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★ Stop using weak 1GB VPS plans and get 4GB today + AMD 7950X VPS Node rollout ★ - Page 4
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★ Stop using weak 1GB VPS plans and get 4GB today + AMD 7950X VPS Node rollout ★



  • Could you offer backup?

  • ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##



    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

    Thu Oct 26 11:14:48 AM UTC 2023

    Basic System Information:

    Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes
    Processor : AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
    CPU cores : 4 @ 4499.992 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM : 7.8 GiB
    Swap : 0.0 KiB
    Disk : 199.9 GiB
    Distro : Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    Kernel : 6.1.0-9-amd64
    VM Type : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6 : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

    IPv6 Network Information:

    ISP : The Optimal Link Corporation
    ASN : AS40156 The Optimal Link Corporation
    Host : The Optimal Link Corporation
    Location : Houston, Texas (TX)
    Country : United States

    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4k (IOPS) 64k (IOPS)
    Read 562.40 MB/s (140.6k) 5.10 GB/s (79.7k)
    Write 563.88 MB/s (140.9k) 5.12 GB/s (80.1k)
    Total 1.12 GB/s (281.5k) 10.23 GB/s (159.8k)
    Block Size 512k (IOPS) 1m (IOPS)
    ------ --- ---- ---- ----
    Read 7.82 GB/s (15.2k) 8.59 GB/s (8.3k)
    Write 8.24 GB/s (16.0k) 9.17 GB/s (8.9k)
    Total 16.07 GB/s (31.3k) 17.77 GB/s (17.3k)

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):

    Provider Location (Link) Send Speed Recv Speed Ping
    Clouvider London, UK (10G) 1.75 Gbits/sec 1.55 Gbits/sec 103 ms
    Scaleway Paris, FR (10G) 2.16 Gbits/sec 1.58 Gbits/sec 104 ms
    NovoServe North Holland, NL (40G) 1.56 Gbits/sec 394 Mbits/sec --
    Uztelecom Tashkent, UZ (10G) 1.01 Gbits/sec 572 Mbits/sec 202 ms
    Clouvider NYC, NY, US (10G) 4.01 Gbits/sec 4.43 Gbits/sec 32.3 ms
    Clouvider Dallas, TX, US (10G) 715 Mbits/sec 1.30 Gbits/sec 6.30 ms
    Clouvider Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) 3.17 Gbits/sec 4.81 Gbits/sec 36.7 ms

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):

    Provider Location (Link) Send Speed Recv Speed Ping
    Clouvider London, UK (10G) busy 1.48 Gbits/sec 103 ms
    Scaleway Paris, FR (10G) 1.99 Gbits/sec 1.11 Gbits/sec 107 ms
    NovoServe North Holland, NL (40G) 1.51 Gbits/sec 424 Mbits/sec 116 ms
    Uztelecom Tashkent, UZ (10G) 982 Mbits/sec 624 Mbits/sec 202 ms
    Clouvider NYC, NY, US (10G) 5.04 Gbits/sec 4.87 Gbits/sec 32.3 ms
    Clouvider Dallas, TX, US (10G) 8.28 Gbits/sec 3.29 Gbits/sec 6.47 ms
    Clouvider Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) 5.08 Gbits/sec 4.01 Gbits/sec 36.7 ms

    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:

    Test | Value
    Single Core | 2907
    Multi Core | 8762

    This is awesome 💯

    Thanked by 1oplink
  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    @hiphiphip0 said:
    Could you offer backup?

    We do offer backups, prices are in cart

  • Do your KVM instances allow for customers to install custom ISO images?

  • @oplink said:
    We do offer backups, prices are in cart

    How does backup storage work?
    Is it like a snapshot which user could convert into an image?
    or a storage box which needs to be configured by user?

  • if i can pay for server with no setup fee i will buy now

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    @th3gaith said:
    if i can pay for server with no setup fee i will buy now

    Easy.. Pay annually + get 5% off.


  • @oplink said:

    @th3gaith said:
    if i can pay for server with no setup fee i will buy now

    Easy.. Pay annually + get 5% off.


    i really want to but its to much for me and i dont have much thats why

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    @hiphiphip0 said:
    How does backup storage work?

    We take a full image backup of your VPS. Its stored to another server in our datacenter. You can restore up to 2 weeks back. SolusVM2 does not offer the option to turn backups into templates, I think its on the roadmap.

    @FrankCastle said:
    Do your KVM instances allow for customers to install custom ISO images?

    We do not, we use pre-set templates. What are you looking for?

  • kyc is hardest here, never seen anywhere on this forum

  • with such kyc i am concerned about the adequacy of this company / person.

  • @tsoft said:
    with such kyc i am concerned about the adequacy of this company / person.

    because he didn't accept your crypto?

