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thoughts on having a community support forum for your conpany.
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thoughts on having a community support forum for your conpany.

shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep
edited March 2013 in General

I'm considering making a forum on ShoveHost. What are your thoughts on this? HostGator, JaguarPC, etc. Have them but obvioulsy none of the hosts in this community are quite as big.



  • seriesnseriesn Member
    edited March 2013

    How big is your clientale? Do you have enough english speaking clients who are willing to put their valuable time on your forum? If buyvm, urpad, CVPS etc. have forum, I can see that being helpful but a provider who can't afford to pay 200$/mo for a server, I don't see it working out.

    Community forum for small host is a terrible idea.

  • Why

  • You should be making your own decisions since your a CEO and ask your executives for there comments rather then LET but anyways....

    Even then JaguarPC forums isn't really active and they are pretty big so and another one is eUKHosts who have a forum but it's pretty dead to even though they are big as well. It would only make you look bad with a dead forum.

  • trewqtrewq Administrator, Patron Provider

    You can ask them how to spell company ;)

  • CoreyCorey Member

    @seriesn said: Community forum for small host is a terrible idea.

    Done it before... didn't work well. I invited all customers and they came in and posted a few times never to post again..... I think it would work well if you weren't geared towards people that know what they are doing.

  • bobbybobby Member


  • ztecztec Member

    A wiki with FAQ would be a better idea.

  • RobertClarkeRobertClarke Member, Host Rep

    @bobby Laughed at that.

    @shovenose Unless you've got thousands of clients, I really don't think it will be worth your time.

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    next question will be: How do you install a forum

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep

    Nah I've run several forums. But I guess I won't add a forum for ShoveHost

  • @shovenose said: Nah I've run several forums

    None of which were successful, were they?

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep

    Hardware Insights is now belonging to my friend who continued it, Web Hosting Chatter would have bee successful had I had the time. So what the fuck is your problem?

  • @shovenose said: Hardware Insights is now belonging to my friend who continued it, Web Hosting Chatter would have bee successful had I had the time. So what the fuck is your problem?

    Gee "CEO". Nice excuse but none of which are valid ;)

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep

    @seriesn how about, asshole, you go crawl in a hole and die. That would be nice. Meanwhile, please do not post in my thread anymore.

    Please close @Liam thank you.

  • @shovenose said: how about, asshole, you go crawl in a hole and die. That would be nice. Meanwhile, please do not post in my thread anymore.

    Real mature sir. Real mature..

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    I agree that ghost town forums make it look like a host has no customers.

  • thoughts on having a community support forum for your conpany.

    Isn't it a bit late to be asking this question? If you had doubts about whether it was appropriate to use the LET community as your company's support forum you should have PM'ed Chief or Liam before you started doing it. :)

    1. you will need to regulary maintain it, delete spam bots, etc.. and be active even without other potential forum members activity
    2. people will use it to complain about crappy service, etc.. you won't like it

    Are you sure that you want such forum?

  • @Spirit said: people will use it to complain about crappy service, etc.. you won't like it

    JaguarPC deletes those or removes from public view. Not much of a forum ;)

  • @seriesn said: JaguarPC deletes those or removes from public view.

    This most likely piss off clients even more then.

  • shovenoseshovenose Member, Host Rep

    Yeah they removed like all of my posts I hate JPC.

  • seriesnseriesn Member
    edited March 2013

    @Spirit said: This most likely piss off clients even more then.

    Small provider like myself will value clients complain, big player like JPC will just show you the door.

  • edited March 2013

    @seriesn said: big player like JPC will just show you the door

    Until you appear at WHT with well argumented review of service backed by proof :P

  • @Spirit said: Untill you appear at WHT with well argumented complain backed by proof :P

    Nahh. Their customer support is lacking for a long time and with the peanut money they want to pay to their techs/support, I can see why this is growing. Communication is the key. If a client has to reach me through some 3rd party forum or site because they couldn't reach me using my own channel, I suck or I failed somewhere. That is the only explanation I can see. Unless a client is the type of "OMG HOST SUSPENDED ME CUZ I NO PAY 4$ BILL ON TIME AND NOW I NO CAN HAZ BACKUP, TELL ME HOW TO SUE" or really unreasonable, I don't see a reason to have negative publicity, 'nuff said.

  • edited March 2013

    @seriesn said: Communication is the key.

    That's what I always say. Things can go wrong, things can go down.. but as long is host transparent regarding this, answer tickets, etc... I have no issues with this most of the time. Just be honest, just be kind, try to be helpful, show that you care... and I will patiently wait in hope that things will be solved soon.
    What piss me off is arrogance and ignorance. Not answering support tickets when is issue evidently at hosts side - this is what usually piss of people to start complain threads.
    I am not saying that all clients are brilliant. Far from that and I know that hosts needs to go through a lot of crap - but now I am talking about some general stance: When you mess up don't act like you don't care and people have no right to complain. Low price have nothing to do that. People are concerned regarding their service. Show them that you care and you're doing all to fix issue asap.

  • @Patrick said: You should be making your own decisions since your a CEO and ask your executives for there comments rather then LET but anyways....

    I never would have know you are able to display sarcasm. Good thing I noticed your post.

  • @seriesn said: @shovenose said: how about, asshole, you go crawl in a hole and die. That would be nice. Meanwhile, please do not post in my thread anymore.

    lol, these wankers are digging their own grave, great to watch them go down. More please of this crap.

  • DewlanceVPSDewlanceVPS Member, Patron Provider
    edited March 2013


    You can do anything but If your forum is inactive then maybe you will also lose some new customers.

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    High five to anyone who puts "ShoveHost Board of Directors" in their signature.

  • bobbybobby Member

    @DewlanceVPS said: You can do anything


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