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Why are hosting providers getting greedier?
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Why are hosting providers getting greedier?

Genuine question. Why is bandwidth getting so much more expensive and the top hosts that were once the top of their game are a pile of dog poop these days?



  • Ovh, leaseweb, hetzner. All overpriced and some selling 10gbit ports with only 100tb of bandwidth (?) Lol. Youd have to be a complete retard to sign up to these providers

  • greed is good

  • treekushtreekush Member
    edited January 12

    Lol. The whole industry is fucked. All these offers are just to sucker you into bullshit offers. I guess there stupid suckers out there that dont know what the fuck theyre paying for.

    If you genuinely pay for a 10gbit port withhl 100tb then yes you are a retardm

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • remyremy Member
    edited January 12

    @labze said:

    @treekush said:
    Genuine question. Why is bandwidth everything getting so much more expensive and the top hosts that were once the top of their game are a pile of dog poop these days?


    Can you do the same for the message just above yours?
    Level up

  • 1gservers1gservers Member, Patron Provider

    You're probably not looking in the right place. We sell 10gbps/20gbps/30gbps/40gbps unmetered servers all day long every day starting often at $550/mo for unmetered on 10gbps. There are even better deals to be had with other providers if you're willing to gamble if they're oversold or not.

    Thanked by 1thane
  • @treekush said:
    Genuine question. Why is bandwidth getting so much more expensive and the top hosts that were once the top of their game are a pile of dog poop these days?

    This is a trick dont you know yet, they did the same with your watter supply electricity etc

  • @MrRadic said:
    Data center costs, labor costs, power costs, hardware costs are all going up up up.

    basement costs.

  • risharderisharde Patron Provider, Veteran

    @treekush said:
    Genuine question. Why is bandwidth getting so much more expensive and the top hosts that were once the top of their game are a pile of dog poop these days?

    I don't understand this question - I'm not a server provider but running some basic checks - things like 10G connections aren't cheap. Labour for none one man startups is likely also the reason for costs to be high but still - I can't remember getting 10G connections (shared of course) from VPS providers a few year ago for the peanuts I see now.

    Thanked by 1meditatingsurgeon
  • @c1vhosting said:

    @MrRadic said:
    Data center costs, labor costs, power costs, hardware costs are all going up up up.

    basement costs.

    Buying digital camera cost

  • @WhiteRoseG said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @MrRadic said:
    Data center costs, labor costs, power costs, hardware costs are all going up up up.

    basement costs.

    Buying digital camera cost


  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @WhiteRoseG said:

    @c1vhosting said:

    @MrRadic said:
    Data center costs, labor costs, power costs, hardware costs are all going up up up.

    basement costs.

    Buying digital camera cost

    Dog food cost.

  • jh_aurologicjh_aurologic Member, Patron Provider

    @risharde said:
    I don't understand this question - I'm not a server provider but running some basic checks - things like 10G connections aren't cheap. Labour for none one man startups is likely also the reason for costs to be high but still - I can't remember getting 10G connections (shared of course) from VPS providers a few year ago for the peanuts I see now.

    100% 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    The connection is cheap, providing sufficient capacity to properly supply the peak demands on that connection, transfer and redundancy isnt - heck, I do spend 10.000€'s Euro per month just to keep our network running properly, constantly upgrade and deal with growing DDoS attacks.

    From my POV, people who never dealt with all the implications do not understand how costly that gets at a pretty much larger scale like the initially said providers.

    Sure, some can do crazy offers, but from my experience it ends up not so well. Pay for peanuts, get monkeys.

    Thanked by 3SinV c1vhosting tentor
  • The story of big fish and little fish

    The big ones determine the market, the little ones try to adapt.

    What if Ovh and Hetzner sold servers for 1 euro per year? Logically, everyone would close up shop, right? No, everyone tries to sell like this.

    What if Cpanel sells unlimited licenses for $1 per month? Will others close shop? No, everyone tries to be like this. Even crappy panels are now charged by the number of users.

