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All new Registrations are manually reviewed and approved, so a short delay after registration may occur before your account becomes active.
Requests Forum Guidelines
When creating a thread in the "Requests" sub-forum, please include all necessary information so that our members and providers can point you in the right direction.
We need all the details below, either ranges or exact values to help you find what you're looking for.
VZ Type: Eg. KVM, OpenVZ, LXC, Xen, or ANY! Number of Cores: RAM: Disk Space: Disk Type: Bandwidth: Port Speed: DDoS Protection: Yes or No. Maybe is not an answer to this question, if you think you might need it then answer yes. Number of IPs: If this is higher than 3 then please also state their use. Location: The above should be a region, city, DC or AS number. Budget: The above should be in USD. If you prefer a different currency use the current exchange rate with your preferred currency in brackets. Eg. $7/month (£5.60) Billing period: You can specify multiple options. Eg. Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly
This post has been approved by @Ishaq.
It is my hope that the community will adopt this as a template, simply post a link to this thread if you feel someone has not been descriptive enough in their request.
If you have any comments or suggestions please let me know.
FYI, the thread is sinking...
Nobody looks specifically in the requests forums, so very few people will actually read this before making a request, just saying.
make it sticky for user with provider tag maybe ?
Good luck on the new role @trewq
Thank you for the comment @tr1cky, that is something I was concerned about too. Although this thread is only stickied to the Requests forum I've seen a fantastic uptake. If you see a request that doesn't have enough detail, please link this thread, it's much easier than playing 20 questions.
In my opinion there are already too many global announcements. I'm not really interested in clogging the top of the page up with content that doesn't effect everyone.
Thanks @zafouhar!
If there is a request, can the provider reply with their own URL to provide something that matches the requirement of request ?
Congratulations @trewq!
Can Members (no Provider tag) respond to people with offers with their own company here or is that not allowed?
That's pretty much self explanatory, no ?
Clearly you won't have a public offer if you didn't had your provider tag.
Basically I need to know what company you represent and so does anyone glancing at the thread. If it's obvious then I don't care. If it's not obvious, add it to your signature.
The problem we had here was people were doing this and pretending to be providers who didn't even have an order form. Most likely trying to subsidize their dedicated servers running proxmox or something. It was consistently generating complaints of scamming.
Confusing as hell indeed. I thought Jarland was a rep from Jarland hosting LTD.
May I suggest you activate group links for "usa", "europe", etc on leb-web? If I'm looking for vps anywhere in Europe, I have to scroll over Austria, France, Germany, Italy, etc and it still does not cover all countries...
Why didn't I see the place to post?
Are you serious?
CPU option may also be added to the list, say core or Speed, etc.
Weird offer thread.
The interesting fields are just empty?
I suppose i dont know how this works but i made a thread asking for bulletproof hosting and it was taken down. Is requesting for that service against the rules here?
Yes. This is a permban offense, assuming you mean the typical definition of bulletproof.
Anyone remember CyberB**ker ?
Can I request a reseller or only VPS?
Hello! We’d like to request to post an offer or somehow ask for the requirements to post an offer. We are currently hosting a deal and we’d like to ask for some permission to post it🙂
Please do not necropost.
Read the rules if you haven't already.