  • tsofttsoft Barred
    edited November 2023

    No, paypal

    1. Your Paypal payment name or email does not match the name you signed up with.
    2. You ordered from a VPN/Proxy Server.
    3. Your paypal account is not verified.

    1 - ok, I paid from company, there are no name, only company name
    2 - just resident IP, not VPN
    3 - see 1, Paypal account corporate verified many times

    Overall, first time see in hosting/non-hosting someone does Paypal verification. But he performs verification in rediculous way, can't even detect resident IP. Curious, where he checks it. What database is so poor.

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    @tsoft said:
    kyc is hardest here, never seen anywhere on this forum

    Why? We are here to help. Open a ticket [email protected]

    We have more than 1 way to verify you if you have had trouble.

    Pretty simple to sign up, pass these and we will prob accept your order

    1. Don't order from a VPN
    2. Don't order 1000s of miles away from your billing address
    3. Use your real name when ordering
    4. Use your matching email to your paypal account.

    This stuff is pretty standard for anyone on LET.

  • How do you check VPN or not?

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    @tsoft said:
    How do you check VPN or not?

    maxmind and ip lookup/whois

  • DanSummerDanSummer Member
    edited November 2023

    @tsoft said:
    How do you check VPN or not?

    LOL. :)

  • maxmind database is inaccurate. Asn, city.

    But I think you use an outdated database file :D

    Just for curiosity checked IP, and the latest maxmind databases correctly detected it.

    Well, if you rely on outdated tools in kyc, then I do not know what to think about your competency :D

    Also, paypay, corporate account will show company name. But overall, it is ridiculous to check Paypal name, maybe friend paid, family...

  • @oplink said:
    maxmind and ip lookup/whois

    but question is still open, how do you exactly detect VPN? Just because of 1000 miles from IP?

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    @tsoft said:
    maxmind database is inaccurate. Asn, city.

    But I think you use an outdated database file :D

    Just for curiosity checked IP, and the latest maxmind databases correctly detected it.

    Well, if you rely on outdated tools in kyc, then I do not know what to think about your competency :D

    Also, paypay, corporate account will show company name. But overall, it is ridiculous to check Paypal name, maybe friend paid, family...

    We use them as tools all accounts are manually reviewed. Yes, you must pay with your own funds, not John Doe

    Cant win them all and make everyone happy...

  • @tsoft said:

    @oplink said:
    maxmind and ip lookup/whois

    but question is still open, how do you exactly detect VPN? Just because of 1000 miles from IP?

    Easy, check your ip here

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    Easy, check your ip here

    Plus just looking at the ip whois you can quickly see a residential cable/fiber or even business internet IP.

  • Yes, that's why I asked. Because ipinfo shows ISP. Do you really use ipinfo?
    A bit confused how you detected my resident IP as VPN o_O

  • But everything you do for kyc is nonsense.

    Detecting VPN / proxy by IP does not work.

    Only on client level you can detect it. By webrtc, webrtc timing, webrtc traps (for anti-detects), webrtc local ips, tcp fingerprint, etc. Also performance timings, some recent APIs in chrome bypass proxies.

    What you do only damages user experience of your service. You try to minimize fraud, but you do it ridiculous way.

  • but ipinfo is also also incorrect sometimes

    I recently was able to approve this change of AS198605, from ISP to Business.
    Convinced them that it is not ISP, after many debates :D due to usage

    so even ipinfo is incorrect... that's why it is not serious to perform kyc this way.

  • oplinkoplink Member, Patron Provider

    I really think your looking way too far into this. Are you going to place an order or just highjack the thread?

    All factors are manually reviewed when ordering, not just VPN by itself. Our system of approving orders has been working for a long time.

    If you need help getting your order verified please email us.

  • @tsoft said:
    But everything you do for kyc is nonsense.

    Detecting VPN / proxy by IP does not work.

    Only on client level you can detect it. By webrtc, webrtc timing, webrtc traps (for anti-detects), webrtc local ips, tcp fingerprint, etc. Also performance timings, some recent APIs in chrome bypass proxies.

    What you do only damages user experience of your service. You try to minimize fraud, but you do it ridiculous way.

    You really have a lot of time on your hand. First, you insisted he waive the setup fee, then you wanted to pay with crypto if he can't waive the fee, then you wanted IP from a particular subnet..

    I see the story of a happy customer writing itself already :)

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • @oplink you going to restock the premium stash high storage vps? im itching for minio backups and would buy a couple

  • With the VDS is it only the cores available or are the vCore also available to use?

  • @oplink said:

    @tsoft said:
    How do you check VPN or not?

    maxmind and ip lookup/whois

    Have you try IP2Proxy?

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