    Imagine, I am a market owner. I pay rent for my shop every month. But the shop owner wants additional money for every customer who walks through the door.

    Or examples such as Vmware can multiply..

    Unfortunately everything is shit
    If Nikola Tesla had lived :)

  • justvmjustvm Member, Patron Provider

    just an example from my DC to increase from 1Gbps to 10Gbps as I quote:
    the cost for this service is typically in the range of $1600-$1700/monthly, plus the other costs like power, IPs, etc... Tell me how can you sell VPSs at 10Gbps for $15.00 a year?

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • You cant sell 10gbps vps for 15 a year. But if you are selling the appealing of a port of say 10gbps with only a 100tb throughput every 30 days then you are a scumbag provider, just like their daddy was likely a scumbag who pulled the same shit his scumbag father did.

    What im saying is 99% of hosting providers are run by scumbags.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    If the reason is greed then you should be able to compete with them and do quite well, so sounds more like an opportunity than a problem.

  • kvz12kvz12 Member
    edited January 13

    @treekush said:
    You cant sell 10gbps vps for 15 a year. But if you are selling the appealing of a port of say 10gbps with only a 100tb throughput every 30 days then you are a scumbag provider, just like their daddy was likely a scumbag who pulled the same shit his scumbag father did.

    What im saying is 99% of hosting providers are run by scumbags.

    "only" 100TB? Wtf? Looking forward to treekush's own hosting company that can somehow undercut all of the other providers while offering more bandwidth.

  • @treekush said:
    You cant sell 10gbps vps for 15 a year. But if you are selling the appealing of a port of say 10gbps with only a 100tb throughput every 30 days then you are a scumbag provider, just like their daddy was likely a scumbag who pulled the same shit his scumbag father did.

    What im saying is 99% of hosting providers are run by scumbags.

    If someone has a legitimate business need to push 100 TB in a month (that's an average of 320 mbps non-stop) then they are making more than enough money to pay for an unmetered 10 Gbps. Your average enthusiast is not pushing 100 TB a month unless they are involved in less-than-legal activities.

  • @MrRadic said:
    Data center costs, labor costs, power costs, hardware costs are all going up up up.

    That's why I never trusted provider selling lifetime package.

  • @labze said:

    @treekush said:
    Genuine question. Why is bandwidth everything getting so much more expensive and the top hosts that were once the top of their game are a pile of dog poop these days?


    but my wages are not rising at the same rate as other prices. a (recurring) spiral.

  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
  • Thank you for your feedback

  • One day OP will lookup how much 10Gbps transit costs and call up HE to tell them that their prices are ridiculous and that only "retarded people" would ever pay those fees.

    P.S. Wait til OP finds out that 1Gbps CN2 in HK costs $50k/m.

  • woodster050woodster050 Member, Host Rep

    The Hosting Industry is Just full cheap host's, one host I wont mention by name offer's 16GB VPS for £8! its just so oversold and then when people like myself do the network with better capacity and charge an accurate rate people complain and say were all too expensive, then order with theese cheap host's complain how rubish the performance is and then come to somelone like me and expect me to compete. you get what you pay for.

    TLDR: The hosting industry is oversaturated with cheap crappy hosts that oversell and use Cracked Licensing

    Thanked by 1Naomii
  • emghemgh Member

    Tell me you don’t know the hosting market without telling me you don’t know the hosting market

  • HostEONSHostEONS Member, Patron Provider

    @treekush said:
    Genuine question. Why is bandwidth getting so much more expensive and the top hosts that were once the top of their game are a pile of dog poop these days?

  • ViridWebViridWeb Member, Host Rep

    @treekush and @treesmokah sounds similar to me. Isn't it?

  • @ViridWeb said:
    @treekush and @treesmokah sounds similar to me. Isn't it?

    treekush registered 1 year and 1 month before treesmokah

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