, if you don't have them you should aquire them first before thinking of building such a platform.
On the contrary. We want you to set up a host ASAP. (The ASAP part is very important).
People like you tend to bring massive entertainment to these forums like LET.
MKSH, i did read docs & for example talked to Virtualizor . They said their panel can only be installed on Linux not o any Hyper-V.
If there was any conclusive answer, then i'd not ask here.
Search this topic on google, you wont find conclusive answers either.
If it were me, i'd at-least ignore the thread if I couldn't help. Online forums don't have to be complete cesspools. Why people wasting time replying nonsense to this thread when they don't find any value in the topic?