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Frankfurt BF - 1GB DDR4/5 / 1 core / 10GB NVMe + 2GB DDR4 / 2 cores / 50GB NVMe both only £16.20/yr - Page 2
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Frankfurt BF - 1GB DDR4/5 / 1 core / 10GB NVMe + 2GB DDR4 / 2 cores / 50GB NVMe both only £16.20/yr



  • @mylinuxbsd said:
    Why did you deducted the money from the account of GBP 51.06 when I did not purchase anything from you yet.

    We agreed not to do business with each other and therefore it is honourable for you to refund back the money.

    The money has been deducted because you disputed your payment...

  • Waiting for restock on 16.2 plan :)

  • fitkohfitkoh Member
    edited November 2023

    @hostaris said:

    We're also offering an extra vCore on any plan if you simply comment your VPS ID!

    Service ID 892 KVM-EPYC-2GB

    +1 core please

  • @hostaris The counted bandwidth 4 TB, is only for the outbound data transfer from VPS right?

  • I really don't like this whole top up and then maybe you get the vps you want thing

  • amaeva080amaeva080 Member
    edited November 2023

    @amaeva080 said:
    @hostaris VPS ID=889
    Please add the extra core.

    **We're also offering an extra vCore on any plan if you simply comment your VPS ID!

    On VPS 887 and 889 still waiting for the extra core to be added @hostaris

  • @theOne6363 said:
    @hostaris The counted bandwidth 4 TB, is only for the outbound data transfer from VPS right?

    From the storage server I have with them, the advertised bandwidth is both inbound+outbound.

  • @Kebab said:
    I really don't like this whole top up and then maybe you get the vps you want thing

    We're rewriting it. Not something we can change at the moment.

  • Is there support or it's none support services?I sent email and discord ticket but no response

  • @mad_4u said:
    Is there support or it's none support services?I sent email and discord ticket but no response

    It's a Saturday evening. Please be patient :)

  • Just as a heads up for clients on Xeon, the maintenance to change the drives has been pushed forward to tomorrow, as we had an issue today with our provider and I spent a few hours working on it. Hours that should've been spent on the migration.

    Apologies for any inconvenience.

  • edited November 2023

    I loaded funds in my account, but when I tried creating VPS - KVM-EPYC-2GB, I am getting this error: ":["No hypervisors in the selected group have enough resources."]}. please help.

    Ticket 0398

  • Same here
    Out of stock

  • Stock will be replenished at 20:30 GMT tonight.

  • hostarishostaris Member
    edited November 2023

    @amaeva080 said:
    @hostaris VPS ID=887
    Please add the extra core.

    @mad_4u said:
    iD : 888

    @reb0rn said:
    @hostaris VPS
    pls add one more core, tnx

    @Thomas_Z said:
    @hostaris - very nice system.
    Please add the extra core on VPS ID 898 - thanks in advance.

    @fitkoh said:

    Service ID 892 KVM-EPYC-2GB

    +1 core please

    All done. Sorry about the wait guys.

  • Service ID 904

    +1 core please

  • Stock has been replenished for Epyc servers

  • @hostaris can you recheck ID=891 epic still not added 1 more core (from 2 to 3)?

  • @reb0rn said:
    @hostaris can you recheck ID=891 epic still not added 1 more core (from 2 to 3)?

    Check now

  • ID 907 , thank you

  • @hostaris VPS ID=908
    Please add the extra core.

  • @hostaris said:
    That is not our support email. We do not offer support via email with exceptions being clients who cannot use Discord. In which case clients are told to email [email protected] or [email protected]

    If you had been patient with your Discord ticket you wouldn't have had to find an email.

    A friendly reminder from a boomer customer, not all customers in hosting industry uses Discord. Perhaps because you are 17 makes you think everyone around you only uses Discord but creating a simple support email address is the most basic requirement if you want to survive in this sector. Otherwise your 9 months company won't be able to find many customers with that attitude.

    Thanked by 1PineappleM
  • @hostaris ID:885 tanks you pls add one more core

  • @barbaros said:

    @hostaris said:
    That is not our support email. We do not offer support via email with exceptions being clients who cannot use Discord. In which case clients are told to email [email protected] or [email protected]

    If you had been patient with your Discord ticket you wouldn't have had to find an email.

    A friendly reminder from a boomer customer, not all customers in hosting industry uses Discord. Perhaps because you are 17 makes you think everyone around you only uses Discord but creating a simple support email address is the most basic requirement if you want to survive in this sector. Otherwise your 9 months company won't be able to find many customers with that attitude.

    It's not a common rule that every provider should provide support in this sector. Even some has ticket system, they seldomly reply it.
    It's a lucky thing OP provides Discord support under this price, low-end customers should learn to adapt providers instead of the opposite.

  • VPS ID=904 and 905
    Please add the extra core.

  • Please add the extra core on VPS ID 909.
    I wonder why I have bought that VPS today 20/11 but renewal on 14/11 next year :-?

  • ID 910, thank you!

  • hostarishostaris Member
    edited November 2023

    @barbaros said:

    @hostaris said:
    That is not our support email. We do not offer support via email with exceptions being clients who cannot use Discord. In which case clients are told to email [email protected] or [email protected]

    If you had been patient with your Discord ticket you wouldn't have had to find an email.

    A friendly reminder from a boomer customer, not all customers in hosting industry uses Discord. Perhaps because you are 17 makes you think everyone around you only uses Discord but creating a simple support email address is the most basic requirement if you want to survive in this sector. Otherwise your 9 months company won't be able to find many customers with that attitude.

    We know. The reason why we use Discord is plastered on our website. The company is not 9 months old by the way, we operated as a partnership for a while. We do have a support email - [email protected].

    Respectfully, even if it is our decision to only offer Discord support, that is our decision and if you are not happy with that then you don't need to use our services. We are surviving pretty good, just because we use Discord to offer quick personal support doesn't mean we are a failing business.

  • VPS ID:911
    Please add the extra core.

  • @hostaris VPS ID=912
    Please add the extra core.

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