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Trouble w/ ChicagoVPS
I've run a small VPS for project management purposes, using a great deal I found through lowendboxes -- 2GB memory, 80GB space, 2TB bandwidth, for about $4.50/month. I've had some tickets over the years that were silly things, like failures to actually renew my domain (they're my registrar, as well) after payment, but they were always resolved in a day or two.
Most recently, though, I tried to pay to keep my service going before my service expired, and good cards keep getting declined. I have an open ticket. I have no idea whether I'm triggering an anti-fraud system, or if their payment contractors just refuse to do business with them.
The ticket got a reply "we're sending this to billing" -- and billing never got back to me. I posted a message on their website, which resulted in a "we'll get back to you" response on Facebook, and a "Try again -- if our anti-fraud stuff is a problem, we can manually override". I tried again on Monday, and had the same problem, and told them so in the ticket tracker -- with no response yet. Today, I asked again, and suggested that the ticket get elevated to a level where a reply could actually happen.
In the meantime, my service is down for about 1.5 weeks, and they're invoicing me late fees!! Their client portal has been PAINFULLY slow, and they've been non-responsive.
I've got my SQL database backed up, and that's really the only thing that I need to save from the server.
It would be easier for me to bring this service back up, but its not looking good. I have little experience with VPS's, but as I found the service through this site, I figured I'd post a "something might be up over there" post, and maybe ask if anyone knows of a similar level of service at a similar price from a more robust company.
Not surprised, and your fault for signing up for an absolute shitty ass company.
You can't get top notch service for $4.50/mo, and NEVER have your domain with your host. Then you risk loosing both your hosting and domain.
Oh you can. Not from CC though.
That's obviously sad to read. Have you tried to contact them again via facebook? Are you able to reach the payment page or are you blocked before?
In general billing team tends to be always slower but 10 days is not professional.
You shouldnt keep all your stuff with one company (hosting, dns, domain registration), it allows that one company to hold you hostage. Or royally screw up your business if they suddenly deny you access to your account. If you use 3 different companies you can always move your stuff in the event of trouble.
What's done is done, OP. At least you have your databases backed-up. In the mean time, since you're unhappy with CVPS, perhaps it's time to find an alternative host.
If you can afford it, Google Cloud SQL or RDS are both excellent. Otherwise, there's a number of providers here who offer excellent VPS services.
As much as I'd like to make you an offer, I fear that our prices might not be a good fit for you if you need 80 GB of storage for your databases.
Stay away from ChicagoVPS. Run away from that company as fast as you can from ChicagoVPS & BlueVM.
↑ this!
I've pre-written a draft of his response here:
"Everything is fine, I don't know what you're talking about, we have thousands of happy customers, we're growing like mad, my penis is huge, LET is a junkyard, don't believe what you read here, those holes that let people pass our customer databases around were 0-day exploits that no one could fix, let me take a moment to bash a few competitors with half truths, peace out".
Points of view, let's make a girl judge
@raindog308 if you had half a brain you would know I am no longer running ChicagoVPS, that being said you finally have said some truth!
The fact that ChicagoVPS is as large as it is, and gets virtually no complaints is pretty impressive.
@scotts I have contacted the manager as ChicagoVPS and got this resolved, your VPS is back online in the next few minutes. The delayed ticket response is not acceptable.
@sysadmin @jbiloh - fix his stuff, a customer that is reasonably happy with your service must be worth keeping surely.
Post an offer on LEB or open a thread here asking for CVPS feedback and let's test that.
Because when these things have been done in the past, the feedback was voluminous and uniformly negative.
@raindog308 that will not work because it will be the same 10-20 people that always have something negative to say and have not used ChicagoVPS ever, or if they have was many many years ago.
To be fair it usually does not require someone asking, either they have very few customers left or they are mostly happy. Whatever way, as long as the op is happy.
To be fair this might actually be the first complaint I have read this year, as opposed to the almost daily stuff at one point last year.
Although to be clear, I am still suspicious that this one post member is Chris creating an advert and discussion, but then I am old and unforgiving of some past events..
@CVPS_Chris enters and his theme song plays...
Sorry, but every time I see you in a thread I still think of this song and laugh!
takes a moment of silence
Funny, I always had this song in mind when Chris appeared. At least back in the days.
Maybe LET member stay far away from them only few left so we wont have many complain thread coming.
It happens with me when I order yealy windows vps. They even dont know which copy of windows they included license.
I spoke to the ChicagoVPS manager, Nick, who advised that he resolved this for you yesterday. Let me know if we can help in any other way.
Nice observation. The work we've done since acquiring ChicagoVPS in September 2015 has been paying off.
By 'work' to you mean 'sacking Chris'?
I am still involved, just not day to day operations.
'Moved upstairs', huh? Probably the safest place, keeps you out of trouble whilst keeping you on the payroll to make sure you don't go blabbing about what goes on...
Typical response from legacy members, wont even waste my time addressing this fully. Good day sir
IT was a fucking joke, you nonce.
The legacy member vs the nonce
Hmm... what's the odds on offer?
You should NEVER bet on the nonce. FACT.